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looking for the id of the item and then go to gameserver / stats and look for it. Next edit the stats, when finished go to fileedit and open itemname-e, find the id of the item you just edited, modificaste adds the stats on the server and then save the changes


i have edit the C:/server/gameserver/data/stats/weapon and no change the stats on weapon only give me p.attack  more.On weapon tell the same p.attack as before :S

and on itemname-e no have to change p.attack :S


itemname-e is to display the status that you have you injected or modify your item. which is the id of the item you want to change? you can put the lines here?


course, but that's the itemname-e. show that only the item that you write in this


to give you the stat you should modify it in gamesever / data / stats


search the id 492 and put the settings here.


i have do

<item id='492' name="Tattoo of Mage">
    <add val='146' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>
    <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>




Well, there you add new lines with the stats you want to have the item.


for example


<item id='492' name="Tattoo of Mage">


    <add val='146' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>

    <mul val='1.5' order='0x30' stat='pAtk'/>

    <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef'/>




give 50% more of patk


and next to add this line (or others) go to itemname-e and find id 492 and add:


492 Tattoo of Mage L2OverClock Men+1,Wit+1,Int+1,PAtk+50%. -1 0 0 0


and ready. this is an example only, but you add any stat


good luck!


You don't get it. It is NOT in itemname. Check in armorgrp, at the end of the line. You will see like 0 0 0 1 65 0 0 or something. '65' is the displayed P.Def and the '1' is the grade (5 for S, 6 S80, etc).


course, you're right about that. I said what is the description of the item.

to display as the pdef must change in armorgrp, but i do not know where

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