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GM Looking for Serious Project to work in.

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Looking a Server to be Dev - GM.

Age: 19

Nickname/Name : Denis lesour

Country: Greece

Languages: English , Russian , Greek , Ukranian.

Lineage II Experience: Playing Lineage II over 5 years now , i've been Dev + Gm on many Servers like ~> L2Odin , L2Juice [juice was my server ], L2Incon , L2Vorpal [ was Hi5 ] , and L2e-global , well e-global is very old server, doesn't exist anymore.


Why i'm looking a server to be a GM ?

~>I Decided that i want to Join one server , or if i will get linked from someone.Also wanna find one serious person , or a team of 1/2 +3 max people to work with on a serious Project.Well ofcursen is not nesseccery a serious project , but it would be fine if i would find one to work in.


Why you should Recruit me to you're Team?


I'm experienced a lot on Dev and Gm also. Can help you in-game with costumazing you're server , fixing server issues + problems , helping ppl [well that's easy ^^ ] , can be online more than 15 hours a day , evailable to Pay Money if the project is serious ofcurse.

Whoever is intrested can Reply me here or take my infos :


Skype : Stalker.Unknown

Yahoo : exillionS@yahoo.com



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How can a guy that barely speaks the English language have Developement skills?Developing ain't English?I just don't get it...


Explain me what you mean with that dude? You wanna know how the fuck a greek know some many languages or what? :D and btw i'm not greek . ;p

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Explain me what you mean with that dude? You wanna know how the -beep- a greek know some many languages or what? :D and btw i'm not greek . ;p


What I mean is that most of your sentence sequences don't make any sense at all, which means that your English knowledge is not any higher than a basic level.


Doesn't development, especially for a game like Lineage 2, require high English knowledge?

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Explain me what you mean with that dude? You wanna know how the -beep- a greek know some many languages or what? :D and btw i'm not greek . ;p

He means that you can't have development skills since you can't even speak ENGLISH! So you can't say that you can speak so many languages, also I doubt about your Greek nationality

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Doesn't development, especially for a game like Lineage 2, require high English knowledge?

Not really, but....


Explain me what you mean with that dude? You wanna know how the -beep- a greek know some many languages or what? :D and btw i'm not greek . ;p



PSD: You should know well english , so you can use web-designment.




You've been GM on unknown servers, can barely speak English and understand your own sentences, wants others to speak English yet you can't, try to sell 'web designment' when you don't see how crusty your sig is, claim to understand English, has problems recognizing your own nationality. Tell me, why should people recruit you again?

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Not really, but....





You've been GM on unknown servers, can barely speak English and understand your own sentences, wants others to speak English yet you can't, try to sell 'web designment' when you don't see how crusty your sig is, claim to understand English, has problems recognizing your own nationality. Tell me, why should people recruit you again?


Guess he's Russian.

Chuck Norris hasn't been in Russia, yet?


And why none saw this: ''Well ofcursen'' ? XD

He's inventing a new language. Germenglish.


Looken, youren Englishen isn'ten gooden toen been aen factoren inen aen serveren. Youen mighten been aen gooden personen inen realen lifeen, buten thisen isn'ten realen lifeen.


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