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Megaupload owner just got arrested!


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they attacked it yesterday night

it was down for arround 1 hour

anonops said these attacks are the biggest in the history


So, why don't they keep those websites down?

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Department of Justice (Justice.gov)

Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA.org)

Universal Music (UniversalMusic.com)

Belgian Anti-Piracy Federation (Anti-piracy.be/nl/)

Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA.org)

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI.gov)

HADOPI law site (HADOPI.fr)

U.S. Copyright Office (Copyright.gov)

Universal Music France (UniversalMusic.fr)

Senator Christopher Dodd (ChrisDodd.com)

Vivendi France (Vivendi.fr)

The White House (Whitehouse.gov)

BMI (BMI.com)

Warner Music Group (WMG.com)


Anonymous launches largest attack ever, crippling government and music industry sites. Hacktivists with the collective Anonymous are waging an attack on the website for the White House after successfully breaking the sites for the Department of Justice, Universal Music Group, RIAA and Motion Picture Association of America.


Many members of Congress have just changed their stance on the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA, the raid on Megaupload Thursday proved that the feds don’t need SOPA or its sister legislation, PIPA, in order to pose a blow to the Web.

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Ok, all you wanna be conspiracy theorists our there.

This shit was made to take your attention away, from what you've been ''fighting'' the past years.

Don't pay attention to this crap. They will have to make a million of jail, for pirates.

None will follow this law.

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Ok, all you wanna be conspiracy theorists our there.

This shit was made to take your attention away, from what you've been ''fighting'' the past years.

Don't pay attention to this crap. They will have to make a million of jail, for pirates.

None will follow this law.


You see, taking down the "big head" makes the rest be afraid ;)

If they keep shutting down huge sharing websites like 4shared/rapidshare what do you think will happen?

Do you think there will be anyone sharing pirate shits while he knows he might be in-danger to be jailed?

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You see, taking down the "big head" makes the rest be afraid ;)

If they keep shutting down huge sharing websites like 4shared/rapidshare what do you think will happen?

Do you think there will be anyone sharing pirate shits while he knows he might be in-danger to be jailed?


It's like you have a pig farm dude.

You must kill a pig, in order to survive. Either to earn money, either to eat it.


So, the whole story, is a big fail. There's like 98% of the world, who doesn't want that.

In this case, we're in Europe, not in the US. That shouldn't affect us, cause we're not their slaves.


In other words..

Find European servers, hosting sites, movie sites, mp3 download sites and stuff.

They can't affect that.



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It's like you have a pig farm dude.

You must kill a pig, in order to survive. Either to earn money, either to eat it.


So, the whole story, is a big fail. There's like 98% of the world, who doesn't want that.

In this case, we're in Europe, not in the US. That shouldn't affect us, cause we're not their slaves.


In other words..

Find European servers, hosting sites, movie sites, mp3 download sites and stuff.

They can't affect that.




I can bet that the europe will follow US in this "progress called SOPA&PIPA&etc

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I can bet that the europe will follow US in this "progress called SOPA&PIPA&etc


Well, even if that happens, people will get mad.

But all we need is motivation, to do the right thing.

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    • adapt for 409 version wtih old config/sql/html's only the core update!   package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import net.sf.l2j.commons.lang.StringUtil; import net.sf.l2j.commons.math.MathUtil; import net.sf.l2j.Config; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.data.SkillTable; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.data.manager.BufferManager; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Creature; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Player; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Summon; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.template.NpcTemplate; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ItemList; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.MagicSkillUse; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.L2Skill; public class SchemmerBuffer extends Folk { private static final int PAGE_LIMIT = 6; public SchemmerBuffer(int objectId, NpcTemplate template) { super(objectId, template); } private void showMainWindow(Player activeChar) { final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); html.setFile(getHtmlPath(getNpcId(), 0)); html.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(getObjectId())); html.replace("%name%", activeChar.getName()); html.replace("%buffcount%", "You have " + activeChar.getBuffCount() + "/" + activeChar.getMaxBuffCount() + " buffs."); activeChar.sendPacket(html); } @Override public void onBypassFeedback(Player player, String command) { if (player.getPvpFlag() > 0 && Config.PRESTRICT_USE_BUFFER_ON_PVPFLAG) { player.sendMessage("You can't use buffer when you are pvp flagged."); return; } if (player.isInCombat() && Config.PRESTRICT_USE_BUFFER_IN_COMBAT) { player.sendMessage("You can't use buffer when you are in combat."); return; } if (player.isDead()) return; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, " "); String actualCommand = st.nextToken(); if (actualCommand.startsWith("bufflist")) { autoBuffFunction(player, st.nextToken()); } else if (actualCommand.startsWith("restore")) { String noble = st.nextToken(); player.getStatus().setMaxCpHpMp(); if (noble.equals("true")) { SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1323, 1).getEffects(player, player); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(this, player, 1323, 1, 850, 0)); } final Summon summon = player.getSummon(); if (summon != null) summon.getStatus().setMaxHpMp(); showMainWindow(player); } else if (actualCommand.startsWith("cancellation")) { L2Skill buff; buff = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(1056, 1); buff.getEffects(this, player); player.stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath(); player.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(this, player, 1056, 1, 850, 0)); player.stopAllEffects(); final Summon summon = player.getSummon(); if (summon != null) summon.stopAllEffects(); showMainWindow(player); } else if (actualCommand.startsWith("openlist")) { String category = st.nextToken(); String htmfile = st.nextToken(); NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId()); if (category.startsWith("null")) { html.setFile("data/html/mods/buffer/" + htmfile + ".htm"); // First Page if (htmfile.equals("index")) { html.replace("%name%", player.getName()); html.replace("%buffcount%", "You have " + player.getBuffCount() + "/" + player.getMaxBuffCount() + " buffs."); } } else html.setFile("data/html/mods/buffer/" + category + "/" + htmfile + ".htm"); html.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(getObjectId())); player.sendPacket(html); } else if (actualCommand.startsWith("dobuff")) { int buffid = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()); int bufflevel = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()); String category = st.nextToken(); String windowhtml = st.nextToken(); String votebuff = null; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) votebuff = st.nextToken(); if (windowhtml.equals("malaria")) { if (player.getInventory().getItemCount(Config.PVOTE_BUFF_ITEM_ID, 0) >= 1) { player.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("VoteCoins", Config.PVOTE_BUFF_ITEM_ID, 1, player, null); player.sendPacket(new ItemList(player, true)); player.sendMessage(1 + " Vote eye destroyed."); } else { player.sendMessage("You dont have enough (" + 1 + ") vote item for buff."); return; } } if (votebuff != null) { if (player.getInventory().getItemCount(Config.PVOTE_BUFF_ITEM_ID, 0) >= Config.PVOTE_BUFF_ITEM_COUNT) { player.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("VoteCoins", Config.PVOTE_BUFF_ITEM_ID, Config.PVOTE_BUFF_ITEM_COUNT, player, null); player.sendPacket(new ItemList(player, true)); player.sendMessage(Config.PVOTE_BUFF_ITEM_COUNT + " vote stone destroyed."); } else { player.sendMessage("You dont have enough (" + Config.PVOTE_BUFF_ITEM_COUNT + ") vote item for buff."); return; } } Creature target = player; if (category.startsWith("pet")) { if (player.getSummon() == null) { player.sendMessage("Incorrect Pet"); showMainWindow(player); return; } target = player.getSummon(); } MagicSkillUse mgc = new MagicSkillUse(this, target, buffid, bufflevel, 1150, 0); player.sendPacket(mgc); player.broadcastPacket(mgc); SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffid, bufflevel).getEffects(this, target); NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId()); html.setFile("data/html/mods/buffer/" + category + "/" + windowhtml + ".htm"); html.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(getObjectId())); html.replace("%name%", player.getName()); player.sendPacket(html); } else if (actualCommand.startsWith("getbuff")) { int buffid = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()); int bufflevel = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken()); if (buffid != 0) { SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffid, bufflevel).getEffects(this, player); broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(this, player, buffid, bufflevel, 450, 0)); showMainWindow(player); } } else if (actualCommand.startsWith("support")) { showGiveBuffsWindow(player); } else if (actualCommand.startsWith("givebuffs")) { final String schemeName = st.nextToken(); final int cost = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); Creature target = null; if (st.hasMoreTokens()) { final String targetType = st.nextToken(); if (targetType != null && targetType.equalsIgnoreCase("pet")) target = player.getSummon(); } else target = player; if (target == null) player.sendMessage("You don't have a pet."); else if (cost == 0 || player.reduceAdena("NPC Buffer", cost, this, true)) BufferManager.getInstance().applySchemeEffects(this, target, player.getObjectId(), schemeName); } else if (actualCommand.startsWith("editschemes")) { showEditSchemeWindow(player, st.nextToken(), st.nextToken(), Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())); } else if (actualCommand.startsWith("skill")) { final String groupType = st.nextToken(); final String schemeName = st.nextToken(); final int skillId = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); final int page = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); final List<Integer> skills = BufferManager.getInstance().getScheme(player.getObjectId(), schemeName); if (actualCommand.startsWith("skillselect") && !schemeName.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) { if (skills.size() < player.getMaxBuffCount()) skills.add(skillId); else player.sendMessage("This scheme has reached the maximum amount of buffs."); } else if (actualCommand.startsWith("skillunselect")) skills.remove(Integer.valueOf(skillId)); showEditSchemeWindow(player, groupType, schemeName, page); } else if (actualCommand.startsWith("createscheme")) { try { final String schemeName = st.nextToken(); if (schemeName.length() > 14) { player.sendMessage("Scheme's name must contain up to 14 chars. Spaces are trimmed."); return; } final Map<String, ArrayList<Integer>> schemes = BufferManager.getInstance().getPlayerSchemes(player.getObjectId()); if (schemes != null) { if (schemes.size() == Config.PBUFFER_MAX_SCHEMES) { player.sendMessage("Maximum schemes amount is already reached."); return; } if (schemes.containsKey(schemeName)) { player.sendMessage("The scheme name already exists."); return; } } BufferManager.getInstance().setScheme(player.getObjectId(), schemeName.trim(), new ArrayList<>()); showGiveBuffsWindow(player); } catch (Exception e) { player.sendMessage("Scheme's name must contain up to 14 chars. Spaces are trimmed."); } } else if (actualCommand.startsWith("deletescheme")) { try { final String schemeName = st.nextToken(); final Map<String, ArrayList<Integer>> schemes = BufferManager.getInstance().getPlayerSchemes(player.getObjectId()); if (schemes != null && schemes.containsKey(schemeName)) schemes.remove(schemeName); } catch (Exception e) { player.sendMessage("This scheme name is invalid."); } showGiveBuffsWindow(player); } super.onBypassFeedback(player, command); } @Override public String getHtmlPath(int npcId, int val) { String filename = ""; if (val == 0) filename = "" + npcId; else filename = npcId + "-" + val; return "data/html/mods/buffer/" + filename + ".htm"; } /** * Send an html packet to the {@link Player} set a parameter with Give Buffs menu info for player and pet, depending on targetType parameter {player, pet}. * @param player : The {@link Player} to make checks on. */ private void showGiveBuffsWindow(Player player) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200); final Map<String, ArrayList<Integer>> schemes = BufferManager.getInstance().getPlayerSchemes(player.getObjectId()); if (schemes == null || schemes.isEmpty()) sb.append("<font color=\"LEVEL\">You haven't defined any scheme.</font>"); else { for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Integer>> scheme : schemes.entrySet()) { final int cost = getFee(scheme.getValue()); StringUtil.append(sb, "<font color=\"LEVEL\">", scheme.getKey(), " [", scheme.getValue().size(), " / ", player.getMaxBuffCount(), "]", ((cost > 0) ? " - cost: " + StringUtil.formatNumber(cost) : ""), "</font><br1>"); StringUtil.append(sb, "<a action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_givebuffs ", scheme.getKey(), " ", cost, "\">Use on Me</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;"); StringUtil.append(sb, "<a action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_givebuffs ", scheme.getKey(), " ", cost, " pet\">Use on Pet</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;"); StringUtil.append(sb, "<a action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_editschemes Buffs ", scheme.getKey(), " 1\">Edit</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;"); StringUtil.append(sb, "<a action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_deletescheme ", scheme.getKey(), "\">Delete</a><br>"); } } final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); html.setFile(getHtmlPath(getNpcId(), 1)); html.replace("%schemes%", sb.toString()); html.replace("%max_schemes%", Config.PBUFFER_MAX_SCHEMES); html.replace("%objectId%", getObjectId()); player.sendPacket(html); } /** * Send an html packet to the {@link Player} set as parameter with Edit Scheme Menu info. This allows the {@link Player} to edit each created scheme (add/delete skills) * @param player : The {@link Player} to make checks on. * @param groupType : The group of skills to select. * @param schemeName : The scheme to make check. * @param page : The current checked page. */ private void showEditSchemeWindow(Player player, String groupType, String schemeName, int page) { final NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); final List<Integer> schemeSkills = BufferManager.getInstance().getScheme(player.getObjectId(), schemeName); html.setFile(getHtmlPath(getNpcId(), 2)); html.replace("%schemename%", schemeName); html.replace("%count%", schemeSkills.size() + " / " + player.getMaxBuffCount()); html.replace("%typesframe%", getTypesFrame(groupType, schemeName)); html.replace("%skilllistframe%", getGroupSkillList(player, groupType, schemeName, page)); html.replace("%objectId%", getObjectId()); player.sendPacket(html); } /** * @param player : The {@link Player} to make checks on. * @param groupType : The group of skills to select. * @param schemeName : The scheme to make check. * @param page : The current checked page. * @return A {@link String} representing skills available for selection for a given groupType. */ private String getGroupSkillList(Player player, String groupType, String schemeName, int page) { // Retrieve the entire skills list based on group type. List<Integer> skills = BufferManager.getInstance().getSkillsIdsByType(groupType); if (skills.isEmpty()) return "That group doesn't contain any skills."; // Calculate page number. final int max = MathUtil.countPagesNumber(skills.size(), PAGE_LIMIT); if (page > max) page = max; // Cut skills list up to page number. skills = skills.subList((page - 1) * PAGE_LIMIT, Math.min(page * PAGE_LIMIT, skills.size())); final List<Integer> schemeSkills = BufferManager.getInstance().getScheme(player.getObjectId(), schemeName); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(skills.size() * 150); int row = 0; for (int skillId : skills) { final String icon = (skillId < 100) ? "icon.skill00" + skillId : (skillId < 1000) ? "icon.skill0" + skillId : "icon.skill" + skillId; sb.append(((row % 2) == 0 ? "<table width=\"280\" bgcolor=\"000000\"><tr>" : "<table width=\"280\"><tr>")); if (schemeSkills.contains(skillId)) StringUtil.append(sb, "<td height=40 width=40><img src=\"", icon, "\" width=32 height=32></td><td width=190>", SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, 1).getName(), "<br1><font color=\"B09878\">", BufferManager.getInstance().getAvailableBuff(skillId).getDescription(), "</font></td><td><button action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_skillunselect ", groupType, " ", schemeName, " ", skillId, " ", page, "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"L2UI_CH3.mapbutton_zoomout2\" fore=\"L2UI_CH3.mapbutton_zoomout1\"></td>"); else StringUtil.append(sb, "<td height=40 width=40><img src=\"", icon, "\" width=32 height=32></td><td width=190>", SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, 1).getName(), "<br1><font color=\"B09878\">", BufferManager.getInstance().getAvailableBuff(skillId).getDescription(), "</font></td><td><button action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_skillselect ", groupType, " ", schemeName, " ", skillId, " ", page, "\" width=32 height=32 back=\"L2UI_CH3.mapbutton_zoomin2\" fore=\"L2UI_CH3.mapbutton_zoomin1\"></td>"); sb.append("</tr></table><img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=277 height=1>"); row++; } for (int i = PAGE_LIMIT; i > row; i--) StringUtil.append(sb, "<img height=41>"); // Build page footer. sb.append("<br><img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=277 height=1><table width=\"100%\" bgcolor=000000><tr>"); if (page > 1) StringUtil.append(sb, "<td align=left width=70><a action=\"bypass npc_" + getObjectId() + "_editschemes ", groupType, " ", schemeName, " ", page - 1, "\">Previous</a></td>"); else StringUtil.append(sb, "<td align=left width=70>Previous</td>"); StringUtil.append(sb, "<td align=center width=100>Page ", page, "</td>"); if (page < max) StringUtil.append(sb, "<td align=right width=70><a action=\"bypass npc_" + getObjectId() + "_editschemes ", groupType, " ", schemeName, " ", page + 1, "\">Next</a></td>"); else StringUtil.append(sb, "<td align=right width=70>Next</td>"); sb.append("</tr></table><img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=277 height=1>"); return sb.toString(); } /** * @param groupType : The group of skills to select. * @param schemeName : The scheme to make check. * @return A {@link String} representing all groupTypes available. The group currently on selection isn't linkable. */ private static String getTypesFrame(String groupType, String schemeName) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(500); sb.append("<table>"); int count = 0; for (String type : BufferManager.getInstance().getSkillTypes()) { if (count == 0) sb.append("<tr>"); if (groupType.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) StringUtil.append(sb, "<td width=65>", type, "</td>"); else StringUtil.append(sb, "<td width=65><a action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_editschemes ", type, " ", schemeName, " 1\">", type, "</a></td>"); count++; if (count == 4) { sb.append("</tr>"); count = 0; } } if (!sb.toString().endsWith("</tr>")) sb.append("</tr>"); sb.append("</table>"); return sb.toString(); } /** * @param list : A {@link List} of skill ids. * @return a global fee for all skills contained in the {@link List}. */ private static int getFee(ArrayList<Integer> list) { if (Config.PBUFFER_STATIC_BUFF_COST > 0) return list.size() * Config.PBUFFER_STATIC_BUFF_COST; int fee = 0; for (int sk : list) fee += BufferManager.getInstance().getAvailableBuff(sk).getPrice(); return fee; } private void autoBuffFunction(Player player, String bufflist) { ArrayList<L2Skill> skills_to_buff = new ArrayList<>(); List<Integer> list = null; if (bufflist.equalsIgnoreCase("fighter")) list = Config.PFIGHTER_SKILL_LIST; else if (bufflist.equalsIgnoreCase("mage")) list = Config.PMAGE_SKILL_LIST; if (list != null) { for (int skillId : list) { L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(skillId)); if (skill != null) skills_to_buff.add(skill); } for (L2Skill sk : skills_to_buff) sk.getEffects(player, player); player.updateEffectIcons(); list = null; } skills_to_buff.clear(); showMainWindow(player); } }  
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