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interlude Ancient Wars Interlude L2 Faction Server


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Isn't this just the darth vader server except for new name and different faction names + free domain? D:

yes i bought it so what :D , and free domain for now  just i got limited paypal munch :D

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Bishops are like claw server?

I mean every pt and 1-2-3 bishops?


what you mean? just party if someone gets 1 kill then all rewarded .. + xp too about bishops ? what you mean? tell me and suggest me i am all ears

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what you mean? just party if someone gets 1 kill then all rewarded .. + xp too about bishops ? what you mean? tell me and suggest me i am all ears

in l2 claw every pt had 2-3 bishops so you couldnt play pvp cause bishops always heal
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in l2 claw every pt had 2-3 bishops so you couldnt play pvp cause bishops always heal

oh thanks for the info tommorow i will add limitation on pt


currently heals got some reuse so bishop is balanced but yeah 2-3 will fuck the balance on a pt so i will add the limitation soon


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