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god [L2J] For The Winners Gaming Grand Opening 1. 10. 2011!

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Grand Opening is coming!

You are all welcome to try the server and have some fun but hurry!

Since the beta testing went good enough and we tested and fixed all the issues left, we can finally say that:

We are officially opening the server on 1st October 2011 20:00 GMT+2.



It's a new interlude project with everything well put in place, we worked for several months to bring to you the best interlude experience you can get.


The server is a PvP high rate with a little part of lvl-ing and farming but nothing too fancy...

You won't find here any "special farming zones" or any "special drops" which you would have to farm. We chose simple (ancient) adena system.

Also there's no "vote-reward" system to force you to be online 24/7.

We added some extra armors and weapons to make interlude a bit more interesting, but don't expect any superninja imbalanced gear - everything's as balanced as possible thanks to retail stats.

Stats are taken from the official website and we didn't change anything in order to keep the balance between classes.




Working Fortress, Clan Hall and Castle siege

Full fixed all Raid / Grand Boss (Frinteza, Sepulchers, etc.)

Working cursed weapons

Augmentation fully working

Auto Learn skills working

Wedding system implemented

Raidboss respawn: 8H (all grand raidbosses)

Olympiad starting at 18:00 server time each day and lasts 6 hours,

1 Month hero cycle

Offline shop system implemented.

No subclass quest needed.

Rebirth System (delevel + get new skill)

Hero skills for subclasses (You have to become a hero twice)

Kill-Counter [How many times you (have been) killed (by) somebody]

Exp+Sp for PvP

War Legend System [15 kills in a row]

Quake System [Killing Spree]

Homosexuality allowed :)

Custom implemented armors:

Dynasty armor, retail stats.

Custom implemented weapons:

Goddess of destruction feature weapons, stats exactly like icarus.

Custom implemented jewls:

Vesper jewels, retail stats.



- Normal - 99-58% / Failure Penalty Enchant set to Crystals

- Blessed – 99-78% / Failure Penalty Enchant set to +3

- Crystal - 50% / Failure Penalty Enchant set to keep the current value

- Max enchant - +20.

- Safe enchant - +3.


Duel works perfectly

Class balance is revised, untouched, all characters are retail 100%.

No custom farming zone, all your items are buyable with adena and

ancient adena so anyone can farm and PvP’s and wars get more

user friendly.

Custom weapon glow looking hero-like depending on the enchant.

Anti boot capcha enabled to prevent boots and afk people.

Custom PC bang points feature enabled.

Event Manager:

Automatic event machine

- Team vs Team

- Capture the Flag

- Town Wars

- Deathmatch



XP: x200

SP: x200

PartyXp: x1.5

PartySp: x1.5

DropAdena: x300

ConsumableCost: custom

DropItems: x1

DropSealStones: x5

DropSpoil: x1

DropManor: x1

DropQuest: x1

QuestsReward: x1

KarmaExpLost: x1

DropRaidBoss: x1

Max Subclass: 3

Buffs: 30+4 (divine buffs)


Special NPCs:

Global Gatekeeper for all the areas.

Engraver NPC added so all items can be engraved and keep trace of in case of theft.

Full Player and Pet NPC Buffer with schemes and more features, buffs last 5 hours.

Gm Shop till S grades.

Special GM shop for customs.

Nobless NPC.



Geodata: Enabled

Path Mode: Enabled

Fully working no errors, best geodata for

PvP servers, custom edited for best gameplay.


Custom Commands:

.away / .back [afk mode]

.deposit / .withdraw [bank]

.online [ammount of online players]

.stat [show targets statistics]

.stats [show targets event statstics]

.tvtjoin / .tvtleave

.ctfjoin /.ctfleave

.dmjoin / .dmleave

.repair [useful when your char (on same acc) stucks]


Join us for the beta testing and follow us for the official launch!


You can find the updater on our official website in the download section.


Thank you for your time and join us on







Wtf are those customs lmao ,if you want customs just add appela with greater stats and majestic with same stats for beauty ,Foolish omg ,/kill ,noone like those disgusting customs and btw ,your topic sucks ,if a gm would see you made this black letters on purpose ,you would get a -1 [omg ,black on black ,youre kidding me?]




Wtf are those customs lmao ,if you want customs just add appela with greater stats and majestic with same stats for beauty ,Foolish omg ,/kill ,noone like those disgusting customs and btw ,your topic sucks ,if a gm would see you made this black letters on purpose ,you would get a -1 [omg ,black on black ,youre kidding me?]

+1 for black letters part they are kinda annoying :S

@kingsoul for some reason in every topic i check u r there spamming and saying shit...dont u like it? just dont join u dont have to spam S: also stop typing "OMG" everywhere it makes u look like a 5 years old kid


old l2 is much better than news one ,ofc goddesses sucks ,is too unrealistic ,too fiction ,fiction makes ugly cause we are like humans in this game not super heroes legends ,ofc top to vesper l2 is beauty (vesper is a dramatic surround of noncolors which makes the beauty ,if a red vesper would exist would ruin the game same as freya ,dynasty is something else ,dynasty is for kings ,kings always wear red ,thats why dynasty is beautiful too ,and majestic blabla are like 1890 classic style and sexy blabla]


Sounds Cool and Interesting server...as for beauty those things can change easily ..the most important thing is balance and working features. And i think both exist...so don't spam this topic from the 1st day!

Good Luck with your server.

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