Mefesis Posted September 19, 2011 Posted September 19, 2011 Server Info Website: * Rates: x3000 XP x3000 SP x100 ADENA x30 Party x1 RB Drop * Normal scrolls Enchant Rate: 75% * Blessed Scrolls Enchant Rate: 100% * Safe enchant +5 * Max enchant +25 * Enchant colors for every enchant from 0 to +25 * Karma Drop Rate: 30% after 10 pks * PvP Flag Time: 1 min Server Features * Custom GM Shop (all items you need ) * Custom NPC Buffer (one for all buffs) - buff duration 2 hours , no buffs limit * Custom GateKeeper (all zones + farm zones + leveling zones) * Custom NPC Wedding (check Rune Town - church) * Custom NPC Warehouse (personal/clan/freight) * Custom NPC Powers (supreme power / vitality system) * Custom NPC Trader/Exchanger (gold bars / coin of luck / b scrolls) * Working Nobles Class (custom noblesse system - Talien Giran) * Working Hero Class (olympiad working 100% without bugs, heroes are announced 2 times/month) * C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude features and stats working 100% * C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude areas working 100% * Stable Build 100% Uptime (we dont have in mind to wipe it - daily backups) Special Features * Custom Items with nice stats that maintain the class balance * Daily cool and fun events * Custom announce message for castle lord * Boss jwls in shop * Special Raid Boss ( lifestones / letters/ gb & col) * Regeneration 100% (mana,cp,hp) * 4 Large farming areas (at GK) * New system for PvP Combat * Subclass system : 5 non-stackable subclasses available for one char * Unstuck interval is 10 seconds * No karma guards in farm zones * Spawn protection 30 seconds * No penalty for clan/ally * All rb have 3 hours respawn time and level 80 (no penalty) * 10 flags available for each clan during the siege * Clan war can be declared with at least 2 members in your clan * Away system using commands: .away / .back * Offline store even after server restart (direct login) * .stats command for viewing other players stats like pvp, hp, etc * War Legend system after 10 consecutives pvps * Sieges every week * .repair command for your character (stuck problems, login erros, etc) ...and many others " Join us today, because tomorrow will be too late " Website: Reply With Quote Quote
Malzahax Posted September 19, 2011 Posted September 19, 2011 you added anti-magaki13 protection? :/ Quote
DONALD TRUMP 2016 Posted September 19, 2011 Posted September 19, 2011 you added anti-magaki13 protection? :/ There is no reason to exploit servers. If you don't like it then go away and let people who like it play like a regular person. Quote
MmmRrrBug Posted September 19, 2011 Posted September 19, 2011 server fail agument skill 0 fix armor set is bug light = heavy and more bugs full skill unbalance gladator skill 100x power th op server ONE FAIL EVO I SAY WTB CORLEONE NOW .. SAY CLOSE EVO FOREVER MAN ... Quote
Confucius Posted September 23, 2011 Posted September 23, 2011 the class balance its not so got, because you see only mages,archers, daggers and some glads + titans, but its ok for 1 week. pvp is everywhere and today gm added a safe spot for newbies. i like it :D Quote
MmmRrrBug Posted September 23, 2011 Posted September 23, 2011 * Custom NPC Buffer (one for all buffs) - buff duration 2 hours , no buffs limit ---- im no sure .... no have summoner and ressit hm buff 1 h and 59 min * Regeneration 100% (mana,cp,hp) - sure but - 10% * Rates: x3000 XP x3000 SP x100 ADENA x30 Party x1 RB Drop --- rb drop 1-5 maybe ? * All rb have 3 hours respawn time and level 80 (no penalty) hm- i come kill rb in 2 h you go 3 h maybe see rb xaxaxa CUSTOM SET light = heavy but only name is light icon and effect is heavy PvP Flag Time: 1 min--- sure - 40 sec maybe pvp flag VERY VERY GOOD INFO 50% IS FAIL Quote
DONALD TRUMP 2016 Posted September 24, 2011 Posted September 24, 2011 This server is so unbalanced it's funny... Quote
MmmRrrBug Posted September 24, 2011 Posted September 24, 2011 soon i add pic omg stats multi skill and more have fun corleone you cant kid me ... Quote
sTNL Posted September 24, 2011 Posted September 24, 2011 WAIT WAIT WAIT! L2 evo like the l2evo c5 from like 4 years ago? Quote
Malzahax Posted September 24, 2011 Posted September 24, 2011 WAIT WAIT WAIT! L2 evo like the l2evo c5 from like 4 years ago? dont think so.. Quote
MmmRrrBug Posted September 24, 2011 Posted September 24, 2011 corleone soon you bb mxc know ? have fun man only game .. Quote
DONALD TRUMP 2016 Posted September 24, 2011 Posted September 24, 2011 yes, that`s the one ! evogames :) Not even close... This L2 Evo is NOTHING like the old times when people actually enjoyed playing. However I do have to express my viewpoint on your server for I have been here since like 2007-2008... Before it was good, it was cool with lots of players on. Over time I think the admin got mad with power and went bonkers and started putting 'vote or die' and 'vote or no buffer' policies in the server which killed the 'clean slate' it had and newbies disliked it because you can't even buff yourself. I remember when you had over a hundred players and made it to the top 10 in Hopzone, because your server was interesting and can entertain players with PvP and not so much farming. That was when L2 Evo was at its best times. You opened and closed server many times (dunno, donations? o_o) and opened it under new names too (im sure of it!). The one before this one (last year) was OK, although still unbalanced... This current L2 Evo has lost its touch. There is minimal advertisement (didnt make it to mainstream topsites), SUPER UNBALANCE, Corleone making weird changes (like mage seed skills doing 7000 damage constantly with 0 reuse), and extremely hard farm. I've been your faithful player and trust me when I say this that your servers have always been my favorite (dunno why, its real addicting) and I could never leave it. If I uninstall patch or say I quit I always end up coming back 2 hours later. What the administration lacks is care. First off the admin NEVER logs in game and make useful fixes in forum (its true...). He has not tested his own server as a player either to see how hard and abnormal some things are, so he can't confirm whether a report is true or not and just ends up closing the topic based on secondary sources. The second thing server lacks is originality and entertainment. Farming 400 billion Adena/AA (200/200) is NOT entertaining for anybody incase you have not noticed. All I have to say is that you should really start caring for the server a little more then you are now and maybe bump up the gameplay/uniqueness a bit. I have been in your 'admin' position before and I do understand how hard/annoying it is to administrate a server putting up with constant complaints all the time. PS: Do not spam your tldr thing, if you don't wanna read my essay then skip it... Quote
Raptordd Posted September 25, 2011 Posted September 25, 2011 Not even close... This L2 Evo is NOTHING like the old times when people actually enjoyed playing. However I do have to express my viewpoint on your server for I have been here since like 2007-2008... Before it was good, it was cool with lots of players on. Over time I think the admin got mad with power and went bonkers and started putting 'vote or die' and 'vote or no buffer' policies in the server which killed the 'clean slate' it had and newbies disliked it because you can't even buff yourself. I remember when you had over a hundred players and made it to the top 10 in Hopzone, because your server was interesting and can entertain players with PvP and not so much farming. That was when L2 Evo was at its best times. You opened and closed server many times (dunno, donations? o_o) and opened it under new names too (im sure of it!). The one before this one (last year) was OK, although still unbalanced... This current L2 Evo has lost its touch. There is minimal advertisement (didnt make it to mainstream topsites), SUPER UNBALANCE, Corleone making weird changes (like mage seed skills doing 7000 damage constantly with 0 reuse), and extremely hard farm. I've been your faithful player and trust me when I say this that your servers have always been my favorite (dunno why, its real addicting) and I could never leave it. If I uninstall patch or say I quit I always end up coming back 2 hours later. What the administration lacks is care. First off the admin NEVER logs in game and make useful fixes in forum (its true...). He has not tested his own server as a player either to see how hard and abnormal some things are, so he can't confirm whether a report is true or not and just ends up closing the topic based on secondary sources. The second thing server lacks is originality and entertainment. Farming 400 billion Adena/AA (200/200) is NOT entertaining for anybody incase you have not noticed. All I have to say is that you should really start caring for the server a little more then you are now and maybe bump up the gameplay/uniqueness a bit. I have been in your 'admin' position before and I do understand how hard/annoying it is to administrate a server putting up with constant complaints all the time. PS: Do not spam your tldr thing, if you don't wanna read my essay then skip it... I think if he was a little smarter he would make it more likable for players and get money. . . much money as in the old days Quote
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