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hellbound [L2J - H5] "The World" server /Preview

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50x Lineage II High-Five Server "The World"


Visit us at Lineage II The World - H5 50x Server


-=Server Rates=-


*XP - 50x

*SP - 50x

*Adena Drop - 50x

*Items Drop - 10x

*Quest Item Drop - 10x

*Quest Adena/Material Reward - 10x

*Spoil - 20x

*Epic Jewelry Drop - 10x

*Weight Limit - 3x

*Safe Enchant Limit +3 (+4 for fullbody)

*Maximum Enchant Limit +16

*Olympiad Enchant Limit +6

*CP/HP/MP Recovery - 1x (retail-like)

*Weapon/Armor/Jewelry Normal Enchant Chance - 66%

*Weapon/Armor/Jewelry Blessed Enchant Chance - 66%

*Attribute Stones Enchant Chance - 50%

*Attribute Crystals Enchant Chance - 30%


-=Working Retail Features=-


*Class Skills, Damage and Resistance calculation - static damage from focus/force charge skills, buff cancel skills working retail-like, buff cancel resistances working retail like (only L2 Off servers have this).

*In-Game Mail System with the new H5 interface.

*Item Broker Auction with adjusted prices.

*H5 Olympiad Instanced Stadiums with perfect Geodata.

*All types of reflected damage counting towards overall damage dealt in Olympiad (no other server has this implemented).

*H5 Hunting Grounds, with fully working monster skills and new item drops/spoils - get things like Giants Codex, Forgotten Scrolls, Top Life Stones, Attribute Stones and Attribute Crystals from more hunting grounds and monsters than ever before!

*H5 Updated Noblesse Quest - new places and mobs for Crimson Moss and Succubus Claws - ingredients part gone - alternative way of obtaining Rain Song Staff (killing Barakiel part).

*Sel Mahum Training Grounds all monsters spawned with working quests.

*Raid Bosses stats, skills and drop updated to H5

*Epic RB H5 drop added - RB cloaks and headgears.

*Instanced Epic RBs - Zaken Night, Day and Day 83 - Freya Easy and Hard modes

*Seven Signs Epic Quest Series

*H5 Raid Boss Weapons - droppable from the appropriate RBs, enchantable, can add SA and PvP bonus to them.

*Chambers of Delusion instances.

*All Gracia Seed instances.

*Complete Hellbound with all stages - pre-set to level 11 for players convenience.

*Town shops all updated to H5 retail items and prices.

*Exchangeable Attribute Stones for Attribute Crystals at Attribute Manager NPCs in Aden and Rune.

*Arena Manager NPCs updated to High Five.

*Cursed Weapons - enjoy Akamanah and Zariche once more.

*Most quests working - we keep fixing and adding new ones all the time.


-=Custom Features=-


*Quality anti-bot protection.

*Unlimited accounts per player - multibox as much as you like.

*Class changing option + Class Changer NPC - no need to do profession change quests.

*Subclasses without doing the quest.

*Subclass Certification Skills without doing More Than Meets the Eye quest.

*Scheme Buffer NPC for both players and pets, with 2 hours buffs and improved default auto-buff sets.

*Convert Crystals function at Giran's Luxury Shop.

*Offline Shops script.

*Restricted zones and minimum distance from players and NPCs for private sell/buy/craft shops.

*XP on/off commands.

*Global teleport function added to regular Gatekeepers + Global GK NPC for places without GK (i.e. Hellbound).

*Buffs remain on class change, pets remain summoned on relog.

*Noblesse Manager NPC - become Noblesse without doing the quest.

*Daily 83+ Solo Instance Event for all characters.

*Custom "New Adena" currency which can be sold, traded with other players and stored in WH.

*Special Shop NPC offering items for New Adena.

*Customized Medal Trader NPC offering all Soul Crystal stages and Enchant Scrolls.

*Champion mobs system - Bison mobs.

*Server Info Central NPC - provides information about the server in-game.

*TvT Event with 10 different instanced battlegrounds - Kso Baba mobs spawned for Necromancer players convenience.

*Sexy custom NPC Morrigan.

*Merchant and Blacksmith of Mammon spawn announcements.

*Wedding system - use .gotolove to teleport to your partner.

*System message showing the total amount of damage dealt by each player at the end of each Olympiad match.

*Adjusted fees and bidding costs for clan halls, clan hall functions, castle functions and item broker auction - according to the server rates.

*Blacksmith Shadai spawned all the time at Citadel Outpost.

*MP potions available on Medal Trader Helba, but cannot be used in PvP combat.

*CP and QH pots increase reuse delay.


*And some surprises which you'll find out if you join us.


-=Gameplay Environment=-


*Dedicated, active and experienced staff - no GM cheating, no VIP players, excellent support.

*Dynamic donation system - rare and top-grade items become available for purchase only after they are crafted/dropped by normal gameplay on the server for the first time.

*Basic rules only - no language restrictions in-game, no dictatorship management - botting and cheating attempts seriously punished though.

*High quality server hardware.

*Interactive website and forums.


Visit us at Lineage II The World - H5 50x Server

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