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Many people searched for an english GOD server to test , and here it is.





"The setup wizard will be in korean language. After apply our patch he will be change in english. More infos on site"


Grand Opening 01/09/2011


  Server Rates:



    - 25x - EXP

    - 25x - SP

    - 25x - Adena

    - 5x - Drop

    - 5x - Spoil


      Server details:



    - Lineage 2 Goddess of Destruction;

    - GmShop;

    - Custom Buffer;

    - RaidBoss working 100%;

    - Hardcore Siege working 100%;

    - Class Changer NPC;

    - Custom NPC;

    - Auto Learn Skills System

    - Events: Auto TvT (More Comming soon);



    - Time Buff: 30 Minutes;

    - Time Dance: 30 Minutes;

    - Time Song: 30 Minutes;

    - Max Enchant: 16;

    - Safe Enchant: +3;



        Enchant Rates:

    - Enchant Armor Chance: 60%;

    - Enchant Weapon Chance: 60%;

    - Enchant Jewel Chance: 60%;


          Blessed Rates

    - Enchant Armor Chance: 70%;

    - Enchant Weapon Chance: 70%;

    - Enchant Jewel Chance: 70%;





is the awakening system working? and new skills?

anyway good luck


the awakening system work great and the god skills too




bump up up :P


stay tuned tomorrow Grand Opening ... you should load the Client ( Korean One)


Server Status : Online .



                                            Have Fun.


maybe u hard work server for but still bug's have :(

i just loged in said 288 online but i was ALONE and full of bugs

TP to Talking island ports you in the sea, change the coordinates in db


"ye it was hard work to translate the stuff. First trys."


Just tell me whats the point in launching a server where nothing is working as it should be... First there isnt a single new npc in talking island which is working,second you still haven't fixed the Talking island teleport and respawn locations(still using the H5 or older ones which port you into the sea),third do you really think people will lvl up on a x25 or x15(dont know which one is the true rate, in announcements it says x15 and here you say its x25) server just to see that the new classes and skills are not even added to the server ? And there is just no way you have 290 people online.For 20 min ingame I saw 2 players, 1 just created a char in talking and the second one was in Giran which was empty. These are the same server files that were shared here some time ago... You say you spent a lot of time translating the system folder, this was shared too..


this server is failed


awakening system: in any dream may be ?


how to do clan? U can't will be stucked!

how to make party? U will take crit error!! And this is 1 Week, Gm do nothing ...and only lie "will be fixed,this is beta" bla bla bla ...and When u join on server "286 online" no way ..next lie ...have max 10 ppl on! I farm and  server RR before RR i earn 3kk exp,after RR i join and earn 900k ....nice , this beta we can't look thys awakening system cuz no lvl 80++ mobs in Dragon Valley ...and all other zones is like a Freya ....


realy fail is this server ....


this server is failed


awakening system: in any dream may be ?


how to do clan? U can't will be stucked!

how to make party? U will take crit error!! And this is 1 Week, Gm do nothing ...and only lie "will be fixed,this is beta" bla bla bla ...and When u join on server "286 online" no way ..next lie ...have max 10 ppl on! I farm and  server RR before RR i earn 3kk exp,after RR i join and earn 900k ....nice , this beta we can't look thys awakening system cuz no lvl 80++ mobs in Dragon Valley ...and all other zones is like a Freya ....


realy fail is this server ....

Yea fail beacuse client GOD but server patch H5 so noone can make yet a real playable l2god server cuz dont have any god pach ^^
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