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Lineage II Faction Fortress T2-E


Lineage II Faction Fortress T2-E

Download: http://www.4shared.com/get/2-ioSoTG/...ionnet_60.html


Website: http://www.l2-faction.net




RateXp = 75.

RateSp = 75.

RatePartyXp = 1.5

RatePartySp = 1.5

RateDropAdena = 150.

RateConsumableCost = 1.

RateDropItems = 45.

RateRaidDropItems = 5.

RateDropSpoil = 60.

RateDropManor = 1


Enchant rate – 65%

Blessed enchant rate – 65%

Cristal enchant rate – 95%

Safe enchant – 3

Maximum enchant – 16


Weight limit is 100 times bigger

No death penalty

Autolearn skills (including “Divine Inspiration”)

Retail buff slots (20buffs + 12dances) (still not final – will check in TEST version)

Tutorial type Class master (no npc – question mark appears in corner when you meet criteria)

All (allowed) subclasess can be taken from any Grand Master/Magister/Chief.

Max subclass lvl is 80

Maximum private store slots extended by one (5 – dwarfs|4 – other)

Augment skill get chance – 15%/30%/45%/60% (only on weapons accordingly with non/mid/high/top lifestones)

Augment base stat get chance (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIT, MEN) – 1%

Glow effect – 5%/40%/70%/100% (with non/mid/high/top lifestones; non and mid can get glow only if skill or base stat is added)

Karmas can use GateKeeper – have fun

Reciepe books limit extended to 70

You can craft materials via blackshmits in towns if you have reciepe – you will need only one reciepe to craft as much mats as you need

Clan dissmiss/leave penalties removed. Other ally/clan penalties set to 1 day. Maximum clans in ally reduced from 3 to 2

Reduced player count needed for clan war from 15 to 3

Starting level is 20

Auto pickup enabled except for raid bosses

“/unstuck” interval is reduced from 5 minutes to 20 seconds

10 seconds of spawn protection

You can use petitions to report server bugs. IP ban is applied if this function will be abused!

Free teleporting through gatekeeper

No party penalties – partying with groups (even random) is a good idea

No grade penalty

Subclass can be taken without any quest and quest items.

Nobless quest has been shorten (you need only 3 and 4 parts).

Minimum players that can participate in Seven Signs festival are reduced from 5 to 2

Minimum rift party size is 2

Number of clan members needed to increase clan level to 6/7/8/9/10/11 is accordingly 6/7/8/9/10/15

Antharas/Valakas spawn – 24h +- 1h

Baium spawn – 12 +- 1h

Other bosses 6 +- 1h

Raid Boss spawn time is 4 to 5 ours. (Except Barakiel – 2h +- 30min)

All Raid Boss HP decreased by 30%

All Raid Fighters HP decreased by 40%

Removed CANCEL from all raid boses



Soul crystal leveling on raids


Champion system enabled

2% that mob (40-85lvl) will be champion; champion mobs has 10 times HP as normal mob, 2x HP regeneration, 1.5X atak(phys and magic) and 1.5X speed (attack and casting); champions will have 10X drop

Auto event is enabled

Offline Shops are enabled – make a shop -> alt+x -> Exit game.

Anti feed/dualbox system enabled.

Deep blue mobs/raid penalties are disabled. You can spoil/kill mob independent from mob’s lvl. Also “Raid Curse” is disabled.

Disabled Gracia Epilogue rule, when if a monster is 75lvl+, if you are 3 lvls bellow it’s lvl, damage will be greatly reduced.

Olympiad fights starts at 21:00.

Enchantments doesn’t count in oly.

Quest rates are adjusted to each quest seperatly.

All herbs are removed except Vitality/HP/MP herbs. Vitality herbs drop was increased a little.

After becoming a nobless every class gets Spoil and Sweeper skills.


Started today at 16:45 ,50 players online only because no advertising ,so come on fella's ,Let's play xD

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