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# Olympiad config


# Olympiad Start Time in Military hours Default 6pm (18)

OlyStartTime = 18


# Olympiad Start Time for Min's, Default 00 so at the start of the hour.

OlyMin = 00


# Olympiad Compeition Period, Default 6 hours. (1s = 1000)

# (If set different, should be increment by 10mins)

OlyCPeriod = 21600000


# Olympiad Battle Period, Default 6 minutes. (If set different, should be < AltOlyBWait) (1s = 1000)

OlyBattle = 360000


# Olympiad Battle Wait, Default 10 Minutes (1s = 1000)

OlyBWait = 600000


# Olympiad Inital Wait Period, Default 5 minutes (1s = 1000)

OlyIWait = 300000


# Olympiad Weekly Period, Default 1 week (1s = 1000)

OlyWPeriod = 604800000


# Olympiad Validation Period, Default 24 Hours. (1s = 1000)

OlyVPeriod = 86400000


# Olympiad allow matches from same ip.

OlySameIp = False


# Enchant limit for Olympiad battles.

# (Maximum enchant level allowed for an item to be equipped, -1 to disable)

OlyMaxEnchant = -1


# Restrict some items in olympiad. ItemID's need to be separated whit comma (ex. 1,200,350).

OlyRestrictedItems = 0


Pedes ti pirazo gia na dinei ta points molis telionei to match me mia kai pws pirazw otan dilonoun na mpenoun grigora plz fast help..thx

2 answers to this question

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1ον: είσαι σε λάθος section.... εδώ είναι το σωστό section http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=67.0

2ov: κάποιος mod να το move.....

3ον: αν δεν κάνω λάθος αυτά τα 2 αλλάζεις....

# Olympiad Battle Wait, Default 10 Minutes (1s = 1000)
OlyBWait = 600000

# Olympiad Inital Wait Period, Default 5 minutes (1s = 1000)
OlyIWait = 300000


4ον: οι πόντοι υπολογίζονται και δίνονται αυτόματα από το σύστημα....

  • 0

1ον: είσαι σε λάθος section.... εδώ είναι το σωστό section http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=67.0

2ov: κάποιος mod να το move.....

3ον: αν δεν κάνω λάθος αυτά τα 2 αλλάζεις....

# Olympiad Battle Wait, Default 10 Minutes (1s = 1000)
OlyBWait = 600000

# Olympiad Inital Wait Period, Default 5 minutes (1s = 1000)
OlyIWait = 300000


4ον: οι πόντοι υπολογίζονται και δίνονται αυτόματα από το σύστημα....

as poume afta ta 2 pwsw na ta kanw 1 min?

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