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Hello Dear Hopzone Community! L2coldnight is a Great Low and middle rate server. We are working hard to fix all bugs! Right now it is on BETA Mode that means that theres a Chance to check the server out! Official Start date is 20.08.2011

Any ideas to change? just make a poll and let the Players decide!

Everything till A Grade is buyable everything else you get by Crafting!


Why you should join?





- No lagg

- 99% of classes balanced... (daily updates for perfect balance)

- 98% of skills balanced

- No roleback

- Easy and Retail farm

- Helpfull + Very Active Staff




CPU : Intel I7 4x 3,8 + turbo boost technologie

Memmory (RAM) : 24 Gb ddr 3 Ram

Connection : 100 dedicated mb/s

HDD : 40 SSD Gb



Server Rates

-Xp Rate x 18

-Sp Rate x 18

-Adena Drop x 150

-Party XP x1.0

-Party SP x1.0


- Augmentation Mid LS Skill Chance = 30%

- Augmentation High LS Skill Chance = 50%

- Augmentation Top LS Skill Chance = 70%




- Safe enchant +3

- Max enchant +20

- Normal scroll chance - 65 %

- Blessed scroll chance - 75%

- Attribute stone chance - 50 %




- Custom NPC for clan/ally system

- Territory War System

- All Castle/Fortress Working

- Sieges weekly

- Clan Penalty 0 days

- Ally Penalty 0 days

- Max clan in Ally = 3

- Members in clan for war =10

- Members for increase clan = 1




- Team Vs. Team (TVT) event

- CTF Capture the Flag

- Many more

- Monster Race

- Daily Gm Events


- New character start with 3kk adena

- Max Subclasses = 3 ,max level of subclass = 83

- PvP/Pk message


- Olympiad 100 % working

- Dualbox protection



Custom NPCs

- Gm Shop

- General Helper NPC (AIO)

- Global Gatekeeper

- Buffer in Town

- Luxury Bufer in Castle & Fortress

- Wedding Manager



Server Protections

- l2 Wallker Protection

- All flood protections

- Spawn Protection = 30sec

- Bad Word Protection

- Olympiad Protection

- TvT Event Protection

- PvP farming Protection

- Buff delay protection




Looks like another fail server...


Don't want to flame and stuff...but there are like lots of servers out there with the same features....


Lineage 2 these days ain't unique anymore...only copy / paste servers.

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