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interlude L2Hunter The server Grand-Opening will be on 13.07.2011 TIme 2:30

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Exp = 1000x                                       Server Version: Interlude (c6).

# Server Style: PvP (High Rate)


SP = 1000x

Party Xp = 2x

Party Sp = 2x

Rate Adena = 30000x

All Buff's Time: 1 Hour's

You Can Take 40 Buff's lot

EnchantMaxWeapon = 20

EnchantMaxArmor = 20

EnchantMaxJewelry = 20

EnchantChanceWeapon = 90%

EnchantChanceArmor = 85%

EnchantChanceJewelry = 85%

BlessedEnchantChanceWeapon = 100%

CrystalEnchantChanceArmor = 85%

NormalEnchantChanceJewelry = 85%

EnchantSafe = 5

-GM Shop

-NPC Buffer

-Custom Trader

-Global GakteKeeper   Site http://l2hunterr.yolasite.com/ Download http://fisierulmeu.ro/4578L8MO1CMJ/system-rar.html

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