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Etsi ipos kserw patas Shift aristero click pas sto droplist kai prostheths new drop item ama dn petixei apo database kanto me ton proto tropo efkola kai grhgora  otan dwseis to drop kane rr to server sinithos dn ta pernoun xoris rr ....

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Apo kapio share ta ekana c/p den 8imame pio einai alla afta eiani des ama se help tpt xd


Hi everyone, 
here is some usefull SQL scripts (examples, you can edit them whatever you want) !

0 Weight for items/armors/weapons:


UPDATE `etcitem` SET `weight`=0 WHERE (SELECT item_id);
UPDATE `armor` SET `weight`=0 WHERE (SELECT item_id);
UPDATE `weapon` SET `weight`=0 WHERE (SELECT item_id);

Drop Adena 100%:


UPDATE `droplist` SET `chance`='1000000' WHERE `itemId`='57';

When you sell, everything will cost 0 adena:


UPDATE `armor` SET price=0 where price > 1;
UPDATE `etcitem` SET price=0 where price > 1;
UPDATE `weapon` SET price=0 where price > 1;

Update all RaidBoss 5000k hp:


UPDATE `npc` SET `hp`='5000000' WHERE (SELECT id) AND npc.type='L2Raidboss';

Delete all mobs under 40 lvl:


DELETE spawnlist, npc FROM spawnlist, npc WHERE spawnlist.npc_templateid=npc.idTemplate AND npc.level<40 AND npc.type='L2Monster';

Delete all materials and recipes from db:


DELETE FROM droplist WHERE itemid IN (SELECT item_id FROM etcitem WHERE item_type= 'material' OR item_type= 'recipe' );

Increase drop rate for recipes:


UPDATE droplist SET chance='1000000' WHERE id IN (SELECT item_id FROM etcitem WHERE type='recipe');

Delete characters and accounts if they do not connect for 3 months:


DELETE FROM characters WHERE lastAccess < 466560000; 
DELETE FROM accounts WHERE lastactive < 466560000;

Add for all monsters in drop: Coins


insert into droplist (mobId, itemid, chance, min, max,category) select id, 4037, 1000000, 1, 1, 52 from npc where type='L2Monster';

Top No-Grade in start:(Need to modif for kamaels)


REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (0, 'Human Fighter', 0, 40, 43, 30, 21, 11, 25, 4, 72, 3, 47, 330, 213, 33, 44, 33, 115, 81900, -71338, 258271, -3104, 0, '1.1', '1.188', 9, 23, '1.1', '1.188', 8, '23.5', 34, 26, 68, 4222, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (18, 'Elf Fighter', 1, 36, 36, 35, 23, 14, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 345, 249, 36, 46, 36, 125, 73000, 45978, 41196, -3440, 0, '1.15', '1.242', '7.5', 24, '1.15', '1.242', '7.5', 23, 34, 26, 68, 4222, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (31, 'DE Fighter', 2, 41, 32, 34, 25, 12, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 342, 226, 35, 45, 35, 122, 69000, 28377, 10916, -4224, 0, '1.14', '1.2312', '7.5', 24, '1.14', '1.2312', 7, '23.5', 34, 26, 68, 4222, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (44,'Orc Fighter', 3, 40, 47, 26, 18, 12, 27, 4, 72, 2, 48, 318, 226, 31, 42, 31, 117, 87000, -58192, -113408, -650, 0, '1.06', '1.144800', 11.0, 28.0 ,1.06, '1.144800', 7.0, 27.0, 34, 26, 257, 0, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (53, 'Dwarf Fighter', 4, 39, 45, 29, 20, 10, 27, 4, 72, 3, 48, 327, 203, 33, 43, 33, 115, 83000, 108512, -174026, -400, 1, '1.09', '1.487196', 9, 18, '1.09', '1.487196', 5, 19, 34, 26, 87, 4222, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (10, 'Human Mage', 0, 22, 27, 21, 41, 20, 39, 2, 48, 7, 54, 303, 333, 28, 40, 28, 120, 62500, -90890, 248027, -3570, 0, '1.01', '0.87264', '7.5', '22.8', '1.01', '0.87264', '6.5', '22.5', 1105, 1102, 177, 0, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (25, 'Elf Mage', 1, 21, 25, 24, 37, 23, 40, 2, 48, 6, 54, 312, 386, 30, 41, 30, 122, 62400, 46182, 41198, -3440, 0, '1.04', '0.89856', '7.5', 24, '1.04', '0.89856', '7.5', 23, 1105, 1102, 177, 0, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (38, 'DE Mage', 2, 23, 24, 23, 44, 19, 37, 2, 48, 7, 53, 309, 316, 29, 41, 29, 122, 61000, 28295, 11063, -4224, 0, '1.14', '1.2312', '7.5', 24, '1.03', '0.88992', 7, '23.5', 1105, 1102, 177, 0, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (49, 'Orc Mage', 3, 27, 31, 24, 31, 15, 42, 2, 48, 4, 56, 312, 265, 30, 41, 30, 121, 68000, -56682, -113730, -690, 0, '1.04', '0.89856', 7, '27.5', '1.04', '0.89856', 8, '25.5', 1105, 1102, 257, 0, 5588);

Add RaidBoss jewels if you have deleted them:


INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29001', '6660', '1', '1', '12', '300000');
INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29006', '6662', '1', '1', '8', '300000');
INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29014', '6661', '1', '1', '9', '300000');
INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29022', '6659', '1', '1', '13', '1000000');
INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29020', '6658', '1', '1', '2', '1000000');
INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29019', '6656', '1', '1', '31', '1000000');
INSERT INTO droplist VALUES ('29028', '6657', '1', '1', '34', '1000000');

Thx to 1tm
Delete all spellbooks from db:


DELETE FROM droplist WHERE itemid IN (SELECT item_id FROM etcitem WHERE item_type= 'spellbook' );

Increases Guards (p.def, m.def, p.atk, hp) by 50%:


UPDATE npc SET pdef = pdef * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET hp = hp * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET patk = patk * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET mdef = mdef * 1.5 WHERE type = 'L2Guard';

Decreases Raidboss defense by 40%:


UPDATE npc SET pdef = pdef * 0.6 WHERE type = 'L2RaidBoss';
UPDATE npc SET hp = hp * 0.6 WHERE type = 'L2RaidBoss';
UPDATE npc SET mdef = mdef * 0.6 WHERE type = 'L2RaidBoss';

All new player chars spawn loc:


UPDATE char_templates SET x=yourXcoordinate;
UPDATE char_templates SET y=yourYcoordinate;
UPDATE char_templates SET z=yourZcoordinate;

Increases all chars p.def/m.def by 10%:


UPDATE char_templates SET P_DEF = P_DEF * 1.1;
UPDATE char_templates SET M_DEF = M_DEF * 1.1;

Increases all chars speed by 20%:


UPDATE char_templates SET MOVE_SPD = MOVE_SPD * 1.2;

Increases all chars CP. At 20lv by 22%, at 40lv by 44%, at 76lv by 66%:
This one good one for longer pvps..


UPDATE lvlupgain SET defaultcpbase = Defaultcpbase * 1.66 WHERE class_lvl = '76';
UPDATE lvlupgain SET defaultcpbase = Defaultcpbase * 1.44 WHERE class_lvl = '40';
UPDATE lvlupgain SET defaultcpbase = Defaultcpbase * 1.22 WHERE class_lvl = '20';

MP rengerates 10 times more(unlimited mp):
Good one for high servers who has mp potions etc..


UPDATE lvlupgain SET defaultmpmod = defaultmpmod * 10.0;

Teleports cost 0 adena:


UPDATE teleport SET price=0;

Create common item skill delete:
It used as bug at olympiad, with it you can buff with soes, mental dagers etc in secs...


DELETE FROM skill_trees WHERE skill_id = 1320;
DELETE FROM skill_trees WHERE skill_id = 1322;

Grade penality delete:
Disables grade penality...


DELETE FROM skill_trees WHERE skill_id = 239;

Raidbosses always spawns with 70% hp:
More realistic that new spawned rb has not full hp. Good one for organized clans or parties...


UPDATE raidboss_spawnlist SET currentHp = currentHp * 0.7;

Dies adding price reduced to 5 adena (or increased to 100kk):
Good one for faction servers.


UPDATE henna SET price=5;
..or to 100kk (good one for high rates servers).


UPDATE henna SET price=100000000;

Newbie npc buffer buffes all buffs from 1lv to 62lv:
Really use full newbie characters to have all buffs from 1lv (if yuo want U may change upper level to 85, for daily bufer).


UPDATE helper_buff_list SET lower_level=1;
UPDATE helper_buff_list SET upper_level=62;

To enchant skill doesn't need exp/sp:
Good one for high rates servers or faction servers..


UPDATE enchant_skill_trees SET sp=0;
UPDATE enchant_skill_trees SET exp=0;

Auto server restart:
Every week..


INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "604800000", "86400000", "360");
Every two days..


INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "172800000", "86400000", "360");
Every 24h..


INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "86400000", "86400000", "360");
Every 12h..


INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "43200000", "43200000", "360");

Every 6h..


INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "21600000", "21600000", "360");
Every 3h..


INSERT INTO `global_tasks` VALUES ("5", "restart", "TYPE_SHEDULED", "2147483647", "10800000", "10800000", "360");

Thx to lekino
Custom Spawn in Giran Castle Town & items.(For Fighters Theca Leather Armor Set and Crystal Dagger .For Mystics Karmian Robe Set and Homunkulus's Sword)


UPDATE `char_templates` SET `x` = '83400',
`y` = '147943',
`z` = '-3404';
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '420',
`items2` = '400',
`items3` = '2436',
`items4` = '6358',
`items5` = '2460' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =0 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '420',
`items2` = '400',
`items3` = '2436',
`items4` = '6358',
`items5` = '2460' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =18 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '420',
`items2` = '400',
`items3` = '2436',
`items4` = '6358',
`items5` = '2460' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =31 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '420',
`items2` = '400',
`items3` = '2436',
`items4` = '6358',
`items5` = '2460' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =44 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '420',
`items2` = '400',
`items3` = '2436',
`items4` = '6358',
`items5` = '2460' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =53 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '439',
`items2` = '471',
`items3` = '2430',
`items4` = '2454',
`items5` = '6313' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =10 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '439',
`items2` = '471',
`items3` = '2430',
`items4` = '2454',
`items5` = '6313' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =25 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '439',
`items2` = '471',
`items3` = '2430',
`items4` = '2454',
`items5` = '6313' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =38 LIMIT 1 ;
UPDATE `char_templates` SET `items1` = '439',
`items2` = '471',
`items3` = '2430',
`items4` = '2454',
`items5` = '6313' WHERE `char_templates`.`ClassId` =49 LIMIT 1 ;

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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    • The Time Has Come!    Tomorrow, L2DoubleDamage officially launches! Get ready for epic PvP battles, legendary rewards, and tons of action-packed features!    Opening Date: February 28, 2025  Opening Time by Country:  Greece: 20:00  Brazil: 15:00  Russia (Moscow): 21:00  Argentina: 15:00  Important Note: The donation weapons, armors, and jewelry will be closed for 2 days for the donors.   Key Features:  100% PvP Full Balance – No Pay to Win!  Ultra Stable – No Wipes, Long-Term Project!  Siege Castles: Giran, Aden, Rune  Giran Siege Reward: 100€ Real Money! (Every week after: 50€)  VIP Autofarm: x2 Drop & Name Color Change  6 Grand Bosses & 6 Special Grand Bosses!  Casino – Try Your Luck & Win Big!  Daily PvP Events – Show off your skills!  Enchant Rates: Safe +6, Max +25  JOIN NOW and prepare for the ultimate PvP experience! Check out the official links below:    Website: L2DoubleDamage  Discord: Join Here  Instagram: Follow Us  YouTube: Watch the Trailer  Facebook: Like Our Page  Get ready! The adventure begins tomorrow!    🚀 JOIN NOW & Experience the Best PvP Gameplay Ever! 🚀 🌐 Website: http://www.l2doubledamage.com/ 💬 Discord: https://discord.gg/l2doubledamage 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/l2doubledamage/ 📘 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61573159438765&sk=about_contact_and_basic_info 📺 YouTube:  
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