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Reported Simmo for false accusations.


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In this thread http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=212099.0 Simmo accuses me for spamming.


I must say that this is total bull! Unless you have any proof that i'm anything related to l2ranking or bban, i would suggest you to STFU.

My involvement with bban ended when we decided to cancel the project l2primeval.


I dont want you retard trollers tainting my name with false accusations.


Simmo, i thought you were cool cause you spoke your mind at l2rebound forums about some people fking up the community, but now i see

that you're just a lapdog that barks when other people order you to.


My involvement with L2 has ended, im focusing on pron and porn.


Get a life and stop trolling.







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stop trolling and go fk ureself.


this post is meant for moderators, not for your post count.

if you dont see inreport section you dont make post ...so go -beep- yourself.. cuzz u are trolling like 1 kid.. wtf he stole you candy?
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Last warn for spamming here.Cheers

you see any spam??? i dont see any spam!! what is 1 motiv to report anyone???


Finito btw here u cant make post if you dont know... and btw just i told him is not anymotiv to report someone who say to him are spammer thats is the point..but i see you dont get it..


Nvm i am out from here...

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