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Hello, I bring you today a new server based on PTS Gracia Final +Advext files.

We know there are a lot of servers running now with these files retail like with everything working but...we were missing some decent High rate server not L2j and whats better than these files for that?


I present you WePlay Aqua x100

We have a lot of special features that i will try to list on this post, more are incoming, more ar undecided, you can check them full explained at our forum and help us to decide new ones if you like.


Dinamic Rates

You ever heard about them? I doubt it, this dinamics rates we have convert the server in a longer, funiest and high rate server without to lose ingame content on low levels, you will not be lvl 65 with 0 adenas in one single kamaloka, why? because experience and sp rates are changing with every expertise you get.


Levels From 1 to 20--> Experience and Sp x15

Levels From 20 to 30-->Experience and Sp x20

Levels from 30 to 40--> Experience and Sp x35

Levels From 40 to 61--> Experience and Sp x50

Levels From 61 to 76-->Experience and Sp x75

Levels 76+--> Experience x100


This way you expend the same low amount of time in every grade, getting enought adena and prestige badges with low instances and raidboss.


Prestige Badges

We know that ppl on high rate servers just level up,get adena and farm to gain equipment and pvp losing almost 80% of retail content from L2.

WePlay gives prizes to everyone that complete retail content, for example:

-From 1 to 5 badges by killing normal raidboss.(depend of his level)

-15 badges by completing a complex intance like esmerald square for example.

-10 badges by completing a simple intance like a kamaloka.

-10 badges by killing a low grade epic raid boss like AQ,Orfen or Core.

-20 badges by killing Zaken.

-25 badges by killing Baium.

-35 badges by killing Frintezza.

-60 badges by killing antharas or valakas.

-120 badges by killing beleth.

-50 badges by killing tiat or ekimus.

and more...


What do you can purchase with them?

You can exchange prestige into a npc with a lot of things:


vesper weapon x1-->800 badges

fame x100-->1 badge

Attribute Stone x1-->1 badge

Attribute Crysta lx1-->2 badges

Bog x1-->15 badges

Mastery Bog x1-->70 badges


and more like cloaks, noblesse essence, dynastic essence, etc...


Buffs elixits

You will be buffed, so you can play solo but remember that in order to get the higher level buffs like counter critical, dance of berserker etc..you need to play a buffer, we dont want to remove them from game.


Fighters Elixir:Chant of Combat, chant of Critical Attack, Improve Condition, Improve

Movement, Improve Shield Defense,Chant of Blood Awakening, Chant of Victoty,

Song of Earth, Song of Wind, Song of Vitality, Song of Hunter, Dance of Warrior,

Dance of Fury, Dance of Fire, Dance of Vampire


Magical Elixir:Acumen,Improve Combat, Improve Magic, Improve Condition, Improve Movement,

Improve Shield Defense, Magnus Chant, Song of Earth, Song of Wind, Song of Vitality,

Dance of Mystic, Dance of Concentration, Dance of Siren, Clarity, Wild Magic


You can purchase them at npc and keep them on inventory, so you can buff when you like (except oly ofc)


Some general features

-Olympiad Tokens tradeables

-You can purchase vesper armors from Olympiad manager with tokens.

-In order to get noblesse status you only need to kill barakiel, kernon and golkondas and bring his heads to an npc (they only drop 1 head at once but his spawntime has been adjusted). you will get noblesse status and subclass rights.

-Sieges every 2 weeks.

-Olympiads every 15 days.

-Buffs times 1 hour. (not tricky ones like kamaels, etc..)

-Equipment until Top A grade at luxury shop.

-Stage 13 at Luxury shop.

-Hellbound Dynasty mutisell with recipes and blades at Giran Shop.

-Hellbound openned by default on stage 1.

-Recipes for armors and weapons doesnt request materiales, you only need recipes,blades,crystals and gems to craft everything.


More incoming...


Remember, if you are bored and want to try something new:








I read that the server is in closed beta.Will you wipe when it goes live?


Well i also read that those badges needed for top weapons and other things.This server is a clan based unless you change the way those badges are obtained.For example i don't like clans cause there are no good ones out there so i want to play alone.How can i get the top weapons if i need to kill rbs?Can't do it alone.

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