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Hello MxC. We have decided to change the low rate L2Europa to a high rate pvp server. So here are some informations:




Exp / Sp: 500x

Drop / Spoil: 5x

Adena: 1000x

Party: x2

Quest: x5




Safe: +4

Maximum: +20

Normal Scroll Chance: 66%

Blessed Scroll Chance: 75%




StackSub System - you need a stacksub badge(obtained from *EuroBoss* located in the Tower of Insolence 13th floor or *Halatha* from Imperial Tomb) to add a stackable subclass. You can only add 1x subclasses (main+1) and from your own race only!

*EuroBoss* is made specialy for newbies to get stacksub badge.

*Halatha* drops stacksub badge too but also drops RaidBoss Jewels, BEWS, BEAS , and more euro. It's meant for pvp.

NpcBuffer - scheme buffer with all buffs until 76. 1 hour buffs!

Buffs time - all buffs under 76 lvl are 1 hour. Buffs after 76 have retail time or custom time, like profecys (10 minutes).

Dance/Song time - all dances/songs under 76 lvl are 1 hour. Dances/Songs after 76 have retail time or custom time (5 minutes)

Buff/Dance/Song changes are made in order to ensure the use of support classes since they are an important part of the game. You wouldn't like a stacksub server with all players being xx/tank server right?

Buff Slots 24 (+4 from divine inspiration) and 12 Dance/Song Slots

Special Shop - a special shop that sells top S84 weapons/armors/jewels, agathions and miscellaneous items.

GMShop - selling anything you need including S84 items.

Global Gatekeeper - teleport much more easyer and even cheaper!

Gift of Vitality Event is enabled and helps you level faster!

Squash Event and Heavy Medals Event are also working. You can get really nice rewards at the squash event!

2 FarmZones - one safe zone and one free for pvp.

TvT Event running every 3 hours!

Delevel Manager - helps you maintain your desired level.

Full Auto Learn skills - all skills are auto learn (80+ skills included).

Subclass without quest!

Noblesse Quest is buyable at the SpecialShop.

Offline Shops.

Olympiad is 2 weeks.

ClassMasters - that help you change to 1st, 2nd, 3rd class without quest.


For more info visit our website!


Website: www.l2eu.com

Forum: www.l2eu.com/forum


Enjoy and have fun!


i will join to see if server is good


i tried this server and i have some questions about

why there are no attributes stones at gm shop ?

why Euroboss(the boss that needed to make substuck)is spawned wvery 12 hours?

Why T-rex is so overpowered? and why so many mobs around him ?



attribute stones will be added, just haven't had the time today.(the lvl 4+ attributes crystals drop at squash event)

EuroBoss is spawned like that cause the stacksub needs to be not rly so easy to get. It is easy but if rb was every 4 hours it was way too easy.

As for the Trex the primiveal zone is retail like. Thats how the number of mobs is inside PI.

Hope i helped. Cheers

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