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[Trick]How to unlock WindowsPhone marketplace (If you can't use them)

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Yesterday i bought my HTC Trophy, and guess what.


I couldn't even download free application, cause it was not supported in my country.


Here is a little solution


Reboot your phone(entirely, to start again - press Shutdown, and then start with scroll up/down among with shutdown button)



Then, go at hotmail.com and create a new e-mail

This e-mail should have regions where you can use marketplace


I chose London , and put Postal code M1 1AA


I saw it works fine then! You can switch back to your country, when it's available, as well



With this , we solve 2 things:


1st: The thing above

2nd: We use a clean e-mail as windows live, so if there will be no reason to delete it. Cause if we use a normal acc and we want to delete it afterwards, we can do it ONLY by resseting the mobile entirely



Anyway, hope it helps someone ><

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