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We use 3 Server Machines


Dual Xeon 4 * 3.06 Ghz




2 * 146GB SCSI 15k rpm HDD Raid 1


2x 1Gbps backbone connection


99.9% uptime


Emeperors x50 PVP Server Information

GM Shop: Up to S Weapons, Armors, Jewels Shots, Consumables Potions, Quest items for Clan level Pets, Accessoaries, Event reward items & more... Auto Events: [Team vs Team] [King of the Hill] [Capture the Flag] [bomb Fight] [Vip Team vs Team] [Zombie] [Last Man] [Deathmatch] [Kratei`s Cube] Full NPC Buffer,Scheme Buffer.


Vantage x20 Craft Server Information

GM Shop: Up to A Weapons, Armors, Jewels Shots, Consumables Potions, Quest items for Clan level Pets, Accessoaries, Event reward items & more... Sub class without quest: max 3. Sub class max level 85. Clan war reward: 50 points. All talisman work. All castes/clan halls work. Quest for S80 Dynasty Weapon/Armor from Isle of Prayer or Hellbound Work. All Kamaloka instaces work. Emerald Steam instance works. Tower of Naia instance work. Dark Cloud Mansion instance work. Full Hellbound. 81 level skills work. 83 level skills work. Auto lern skills. All epic Grand Boss working. Fixed Raid Bosses: Dranael , Kechi , Tears , Baylor , Darion , Epidos , Beleth , Typhoon and other.


Vision x100 Unique PVP Server Information

NpcBuffer * MagicGem -> Unique Item for Teleporter, Shop, Buffer, Symbol Maker, Skill Enchanter & More!. Check it out. Automated TvT,TvTr, L10S,DM,CTF,BR. Hellbound Island and others as Custom Farming Spot. 2 Hours Bufftime. 26/16 Buffslots. 65% Normal Enchant Rate, 70% Blesses Enchant Rate -> Max. +20. Lvl 81/83 Skills! -> Auto learn! Unique GamePlay. Unique System for Olympiad. Fair Fights even with High Enchants! All Enchants are +0! Full Geodata & Pathfinding. Much more & more & more.. Just visit us to find out.






lock topic? :P

posting a picture where corruption is unhidden will never lock a advertisement topic dude.

Good luck with that 'server'

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