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lolen i had dc.....

Get your facts straight and then try again. Didn't you say you were going to buy a paysafecard a few minutes ago? How come you now say you got dc? Or did both happen at the same time.

Get your facts straight and then try again. Didn't you say you were going to buy a paysafecard a few minutes ago? How come you now say you got dc? Or did both happen at the same time.

You post my personal details in public and I can accusse you for that and as i mention i speaked with electronic crime prosecution.Anyway didn't i give you the items back?


You post my personal details in public and I can accusse you for that and as i mention i speaked with electronic crime prosecution.Anyway didn't i give you the items back?

You post my personal details in public and I can accusse you for that and as i mention i speaked with electronic crime prosecution.Anyway didn't i give you the items back?

Your personal details are what I was asked to post by the topic started, Lain, an obviously trusted person who has even made his own transfer service to prevent people from getting scammed by retards like you. And no, you didn't give me any of my items back, who are you trying to fool?

Your personal details are what I was asked to post by the topic started, Lain, an obviously trusted person who has even made his own transfer service to prevent people from getting scammed by retards like you. And no, you didn't give me any of my items back, who are you trying to fool?

i pmed you with my acc and you got your items back as i see



Date of scam: 3rd August 2011 between 11:53 am - 1:00 pm gmt+1


Skype: unknown

MXC Nickname:rpgclubx15

Real name: Theologos Babaroutsis ( according to paypal acc )

Scam method: i sent money on his paypal, he said money were on pending period, after 90mins he went offline from msn, didnt give me what i paid for

Server:  RPG Club x15

Topic link: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=203136.0

Who did the scammer scam: me

Proof: (pictures, chat histories, etc.)

http://i56.tinypic.com/29nt3lk.jpg, http://i52.tinypic.com/e7z31e.jpg,  ,  , http://i53.tinypic.com/2r751g6.jpg ,

Additional Info: he is from greece, he had some recomends in his topic, he looked legit :) 70 euro gone :(


there's no pending period on paypal

i already know , it was my 1st time sending money from paypal to paypal.. i failed, i should have been more carefull, w/e, time will heal :)

rpgclubx15 reading this  topic :) 

if he scammed treat him as scammer.... just report scam to paypal, they will lock his account till you will solve the problem.

how please? i opened some dispute or wtf.. i doubt it will help, it was unverified acc, so he probably already sent my money to his real acc or even spent them..

It helps. They will just track his actions if he send it to a other account.

I got my money back after eXtaSy™ (new name Capu) scammed me.


investigation ended, they will do no refund, because the trade was about intengible goods ( ingame money ). it is also mentioned in paypal rules so I quiete expected that. About the scammer account, they will mention something in his account or something, dunno, I dont care already, i made a mistake and i paid for it. Just dont trade with rpgclubx15.



Squick aka xPuka <- mxc forum nick

msn : d3adlysheep21@hotmail.com


Okay,Show - ALL - Pics nabster.

Guys he is tard.. he wanted to sell items to me in a server that when you change pass,the new one is coming to e-mail that have registered...and when i was to send the money,he would gimme the pass, i would change it and he will have it back, so i cancelled trade.thats why i am scammer? dump !



Date of scam: 13/08/2011


Skype: hardbepro1

MXC Nickname: Epictrades


Scam method: pay half before ... receive item... pay half after ... but after he received half of money he disconnects

Server: L2Cerberus but i suspect he is doing the same thing on other server

Topic link: done by private messages

Who did the scammer scam: Me

Proof: (pictures, chat histories, etc.)

[8/13/2011 12:31:51 AM] Playboy: hey

[8/13/2011 12:32:15 AM] Playboy: you are who want the epics in rpg??

[8/13/2011 12:33:54 AM] Null Uss: on cerberus

[8/13/2011 12:34:44 AM] Null Uss: baium and zaken

[8/13/2011 12:35:03 AM] Playboy: yeap

[8/13/2011 12:35:03 AM] Playboy: w8

[8/13/2011 12:36:52 AM] Playboy: Want to buy or to sell ?

[8/13/2011 12:37:23 AM] Null Uss: buy

[8/13/2011 12:37:39 AM] Playboy: bro zaken has sold

[8/13/2011 12:37:44 AM] Playboy: only bauim ~ tezza i have

[8/13/2011 12:38:04 AM] Null Uss: :(

[8/13/2011 12:38:12 AM] Playboy: Maybe to find onother one

[8/13/2011 12:38:20 AM] Playboy: how money you can give for bauim ?

[8/13/2011 12:38:54 AM] Playboy: i can sell it 50 euro

[8/13/2011 12:38:58 AM] Playboy: the bauim ring

[8/13/2011 12:39:00 AM] Null Uss: ok

[8/13/2011 12:39:45 AM] Null Uss: i'm ok with that price

[8/13/2011 12:40:08 AM] Playboy: i need it for vocations

[8/13/2011 12:40:14 AM] Playboy: and i quited l2 ^^

[8/13/2011 12:40:35 AM] Null Uss: hope you don;t mind to use lain service

[8/13/2011 12:40:50 AM] Null Uss: i pay for the service

[8/13/2011 12:41:13 AM] Playboy: np for me

[8/13/2011 12:41:20 AM] Null Uss: great

[8/13/2011 12:41:23 AM] Playboy: im not scammer, just need money for voc

[8/13/2011 12:41:39 AM] Null Uss: but now lain is not online wtf

[8/13/2011 12:42:09 AM] Null Uss: man everyone say's so ... and there still are ppl scammed

[8/13/2011 12:42:35 AM] Null Uss: i rather pay more than get scammed

[8/13/2011 12:43:04 AM] Playboy: np

[8/13/2011 12:43:23 AM] Playboy: but tommorow in 10 morning i go to island, and i ll be back in 15 days

[8/13/2011 12:43:27 AM] Playboy: if dont log lain

[8/13/2011 12:43:35 AM] Playboy: we ll w8 15days

[8/13/2011 12:43:45 AM] Playboy: or if you are trusted in forum

[8/13/2011 12:43:54 AM] Null Uss: i'm new  in forum

[8/13/2011 12:43:56 AM] Playboy: you can give me 25 euro, i bauim, and later 25euro

[8/13/2011 12:44:45 AM] Null Uss: i hope he will be on soon

[8/13/2011 12:45:03 AM] Playboy: i can wait

[8/13/2011 12:45:08 AM] Playboy: about 30mins bro

[8/13/2011 12:46:09 AM] Null Uss: looool acount susspended

[8/13/2011 12:46:15 AM] Null Uss: http://maxcheaters.com/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi

[8/13/2011 12:46:20 AM] Playboy: no

[8/13/2011 12:46:22 AM] Playboy: its all

[8/13/2011 12:46:25 AM] Playboy: has site problem

[8/13/2011 12:46:39 AM] Playboy: not you;P

[8/13/2011 12:46:44 AM] Null Uss: i know

[8/13/2011 12:47:26 AM] Playboy: come to trade as i said, fast way, safe way

[8/13/2011 12:47:43 AM] Null Uss: not realy safe

[8/13/2011 12:47:54 AM] Playboy: and me i risk it

[8/13/2011 12:48:11 AM] Playboy: dont think that you are so stupid to scam one baium

[8/13/2011 12:48:12 AM] Playboy: ..

[8/13/2011 12:48:14 AM] Null Uss: ok tell me tyour paypal

[8/13/2011 12:48:36 AM] Playboy: come rune GK

[8/13/2011 12:49:05 AM] Playboy: Galanos_5@hotmail.com

[8/13/2011 12:49:13 AM] Playboy: you send me 25 euro, i trade the bauim, you send other 25

[8/13/2011 12:49:20 AM] Null Uss: k

[8/13/2011 12:49:23 AM] Playboy: and if i try to scam you money

[8/13/2011 12:49:27 AM] Playboy: you can open disput

[8/13/2011 12:49:31 AM] Playboy: to take them back from paypal

[8/13/2011 12:49:58 AM] Null Uss: char name gopher

[8/13/2011 12:50:36 AM] Playboy: when send it

[8/13/2011 12:50:38 AM] Playboy: tell me here

[8/13/2011 12:51:19 AM] Null Uss: k

[8/13/2011 12:53:41 AM] Playboy: so;

[8/13/2011 12:53:51 AM] Null Uss: sent

[8/13/2011 12:54:12 AM] Null Uss:  Payment To ΖΑΦΕΙΡΗΣ ΤΣΙΤΣΙΡΑΣ  Completed  ... -€25.00 EUR

[8/13/2011 12:54:24 AM] Null Uss: that is your name ?

[8/13/2011 12:54:30 AM] Playboy: yes

[8/13/2011 12:54:32 AM] Null Uss: oooooook

[8/13/2011 12:54:35 AM] Null Uss: :)

[8/13/2011 12:55:00 AM] Playboy: w8 to see

[8/13/2011 12:55:06 AM] Null Uss: k

[8/13/2011 12:56:19 AM] Playboy: the money is ok

[8/13/2011 12:56:21 AM] Playboy: w8 to login

[8/13/2011 12:56:23 AM] Playboy: come rune gk

[8/13/2011 12:56:32 AM] Null Uss: gopher is there

[8/13/2011 12:59:56 AM] Playboy: gopher

[8/13/2011 12:59:59 AM] Playboy: trade me

[8/13/2011 1:00:12 AM] Null Uss: on who ?

[8/13/2011 1:01:18 AM] Null Uss: what;s the name of your char ?

[8/13/2011 1:28:10 AM] Null Uss: opened dispute ...

[8/13/2011 1:28:30 AM] Null Uss: send by mail baium and i'll close it

[8/13/2011 1:28:44 AM] Null Uss: see ya

[8/13/2011 2:20:27 AM] Playboy: ?

[8/13/2011 2:21:01 AM] Null Uss: well i still waiting for baim

[8/13/2011 2:21:05 AM] Null Uss: baium

[8/13/2011 2:23:43 AM] Null Uss: still here ?

[8/13/2011 2:24:05 AM] Playboy: ?

[8/13/2011 2:24:16 AM] Null Uss: lol

[8/13/2011 2:24:32 AM] Null Uss: np i can wait 15 day to get my money back

[8/13/2011 2:24:59 AM] Playboy: I sold you the bauim ring, and now want your money back.

[8/13/2011 2:25:10 AM] Null Uss: you sold me ?

[8/13/2011 2:25:14 AM] Null Uss: looool

[8/13/2011 2:25:17 AM] Null Uss: nice

[8/13/2011 2:25:24 AM] Playboy: y

[8/13/2011 2:26:01 AM] Null Uss: i understand youre a nice scammer :)

[8/13/2011 2:26:43 AM] Playboy: k

[8/13/2011 2:26:47 AM] Null Uss: atleast do you have a char on cerberus ?

[8/13/2011 2:26:59 AM] Playboy: y

[8/13/2011 2:28:01 AM] Playboy: my name there is daily

[8/13/2011 2:28:03 AM] Playboy: yours?

[8/13/2011 2:28:11 AM] Null Uss: gopher

[8/13/2011 2:28:38 AM] Playboy: gn man

Additional Info:

i have alse pthe printscreen of the conversations in skype ingame he didn't even connected



PS i blame lain because he wasn't online :)

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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