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interlude [L2OFF] L2 NoLife


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LaCokaNostra rsrsrs


LOL this and so a name does not change the quality of the product = D.

I thought not many sleeps NoLife not feed, nor have girlfriends.


then what are they? NoLife LOL

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engraçado rsrsrsr


o que um Brasileiro usando a bandeira do japão quer falar mal no propio pais =/

deprimente sem moral nem uma!


bom nao estou aqui pra falar disso :)


quando quiser nosso server esta de portas abertas meu brother :)

tenta jogar com quem sabe

porque eu joguei Teon Oficial Server por 6 anos, e creio que os noob que voce jogo nao sabe nem oque e um craft

tanto que no NoLife L2 muitos nao joga la pq tem Craft Armor S e Weapom S Retail ( tem que ter um Spiol rsrsrs )


Sulean agradeço pela sua sinceridade :) em pensar e falar oque quer!

quando quiser e puder estamos por aqui ou no TS :)


ate mais conterranio hehe

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Funny rsrsrsr


what a Brazilian flag using the japan want to talk badly in own country = /

no moral nor a depressing!


well I'm not here to talk about it  ;)


our server when you want it open door my brother  ;D

try to play with who knows

because I played Teon Official Server for 6 years, and I think the game is not noob that you even know what it is a craft

so that in many L2 NoLife not play cuz it has Weapom Craft Armor S and S Retail (must have a Spiol haha)


Sulean thank you for your sincerity Smiley in thinking and speaking want WHAT!

when you want and we can here or on TS  :D


even more fellow hehe

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Funny rsrsrsr


what a Brazilian flag using the japan want to talk badly in own country = /

no moral nor a depressing!


well I'm not here to talk about it  ;)


our server when you want it open door my brother  ;D

try to play with who knows

because I played Teon Official Server for 6 years, and I think the game is not noob that you even know what it is a craft

so that in many L2 NoLife not play cuz it has Weapom Craft Armor S and S Retail (must have a Spiol haha)


Sulean thank you for your sincerity Smiley in thinking and speaking want WHAT!

when you want and we can here or on TS  :D


even more fellow hehe


Brazilians are passives, dont fight for your rights, anyone Admin can make what he want and the community dont make nothing to change the situation, just have your ass kicked by the corruption.


If your server dont have sucess, the fault is not your, but that brazilians

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Looks like the admin of this server doesn't even know how to write decent English.

So I guess I'll skip this one.


Communication with the community is the key to a succesful server, but if you lack the skills to have a decent conversation, there is no point in even trying.

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