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w8 wut, man we were the most powerful clan for 2 years on the era of C4, u jelly or what


exactly! U WAS! ... and noone remember this! :O Its never happens ... one time u dream about it and then u wake and u was wet ...!

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You are greek so he must be greek.


Blame Einstein.

why he MUST be greek

and i thought that u were smart lol


u owned ... idiot im not br ...

i owned who?I didnt tell that u are a br,verybraim did

Even if u are not a br u sound like one

nais iglis

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why he MUST be greek

and i thought that u were smart loli owned who?I didnt tell that u are a br,verybraim did

Even if u are not a br u sound like one

nais iglis

1) Sorry to dissappoint you Master Yoda.

2) Every time the same comment on somoene's English. GJ

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