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[L2J] L2Dex


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In next month l2ex.eu will open new, low-rate server Khadia x5

I want to post informations about server, maybe you will be interested.


Server start

Scheduled to 01-04-2011r.


Server webpage



L2 Client




Exp, SP, Drop, Spoil - x5

Quest drop x2

Raid drop x1

Party exp x1.5


Little information. As you probably know in Freya chronicle are two EXP/SP bonuses. First - x3 vitality bonus, and second - recommendation bonus (x1.5) from Nevit's Blessing. Because of that (temporary ofc when bonuses are active) server rates are 22.5 so if you think that x5 is too low for you, think also about that bonuses. They making real difference.



Safe: +3

Max: +20

Chance : 2/3


Misc informations

Classmaster - available

Dualbox - allowed

Subclasses (3) without Quest

Noble - quest or TW

Buff time - retail

Offline trade disabled

Standard retail events

Cusom instances and events

English on shout, trade, hero



I'm l2jserver developer, so ofc server will use that software. Latest dev-version (NOT public one) of l2jserver. It's hard to say what is working, because lots of things working, i dont want to create huge list if most of things working in all l2j's. But what is really important - all Freya (and earlier) locations are working, with all quests, retail droplist, all epic quest, most instances (also bosses like Zaken, Frintezza, Tiat, Twins, Freya)

I really care about match with retail. I have 6 account there and i take all informations from retail. I dont like, and don't use customs. Also i dont insert every script from internet or other 'fork' related with l2j to say "i have xxx working and implemented" like some people do. I care about server stability. I prefer not have some thing for a while and implement it by own instead of having some crappy script and lot's of problems.



We have custom protection on server which blocks all known bots (l2net, l2walker) and other software like l2c. Also our protection doesnt allow multibox.



Like now on our mid-date donation doesn't affect gameplay. From donations you can use simple services (char rename, clan rename, sex change, move char to other account) and get some accesories and agations.


Informations about host

MG-10R SSD (ovh):

Intel Bi Xeon E5504 8x 2.00+ GHz

24 GB DDR3

2x 80 GB Intel SSD X25-M

Debian x64 Squeeze

uplink 1 Gbps

(only gamesever, login and mysql are on different machine)

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About BMF , I m sure will leave after 1-2 months like always, they start cerberus and leave after 2 month, they move to RPG Club and again leave after 2 month, now they  come L2EX, they just head pain ;p


E ok 8 Clan x 20 Members Max 160 = 200 PPL ;p is not enought, i reall wish this server get some ppl bcause i think we will have fun with Gnacik developer, i hope will have a stable server , not much bugs...


That im worry is customs, i think sub without q is bad idea, players can take it from TW ;p anyway...


We wait...


x5 Gonna be H5 after few months???

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