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Posts posted by wolfoo

  1. (sorry for double topic, but 1st one is bugged and cant be opened)

    Selling 6 days old acc with 45lvl~~  elementalist, no valuable items. Reason I am selling? game is boring for me :(  25 euro price ( 55 euro originally ) , paypal only.

    if you buy it you will get: game access + full email access + serial code + anything u ask for.

    type here ur msn or pm

    m y msn: donkball005@gmail.com


    update: sold

  2. game is kind of boring :( 55eur wasted

    got elementalist  36~  lvl only, no real items / gold/ anything special.  if there is no option to change email, then this will be dificult, cause I used my main email for it, which would mean the acc is unsellable. pm  or write here

  3. Hello, i sell GOLD EU/EAST ACC, price 100€, for more information contact me on facebook ... name Petr Šíbal https://www.facebook.com/petrsibal or PM HERE!


    Riot Points: 283

    Influence Points: 26 873



    Ahri (Midnight Ahri), Akali (Singer Akali), Alistar (Golden Alistar), Amumu, Anivia (Bird of Prey Anivia),nnie, Ashe (Sherwood Forrest Ashe), Blitzcrank (Boom Boom Blitzcrank), Brand(Vandal Brand),Caitlyn (Resistance Caithlyn),Cassiopeia (Siren Cassiopeia),Cho'Gath (Battlecasr Prime Chogath),Corki, Darius, Dr. Mundo, Draven, Elise, Evelynn, Ezreal,Fiddlesticks (Suprise Party Fiddlesticks),Fiora, Galio, Gangplank, Garen (Sanguine Garen), Gragas, Graves (Mafia Graves),Irelia (Infiltrator Irelia),Janna (Tempest Janna), Jarvan IV, Jax, Jayce, Karma, Karthus (Grim Reaper Karthus), Kassadin (Harbinger Kassadin),Katarina, Kayle, Kennen (Karate Kennen), Kog'Maw (Caterpillar KogMaw) ,LeBlanc (Prestigious LeBlanc),Lee Sin (Traditional LeeSin + Dragon Fist), Leona, Lulu, Lux (Sorceress Lux), Malphite, Maokai (Totemic Maokai),Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Morgana (Blachthorn Morgana), Nasus, Nautilus, Nidalee, Nocturne (Ravager Nocturne),Nunu, Olaf, Orianna (Sewn Chaos Orianna), Pantheon, Poppy, Rammus (Freljord Rammus), Rengar, Riven,Rumble, Ryze (Tribal Ryze), Shaco, Shen (Blood Moon Shen), Shyvana, Singed,Sion, Sivir, Skarner,Sona (Guqin Sona), Soraka, Swain (Bilgewater Swain), Syndra, Talon (Crimson Elite Talon), Taric,Teemo (Recon Teemo), Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Udyr, Urgot (Battlecast Urgot),Varus, Vayne (Aristocrat Vayne), Veigar (Leprechaun Veigar), Viktor, Vladimir (Count Vladimir + Blood Lord),Volibear (Thunder Lord Volibear), Warwick (Tundra Hunter Warwick), Wukong, Xin Zhao (Commando XinZhao),Yorick (Undertaker Yorick), Zed, Ziggs, Zilean, Zyra


    Runes [[ 15x RUNE SLOT ]]  (9x/3xQuint TIER3):



    Ability power +0.59

    Armor +0.91

    Armor Penetration +1.3

    Physical Damage +0.95

    Attack speed +1.7%

    Cooldowns -0.16%

    Critical Chance +0.93%

    Magic Penetration +0.87

    Magic Resist +0.77

    Ability power per level +1.9



    Ability power +0.59

    Armor +1.4

    Physical Damage +0.43

    Attack speed +0.76%

    Critical Chance +0.42%

    Magic Resist +0.74

    Ability power per level +1.9

    Energy Regeneration +0.63

    Healt Regeneration +0.43

    Mana Regeneration +0.41

    Gold +0.25 / 10

    Scaling Healt +19Healt/level

    Scaling Mana +21Mana/level



    Ability power +1.2

    Armor +0.7

    Physical Damage +0.28

    Attack speed +0.64%

    Cooldowns -0.65%

    Critical Chance +0.93%

    Magic Penetration +0.63

    Magic Resist +1.3

    Scaling Ability power per level +3.1

    Scaling Magic Resist +2.7/level

    Scaling Mana regen +0.005Mana/level

    Mana +11.3


    Quintessences (3x)

    Ability Power +5

    Armor +4.3

    Armor Penetration +2.6

    Physical Damage +2.3

    Attack Speed +3.4

    Cooldowns -1.64%

    Crit. Chance +1.9%

    Gold +1/10

    Health +26

    Health Regen +2.7

    LifeSteal Bonus +2.0%

    SpellVamp Bonus +2.0%

    Magic Pene. +2.0

    Magic resist +4.0

    Mana +38

    Mana regen +1.3

    Move Speed +1.5%

    AP per level +7.8/18lvl

    Health +49/18lvl

  4. HELLO




    Now is  1502 SOLO/DUO Quee Elo Rate, TOP - 1656 [s3]


    FOR MORE INFROMATIONS contact me on Faceebok name: Petr Šíbal


    PRICE: 100 €


    Riot Points: 283


    Influence Points: 26 873




    Heroes (skins):




    Ahri (Midnight Ahri), Akali (Singer Akali), Alistar (Golden Alistar), Amumu, Anivia (Bird of Prey Anivia),


    Annie, Ashe (Sherwood Forrest Ashe), Blitzcrank (Boom Boom Blitzcrank), Brand (Vandal Brand),


    Caitlyn (Resistance Caithlyn),Cassiopeia (Siren Cassiopeia),Cho'Gath (Battlecasr Prime Chogath),


    Corki, Darius, Dr. Mundo, Draven, Elise, Evelynn, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks (Suprise Party Fiddlesticks),


    Fiora, Galio, Gangplank, Garen (Sanguine Garen), Gragas, Graves (Mafia Graves),Irelia (Infiltrator Irelia),


    Janna (Tempest Janna), Jarvan IV, Jax, Jayce, Karma, Karthus (Grim Reaper Karthus), Kassadin (Harbinger Kassadin),


    Katarina, Kayle, Kennen (Karate Kennen), Kog'Maw (Caterpillar KogMaw) ,LeBlanc (Prestigious LeBlanc),


    Lee Sin (Traditional LeeSin + Dragon Fist), Leona, Lulu, Lux (Sorceress Lux), Malphite, Maokai (Totemic Maokai),


    Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Morgana (Blachthorn Morgana), Nasus, Nautilus, Nidalee, Nocturne (Ravager Nocturne),


    Nunu, Olaf, Orianna (Sewn Chaos Orianna), Pantheon, Poppy, Rammus (Freljord Rammus), Rengar, Riven,


    Rumble, Ryze (Tribal Ryze), Shaco, Shen (Blood Moon Shen), Shyvana, Singed,Sion, Sivir, Skarner,


    Sona (Guqin Sona), Soraka, Swain (Bilgewater Swain), Syndra, Talon (Crimson Elite Talon), Taric,


    Teemo (Recon Teemo), Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Udyr, Urgot (Battlecast Urgot),


    Varus, Vayne (Aristocrat Vayne), Veigar (Leprechaun Veigar), Viktor, Vladimir (Count Vladimir + Blood Lord),


    Volibear (Thunder Lord Volibear), Warwick (Tundra Hunter Warwick), Wukong, Xin Zhao (Commando XinZhao),


    Yorick (Undertaker Yorick), Zed, Ziggs, Zilean, Zyra






    Runes [[ 15x RUNE SLOT ]]  (9x/3xQuint TIER3):








    Ability power +0.59


    Armor +0.91


    Armor Penetration +1.3


    Physical Damage +0.95


    Attack speed +1.7%


    Cooldowns -0.16%


    Critical Chance +0.93%


    Magic Penetration +0.87


    Magic Resist +0.77


    Ability power per level +1.9






    Ability power +0.59


    Armor +1.4


    Physical Damage +0.43


    Attack speed +0.76%


    Critical Chance +0.42%


    Magic Resist +0.74


    Ability power per level +1.9


    Energy Regeneration +0.63


    Healt Regeneration +0.43


    Mana Regeneration +0.41


    Gold +0.25 / 10


    Scaling Healt +19Healt/level


    Scaling Mana +21Mana/level






    Ability power +1.2


    Armor +0.7


    Physical Damage +0.28


    Attack speed +0.64%


    Cooldowns -0.65%


    Critical Chance +0.93%


    Magic Penetration +0.63


    Magic Resist +1.3


    Scaling Ability power per level +3.1


    Scaling Magic Resist +2.7/level


    Scaling Mana regen +0.005Mana/level


    Mana +11.3




    Quintessences (3x)


    Ability Power +5


    Armor +4.3


    Armor Penetration +2.6


    Physical Damage +2.3


    Attack Speed +3.4


    Cooldowns -1.64%


    Crit. Chance +1.9%


    Gold +1/10


    Health +26


    Health Regen +2.7


    LifeSteal Bonus +2.0%


    SpellVamp Bonus +2.0%


    Magic Pene. +2.0


    Magic resist +4.0


    Mana +38


    Mana regen +1.3


    Move Speed +1.5%


    AP per level +7.8/18lvl


    Health +49/18lvl

  5. EU West, LvL 30, 12 rune books, 52 champs owned

    Champs. Owned - http://oi42.tinypic.com/20h56qf.jpg

    Marks - http://oi43.tinypic.com/ab1fn4.jpg

    Seals - http://oi42.tinypic.com/24xdh6q.jpg

    Glyphs - http://i43.tinypic.com/1zr2j9w.jpg

    Quintes1 - http://oi44.tinypic.com/axxoax.jpg

    Quintes2 - http://oi40.tinypic.com/25i7m1x.jpg



    Akali - Stinger Akali

    Alistar - Golden Alistar

    Ashe - Sherwood Forest Ashe

    Blitzcrank - Boom Boom Blitzcrank

    Brand - Vandal Brand

    Caithlyn - Resistance Caithlyn

    Cassiopeia - Siren Cassiopeia

    Garen - Sanguine Garen

    Janna - Tempest Janna

    Karthus - Grim reaper Karthus

    Kassadin - Harbinger Kassadin

    Kennen - Karate Kennen

    LeBLanc - Prestigious LeBlanc

    LeeSin - Traditional LeeSin & Dragon Fist

    Maokai - Totemic Maokai

    Rammus - Freljord Rammus

    Shen - Blood Moon Shen

    Swain - Bilgewater Swain

    Talon - Crimson Elite Talon

    Vayne - Aristocrat Vayne

    Veigar - Leprechaun Veigar

    Vladimir - Count Vladimir

    Warwick - Tundra Hunter Warwick

    Xin Zhao - Commando Xin Zhao


    You can change email for free in web page, change nickname for 1300 riots points or change the gate for 2600 riot points ( 1 euro = ± 180 riot points, depends what package u buy )

    Payment method: Paypal only

    Price: 50 euro ( we can discuss about the price )

    If you are interested, pm me here on MxC your MSN, I will add you.


    I am new in this section, but I am not new on MxC, I have done several trades before in lineage section, I always got money 1st and after that I delivered the stuff without problems. I will always want money 1st !

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