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About reckina

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  1. I just bought 10kk. Everything ok. Nice and fast.
  2. pm me with offer then
  3. WTB adena in Skelth server. My offer is 2,25$ for 1kk. I need 50kk. Only PayPal payments. Pm me on forum. Bought it. Admin may close topic. Thank you.
  4. [glow=red,2,300]On the beginig i want thx a lot everybody for respond for my post.[/glow] I'm affraid i doing everything ok, but walker still don't working. Nope. In my "system" folder i have only two files with icons Lineage: (1) = l2.exe (254059 bytes) (2) = BFDR.exe (164352 bytes) And of course i don't even try chanage BFDR.exe to name l2.exe, when l2.exe still exist. All what i do is: 1. Changing l2.exe to 1234.exe 2. BFDR.exe to l2.exe 3. and finaly 1234.exe to BFDR.exe after that all i still have l2walker massage:"L2.exe file size error" Myabe admins on my server hide somehow file lineage2.exe and make fake: BFDR.exe, or something. That will be wery usefull, when you write me how much bytes have files l2.exe and lineage2.exe on your "system" folder link to my server: http://www.bfdr.eu/ link to newest patch: http://www.sendspace.com/file/nqisvb (bfdrpatch506.exe) excuse my english Reckina
  5. When i try RUN Walker i get: "L2.exe file size error". Changing names of L2.exe file not help. I try too with other versions of L2walker : 1.7, 1.74, 1.49 and still same massage ("L2.exe file size error") Any idea what to do now? ( I play on BFDR server )
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