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Everything posted by OutRager

  1. file moy mia erwthsh! to chekares to arxeiaki me kanena antivirus prwta? emena moy to epiase pantws to norton to corporate gia backdoor / trojan... paizei na to chekarei kai kapoios allos?
  2. delete this post plz i thought i found the solution but it didn't work so this current one is spam. thx
  3. Well i made it at one point, with IG, i pass the verification i got the hosts, walker gets target and skills but it won't start going towards a mob. i use the official C6 Bot(1.79 & L2asrv for 10.7.4 OOG which i used in off for playing) the hosts are as follows l2authd.lineage2.com vip.tt2xz.com vip1.tt2xz.com vip2.tt2xz.com vip3.tt2xz.com vip4.tt2xz.com vip5.tt2xz.com vip6.tt2xz.com vip7.tt2xz.com vip.towalker.com vip1.towalker.com vip2.towalker.com vip3.towalker.com vip4.towalker.com vip5.towalker.com vip6.towalker.com vip7.towalker.com plz check it out someone i'll try some more tricks if i could make it work.
  4. wpa wpa wpa twra to eida ayto ok gia pes m ligaki gt einai kwloserver akribws? epedih yparxoyn mlkompoykwmena poy plhrwnoyn gia na paroyn items? h epeidh ekleise? mhpws eixe polla bugs? gt stoys perissoteroys poy exw pai3ei an o server toy artec htan skata tote oi ypoloipoi ti einai? h mhpws epeidh einai high rate oi ypoloipoi einai kalyteroi? to oti ekleise yparxei mia aplh k eykolh lysh PAI3E OFFICIAL to oti einai free shmainei oti den exei kamia apolytws desmeysh apenanti soy oxi pws ston official exoyn den soy leei kaneis phgaine pai3e... soy leei AN GOYSTAREIS pai3e sto ena plhrwneis kai 3ereis oti gia ena sebasto xroniko diasthma 8a yparxei kanonika sto allo paizeis free alla den 3ereis an ayrio 8a einai h teleytaia mera toy server einai epilogh soy kai to an 8ewreis oti den einai kalos o server toy artec exeis na mas ypodei3eis ena deigma ths dikias s doyleias? P.S. O monos logos poy ton yposthrizw einai oti epaiza bnb, k enas 8eos 3erei poso 3enerwsa poy ekleise, kai gia emena htan apo toys kalyteroys server kai h doyleia poy eixe kanei o artec htan tromerh. 8a prospa8hsw na kanw ypload ena screenshot an to brw poy sthn oysia htan oi teleytaies le3eis toy artec otan ekleise o 4c32.
  5. tytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytyty ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D APLA SE LATREYW ^_^
  6. Τώρα πείτε μου. Βρήκα server x4 γίνεται να μην botάρω?? Ε όχι λοιπον αρνούμαι! Δεν γίνεται... παίζει να βρούμε τα hosts?? Έχετε καμιά ιδέα?? Που να ψάξουμε??? plz help ^_^ cyan server http://cyanage.servegame.com/
  7. I have found a link on a site that doesn't work anymore it is a program that informs you what the mob will drop if you kill it. I would appreciate a working link... thx The link i tried is this one: http://lineage2.vkt.lt/l2visiems/data/files/DropSpoil-1.1.zip from this site : http://aheadofall.com/showthread.php?t=3560
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