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About piet0

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. 76 Spectral Dancer for sale on Franz Retail, pm me
  2. WTS accounts for L2gold 78 Warcryer 78 Spoiler ALOT of more stuff+chars PM me with questions or offers
  3. L2Pvpx : 78 Warcryer, 78 swordsinger 78 bladedances 78 elven elder and MANY more PM me with your questions / Offers
  4. I have stufs on Eureka... I just dont understand you -.- , "I am trading abyss 7x (USA) items & accounts " ... ? :/ With (USA) You mean retail ? or WTF
  5. ._. huh, this is private server section ?.. ._. where must I be
  6. xD im selling my computer so i tought why not sell my char s xD.. WTS TH 7x ( A grade + 150 ~200KK adena +ubermuch mats) WTS WC 7x send me a private messsage
  7. T___T
  8. Hi everyone, I just can't get Walker to work for SupremeL2 since its Live * ??? * Anyone who has done it yet ? IG/OOG doesnt matter its both ok, Please Send me a PM, thanks
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