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About naruto987naruto

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  1. Does it still exist the official L2walker site? I have searched in the net but couldnt find any info. i think the site before was l2.towalker.com. I cant find it anymore. did they shutdown the l2walker project or they just changed site? i dont want to use the cracked versions thank you
  2. hi i want to start playing in the official russian servers (l2.ru) . does anyone know how i can dualbox? + also if some 1knows where i can find the english patch that translates the client from ruusian to english thank you
  3. is this one working in the official l2 servers?
  4. mias k anaferes oti ksanaanikse o bnb ,kseris mipos pio einai to site tu server tora?
  5. sounds interesting :) ty for all your answers
  6. Hi all.the last 2-3 months i am trying to find a server to play.can someone suggest me a server to play? in the server i want: the rates to be 7-10,no donate + no custom items,not to be greek server
  7. den exi donate ala exo apogoiteutei para poli apo tus gm
  8. mpori kapios na mu protini kapion kseno server pou to xp rate na einai x7-x10 peripu, na min exi donate k na einai se stil official (opos itan px e-global k bnb) na min exi dld etima ta items se shop
  9. to ban pu su rixnune meta tis 3 fores einai gia kapio xroniko diastima?
  10. does anyone knows id there is any walker for the official player test server kamael
  11. where exactly is the place that i must find in order to download the version for the interlude? i just see a forum site ,cant find the file to download
  12. are these links working? i want one for interlude server
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