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Posts posted by bosiux

  1. Just click a link you open Navicat press f6 and adding a text

    DELETE FROM accounts;

    DELETE FROM accounts_data;

    DELETE FROM characters;

    DELETE FROM character_friends;

    DELETE FROM character_macroses;

    DELETE FROM character_skills;

    DELETE FROM character_skilsl_save;

    DELETE FROM clan_data;

    DELETE FROM clan_privs;

    DELETE FROM clan_skills;

    DELETE FROM clan_wars;

    DELETE FROM items;

    DELETE FROM olympiad_nobles;

    DELETE FROM heroes;

    DELETE FROM itemsonground;



    Server viped

  2. SVN








    Changeset 119


    AdminCommands refactor.


    Here are fresh commands for you, mighty admins ^^.



    - cameramode: same as retail //camera, thx to Airin (L2J User contribution) http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=19618

    - admin_summon_info: displays an information window about target summon

    - admin_unsummon: unsummon target's pet/summon or target

    - admin_summon_setlvl: set the pet's level

    - admin_show_pet_inv: show pet's inventory (currently NOT WORKING)

    - admin_party_info: find party infos of targeted character, if any

    - admin_clan_info: find clan infos of the character, if any

    - admin_remove_clan_penalty: removes clan penalties



    - save_modifications, part of the "Edit" button panel of the selected character.

    - visible/invisible, deprecated cause of the existence of vis/invis.



    - Many panels are improved. Some holes have been filled aswell with the new commands.

    - Main panel have "dualbox" and "pet infos" buttons

    - "List" > select a character got a fresh panel with new added commands.

    - "Edit" button panel has been seriously revisited. It got only useful stuff.



    - Cleaned 2 skills. Nothing for you.

    - L2ClanMember typos.



    Changeset 120


    Some little fixes.

    core support for isClanSkill().

    add an effect on Grade Penalty skill (-50% runspd/atkspd/cstspd).

    update correctly passive skill list when Grade Penalty occurs.

    update/complete 2 serverpackets.

    change calcLvlDependModifier formula method.



    Experimental : Point3D doesn't use "synchronize" anymore, which means less used ressources. Such points are used for signets casting as exemple. If you handle strange behavior on signets positioning or such, please contact on forum asap. This fix has been released recently on L2J.



    Changeset 121


    Fix hennas typos problems. Additionally improve DB structure for those tables.


    Ty stanus for report.


    PS : prices have been updated aswell. When they seem more... normal (from my player's PoV), if you got proofs old prices were retail, send screen / cry on forum ^^.



    Changeset 122


    Items, part 1.5 ^^


    Correct following errors :

    - stackable items (5 missing);

    - herbs effects (both DP && core issue);

    - SoE castles/clans (it was using the old itemhandler, used for backward compatibility, but now it was bypassing real effects so bb old itemhandler and welcome new generation Smiley);


    Misc :

    - added a config for bosses items drop rate;

    - fixed the targeting issue when sitting (when you double protect something sometimes that bugs, lol).

    - added Dummy skillhandler, correct "the DUMMY skillType isn't implemented". You can launch fireworks without bugs ! Eweussaumeu !



    Changeset 123



    - Add core support && DP for Court Magician (allow to use castle crown's skill), currently fully working.

    - Correct shields item restriction (as they migrated from L2Weapon to L2Armor).

    - Improve EffectFear (geodata check). I still don't know why mobs take time to be affected. It's not due to effect anyway.


    If by any hazard, the Court Magician got other stuff, consider send as much infos as you got on forum, and if possible with proofs about what you say. I didn't manage to find any decent IL infos, except the clan gate part.



    Changeset 124


    Items refactor, part II


    - Replace all differences in terms of values and names typos from Freya to IL.

    - Added back pet armor/weapons type, and bodypart related to pet's race. Drop of is_petitem boolean.

    - Added all missing onCast skills.

    - correct tatoos/cloaks, add pDef to cloaks.

    - Added missing SAs.

    - Corrected all typos.

    - And many more...


    DP part entirely made by DiNoR, thanks him for the amazing work Smiley.


    Items DP is supposed to be finished. Consider report any strange item. Ty in advance.



    Changeset 125


    Misc fixes.


    Correct all skills values "cAtk" from 1.3/1.4/1.5 to 1.3/1.325/1.35. Ty Zerador for the report.

    Fixes buggy entrance message on arenaZone.

    Add 2 Arena managers on Giran and Gludin arenas. Move the Derby Monster Track one outside the arena. Corrects the hardcoded CP recovery for a buff use, and add a popup if you haven't enough adenas (ty Zerador for the initial code).

    Crests refactor, should correct all problems of crests for clan/ally (staying crests after ally kick).

    Added back ToI and coliseum doors as opened at server start.

    Added the passive buff "Equip Set Items", which is added/removed in same time than a set passive skill. Verified from a L2Off.



    Report if you still got problems with crests, I only managed to put/remove/change one to see if I have broken something Tongue.



  3. 1298068693_kore.jpg


    Info:protects against Hlapeksov, Walker and other mischief

    Version 3.0 is 99% to protect your server from a "hacker" due to encryption of packets

    * Even if the offender will go to the server and bypassing the first level of defense, he can not use illicit programs

    * Changed the structure of the client

    * Removed the annoying banner at startup

    * Currently available for the protection of servers based on l2jCore, L2Base and Teon





  4. c8bbe5ee5daf9d85211d170093c1c463311.png





    + Added

    - Deleted

    * Changed/Fixed








    + спавн нпс Yeti рядом с нпс в ХС

    + trove.jar

    + Конфиги EnableOnEnterBuffs, OnEnterBuffsMaxLvL, OnEnterFighterBuffs, OnEnterMageBuffs (custom.cfg)

    + Конфиг DonateItemId (donate.cfg)

    + Вывел список возможных баффов у баффера в конфиг BuffsList (custom.cfg) (тестово!)

    + droplist Uruka

    + droplist Sailren

    + droplist Hight Priestess Van Halter (aka Andreas Van Halter)

    + Blue gemstone drop [Gremlin]


    * fix NPC Ancient Egg

    * Mantarasa Egg в квестовых

    * Bones of a Plains Dinosaur в квестовых

    * Gazkh Fragment в квестовых

    * Dinosaur Fang Necklaсe в квестовых

    * Dinosaur Tissue в квестовых

    * GameServer.cmd , GameServer.sh

    * Transfer Pain полностью исправлен

    * Опять сайлерн, теперь рабочий.

    * Queen Ant, выход за речку - ТП к спавн точке.

    * Теперь все рейд боссы, после сильного отклонения от точки спавна телепортируются назад

    * Sprigant's Fruit

    *! Olympiad, расчет очков победителю, теперь +1/5 очков победителю от владельца мин. кол-ва очков.



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