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Everything posted by caresure

  1. Tell me ur msn or skype to add you. I want to buy epics and much adenas.
  2. Please tell me in pm what items or adena has to rpg x 15 for sale.
  3. Hello im intersting to buy adena for 50 euros. I added you in skype.
  4. I want buy adena for 50 euro, please pm me with your msn/skype
  5. Please tell me a price for WC and BD.
  6. You are imbaqq? if yes login skype man..
  7. GIVE MY MONEY BACK FUCKING SCAMMER........................
  8. You dident refund cause if you press accept money cant send them back. So stop says lies, and give back my money fucking retard.
  9. Keep lying faggot eXtaSy™. time for ban this retard clown.
  10. If you want pm , i have many epics for sell
  11. Tell me your msn/skype to talk about it. You are the guy who sells 1bilion/7euros?
  12. eXtaSy™ scammed me with the same way yesterday 135 euros. I have the logs/SS for profs. imo ban this fucking guy.
  13. UP, i add you in skype. need one trade;0)
  14. i want them all. tell me ur msn/skype.
  15. I can buy epic in this price bauim 80 euro valakas 80 antharas 80 zaken 60 tezza 60 ant queen 60
  16. WTB at l2cerberus (www.l2cerberus.eu) following: Adena (6 or 7 euro/bilion i think is very good Epics (tezza, bauim, aq, antharas, valakas, zaken, orfen, (i pay good) Vesper robe set / light set / heavy set Vesper / dynasty weapons WC 83++ / BD 83+ / Titan 83+ MATS only with lain system, i can pay your fee.
  17. Please tell me in pm the price for wc 83. i hope to be low ;p
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