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About Rapist

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  1. yea now works :D thanks very much
  2. hello, i use frozen and i cannot do smth if some one can help so i have this if(!player.isNoble() && player.getSubClasses().size() == 0 && player.getAllianceWithVarkaKetra() == 0) { player.sendMessage("You have not finished quests."); player.setLocked(false); return; } and instead of this player.sendMessage("You have not finished quests."); i want to popup a htm file and i tryed that html.setFile("data/html/villagemaster/SubClass_Noquest.htm"); everything compile ok but when i try in game i dont get any window no action... someone can help me.. Thanks
  3. nice features
  4. thanks but if i o like that QuestState qs = player.getQuestState("247_PossessorOfAPreciousSoul_4"); if(qs == null || !qs.isCompleted() |) i should complete the quest retail way .. and i want to bcome noblesse by killing barakiel w/o any quest but finally i did it in other way and now is working very well if(!player.isNoble() && player.getSubClasses().size() == 0 && player.getAllianceWithVarkaKetra() == 0) { player.sendMessage("In order to add subclass you should kill Flame of Splendor Barakiel or you need Alliance with Varka or Ketra level 1 or more."); player.setLocked(false); return; } Thanks
  5. look i did like that if(!Config.ALT_GAME_SUBCLASS_WITHOUT_QUESTS) { if(!player.isNoble() && player.getSubClasses().size() == 0 && player.getAllianceWithVarkaKetra() != 0) return; } but still i can add subclass without nobless or ketra or varka ally what's wrong? i put " != 0 " cause in frozen if is -1 -2 -3 is ally with varka and if is 1 2 3 ... is ally with ketra
  6. will be high rate and player will become noblesse if he will kill barakiel w/o any quest
  7. i get this error [javac] J:\SOURCE IL\Lineage2\trunk\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2VillageMasterInstance.java:402: error: cannot find symbol [javac] if(!player.isNoble() && player.getSubClasses().size() == 0 && getVarka() ==0 && getKetra() == 0) [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: method getVarka() [javac] location: class L2VillageMasterInstance [javac] J:\SOURCE IL\Lineage2\trunk\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jfrozen\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2VillageMasterInstance.java:402: error: cannot find symbol [javac] if(!player.isNoble() && player.getSubClasses().size() == 0 && getVarka() ==0 && getKetra() == 0) [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: method getKetra() [javac] location: class L2VillageMasterInstance [javac] 2 errors [javac] 1 warning any ideea ? :P i'm in doubt this will work cause i tryed simply this if (!player.isNoble()) return; and i dont get any error to compile but i can add subclass without nobless...
  8. I wish to change subclass required system for add subclass you should have noblesse status or alliance with varka or ketra lvl 1 or more This is retail way if(!Config.ALT_GAME_SUBCLASS_WITHOUT_QUESTS) { QuestState qs = player.getQuestState("235_MimirsElixir); if(qs == null || !qs.isCompleted()) { player.sendMessage("You must have completed the Mimir's Elixir quest to continue adding your sub class."); player.setLocked(false); return; } qs = player.getQuestState("234_FatesWhisper"); if(qs == null || !qs.isCompleted()) { player.sendMessage("You must have completed the Fate's Whisper quest to continue adding your sub class."); player.setLocked(false); return; } } i tried if (player.isNoble()) return; but is not working.... any ideea how i can do it ?
  9. 1. I never played on dragon network, so i dont know how is it but truley all players try to compare my server with this. 2. I work with stuck subclass servers from 4 years or more. 3. You are wrong 100%.
  10. "Delta Server News 03.06.2012" this is the time when i post the info about delta server ---- "Delta Server is wiped and will start friday 08.06.2012 " this was estimated time i will reopen.. but i have tomuch to work and i will finish it in 3-4 days i hope
  11. our new high rate server Delta will start today after 20:00 +2gtm most of features are same but rates will be 1000x
  12. Lineage 2 Interlude Stuck Subclass New Server ! ! ! > > > > Lineage 2 Stuck Subclass Link: Join on our server < < < < Server Informations : Server Rates: 30x Exp, 45x Sp, 15x Drop, 15x Spoil Stuck subclass system 1+1 same race allowed only Totems are allowed on any weapon / fist fury allowed only on fist Deflect Arrow - 40% Heavy / 30% Light / 20% Robe Passive Skills Stuck Mastery Passive Armor (edited) - you don't get starwars stats Quests for S grade recipes/mats increased drop to quest item also to reagents Newbies now get start items which are not tradeable/sellable just destroyable Speed x2 inside peace zones - i think is very usefull to have a good speed inside towns so if you forgot to buy smth from shop you will dont run with a booring speed Shop restricted zone Anti-Buff Shield - you can activate it anytime it don't consume anything You cannot enchant near warehouse You cannot enchant while you moving You cannot exit/restart while enchanting Mana Potion in shop Greater Mana Potion only by craft ( dwarfven craft lvl4 need) Class Changer with Adena Subclass: by Killing Golkonda or you can buy it with 700 MSS Luxury Shop - Giran - Retail NPC With: Armors/Weapons/Jewels till B Grade Grocery Shop - Giran - Retail NPC With: SSD, SSC, SSB, BSSD, BSSC, BSSB, Greater Healing Potion, Mana Potion, Greater Swift Potion, Greater Magic Potion, Greater Haste Potion, Cursed Bone Nobless - Without quest you just need to kill barakiel - every body from the last hit party which killed Barakiel will become nobless Subclass - without quest: in order to add subclass you should kill Golkonda (drop only one quest item per death 100% chance) Delevel NPC - 100k Each lvl Protection IP SOE/ToVillage/ like L2OFF Buffer Shop any Prophet (2nd class only) can make shop with his buffs by using next command .sellbuffs Enchant Exlpoits Improved Events in forum FC Poionts can be aquired by post usefull informations on our forum: we decide with how many points we should reward for your informations. Rewarded topics are: Ideeas, Bugs, Developement, Lineage 2 Guide. Ideeas: reward between 1 - 10 Points Bugs: reward between 1 - 10 Points Developement: reward betwen 1 - 20 Points More info here: Forum Event Info Server Machine Windows Server 2008 8GB RAM Quad-Core Internet 1GB UP/DOWN No Lag > > > > Lineage 2 Stuck Subclass Link: Join on our server < < < <
  13. i can swear is one of the best stuck subclass server ever i played... :P server have many players and also very good balance ...
  14. i'm a bit in doubt about debian ... if you have some free time can you please give me a link with a debian x64 not x32.... i was taking a look on official site but how i told u i'm a bit in doubt which one to get from there :p www.debian.org thanks
  15. thanks for your fast answer !!
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