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Everything posted by leomade

  1. So i guess i can remove it, and leave only the check for NPC id
  2. Nvm it worked with knownNPC.IsEmpty() check I wanna do 1 more thing, I want to add all castle registrations NPCs in 1 town, the problem is that when i spawn for example Aden reg manager in giran, then it'll act like its giran castle reg NPC, how can i change that? thanks for the help
  3. Guys please look at the following code and tell me whats wrong with it 1) making Enchanting possible near a choosen NPC - [glow=red,2,300]works[/glow] 2) making Enchanting near any other NPC not possible - [glow=red,2,300]works[/glow] 3) making enchanting in an empty area not possible - [glow=red,2,300]doesnt work![/glow] code: Collection<L2Character> knownNPC = activeChar.getKnownList().getKnownCharactersInRadius(80); if(knownNPC == null) { activeChar.setActiveEnchantItem(null); activeChar.sendMessage("You can only enchant items near the Brazier of Luck!"); return; } else { for(L2Character obj : knownNPC) { if(!(obj instanceof L2NpcInstance)) { activeChar.setActiveEnchantItem(null); activeChar.sendMessage("You can only enchant items near the Brazier of Luck!"); return; } else if(((L2NpcInstance) obj).getNpcId() != 32027) { activeChar.setActiveEnchantItem(null); activeChar.sendMessage("You can only enchant items near the Brazier of Luck!"); return; } } }
  4. well do like i do :) go giran and check by the overviews this server is very good.
  5. This script used 2 voice commands: .buffshop - players choosing which buffs they want to sell .buffprice - players submit the price they want for every buff - for example : if they enter 1000 so every buff will cost 1000 adena.
  6. Well it can wait, i want to finish thing by thing first I've still didnt find any solution to the enchant zone problem, any1 got any idea about it?
  7. can some1 help me finish with the enchant zone request please ?:)
  8. but how do i use it to acheive what i need ?:\ for(L2Object obj : activeChar.getKnownList().getKnownCharacters()) { if(!obj.getName().equals("Holy Brazier") && !Util.checkIfInRange(5, activeChar, obj, false)) { activeChar.setActiveEnchantItem(null); activeChar.sendMessage("You can only enchant items near the Braizer of enchantments!"); return; } } didn't work out aswell
  9. i tried it like that and it doesn't work, what did i do wrong ? (i can still enchant anywhere) for(L2Object obj : activeChar.getKnownList().getKnownCharacters()) { if(obj.getName().equals("Holy Braizer")) { if (!Util.checkIfInRange(100, activeChar, obj, false)) { activeChar.setActiveEnchantItem(null); activeChar.sendMessage("You can only enchant items near the Braizer of enchantments!"); return; } } } thanks for the help
  10. thanks for the replies Matin can u tell me please how to do that radius check because i couldn't find it? Also i got another thing i need help with i want to add to the "player killed player" announcements the location of the pvp, how can i do that? So it'll be like: Colisum - Player1 killed Player2 Thanks for the help.
  11. hello i would like to know if some1 can help me with some scripts in l2j interlude : 1) make buff shop like any other private store what thats means? - when i press on buffer shop list of buffs appear show me player mana and buff cost - also player buffer can choose which buffs to put 2)make an enchant zone - put an npc in center of giran and players can only use enchant if they are stand near this npc this npc is nothing the area is what important thanks alot
  12. i just want to say i played in this server since its opened and i cannot stop playing! its so fun allways you have something to do alot of pvps! and events gms are active and helpfull they are allways on forum also they making changelist so ppl know what has been changed i have no words to add anymore just join and see yourself i usually dont post on forums but this server defenetly worth 5mins from my life ;P
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