RateXp = 7
RateSp = 7
RatePartyXp = 1.5
RateDropItems = 4
RateDropSpoil = 2
RateDropManor = 1
RateExtractFish = 1
RateQuestDrop = 2
RateQuestRewardAdena = 4
RateRewardAdena = 4
Info del servidor
Intel i5
RAM: 16 GB
Disco Rigido: 1TB
Ancho de banda: 100 Mbits/s
Transferencia: 7000 GB
Datacenter: USA
IPs: 1
Custom Npc Server
Pvp pk info
Clan info
Weding manager
Team vs Team
It's 1 account per PC / PERSON. (permanent ban)
Those character names or clan names that lead to discrimination or insult to any culture, whether by religion, color, nationality, sexuality. (amend the nick or permanent ban without prior notice, the Staff decide when to use)
Names with symbols or character names similar to names of staff members (nick or amend the permanent ban without prior notice, the Staff decide when to use)
Discriminate verbally (either all, trade, shout or wisp) to another player in their religion, nationality, color, sex. Banchat 5 days
Use any customer programs outside L2. (permanent ban)
The use of wolves in pvp and sieges.
(1 day ban)
(2 days ban)
(10 days of ban)
(permanent ban)
Abusing any bug that may come to be found in the game (3 days ban)
If they should report to find any media to any member of staff for their solution (gm on, pm by forum, msn, facebook
Any derogatory comment, libel or insult to the server or a member of staff will be severely punished, whether occurring in the forum as in any channel within the game (At the discretion of staff)
That prohibited PK (Player Killer) in cities newbies. (1 day ban)
Accounts are the responsibility of each of the players, we ensure that the DB is protected and inaccessible except by the staff, care for your password is a question of you, the Staff is not responsible for them.
You can not harass / Castle with clans "Bags", to be taken will be returned to the owner if he had or the npc heal the raid Forbidden (ban 3 days)
Canal hero: not spam, insult, offend any player, you have to set an example're the Hero of the server. (2 days chatban)
Ignorance of these rules or any abuse is no excuse rape and punishment.
From the staff ask for the cooperation of all to the good functioning of the server and have fun, that's what we're all here.
Any prosecution requires proof in the form of screenshots or the presence of a GM. Without them, a complaint will not be accepted.
The penalties are approximate, and may be applied at the discretion of GM on duty.
Cualquier regla puede ser agregada o modificada
the server finishes its test mode tonight 30/10/2011
(Note that there are two connecting a pvp servers and one low)