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Posts posted by Celina

  1. Yea all his current items are +10 as I see right now, but I really doubt he'll have 10k HP inside oly, he has like 13 or so outside with full buffs :D

    About kitting, his drain skill consumes like 250 MP per use, that's way too much that's why I made him prefer f2fing his enemy. (Or even to make the debuff land and then kite).

    About the dyes, yea those are the ones he has now, but I thought it would be cool to have some extra STR from somewhere, because of Onslaught skill.

    About Valakas and Blessed Freya now, in which classes would you wear Valakas, and in which classes would you wear Blessed Freya? By the way I mentioned Valakas in my previous post because of the reuse, not because of the m.atk it gives or the wild magic effect.

  2. Uhm, the server that guy is playing on the maximum enchant is +10 and the beas/bews 100% as he told me, so the overenchant is not a problem in general basis. About weapon, I told him that he should try the S84 top hammer, which adds health, that would be really nice in order to make nice damage with the skills. About the homuclus thing, thanks haha, he had totally forgot about the SA.

    About jewels, shouldn't he use Frintezza or a Valakas ? Blessed Freya neck seems really weak in my opinion.

    Also, what dyes do you suggest for Olympiad?

    Thanks a lot for replying, I appreciate it.

  3. I'd love to have some guide for a Dominator, actually about the setup. A friend of mine asked me to make a topic, he's currently playin on a H5 server, and doesn't have account in here, anyways. He wants it mostly for Olympiad. He's thinking to play with the fighter skills it has (plus the debuffs of course) and without the drain, since that skill does sucky damage and consumes too much MP. He wants to know, what armor should he use, dyes and of course which raids jewels. I told him that he should use Elegia Heavy with the hammer, and about dyes to just add WIT. I'd really appreciate it if I had some cool suggestions from experienced people of this class.


    Thanks in advance.

  4. Sorry for that, but I would never, ever advertise or do something about this server. Same problems with the x50, same retarded bullshits, hey admin/s, have you ever bothered lowing the chance of stun ? And seriously what's the point of making a second server while you have changed nothing? x50 or x20, just lowing the rates,I don't get you.


    My 2 cents, balls.

  5. My opinion about this server.


    In general if you want to have some fun with your friends, like farming, is nice. But when it comes the time to pvp, oh dude. We were like one party vs another party, they had 2 DBs, counted 13 seconds and we were all dead.


    I just broke every item of mine, got pissed too much.


    GL with your server if you continue it, I wish you the best.

  6. Firstly fat Celino, the person who is the owner and creator of the project you talk about is not Nizzikef. Secondly, about the 'fully copy' let me disagree with this, and I am about to explain the reason. Both Colville as an ex pride admin and me as an ex pride player devoted much time to this server we used to it, we loved and so yes we created a server which's base gameplay & structure is the same. (So I should ask sorry about this ? ? Of course not go touch yourself lol if you can do the same just try to do it.) Our features, our custom armors,skills, our change of logs and our developing is way different allthough. We can do anything to our project for the people who prefer us than the project you talk. So, I wouldn't even bother to reply to a player who chooses to play in pride because he is addicted to it and he doesn't give a chance to any other server because of egoism. If you believe in Dav and if you believe he is so good developer or God w/e, then just play there and shut it. Here's a topic about my server. So If you have anything to say against my project (in case you played it) say it otherwise talk about the project you play in another area.


    Take care fat Celino. Next spam = report.

    To be honest I kinda loled at 'fat celino' anyways I guess you know better.


    Oh man wait, are you going to report me? Oh please don't, because I really give a flying -beep- about mxc forums. And hell yea, I am playing in L2Pride for like 5-6 years, you think I don't know who the admin is ? Oh please. Dav made Zack an admin, he even gave him privileges to db, isn't this guy considered as 'admin' ?


    And please, you say that you don't copy? Lets see. The 80% of each page in your 'Change logs' are copying things of L2Pride. Don't challenge me, you know I am right and I can prove it to you.


    "So If you have anything to say against my project (in case you played it) say it otherwise talk about the project you play in another area."   

    You really believe I need to try it out? I really don't think so. I will give it a try and will guess how your server is, let's see, unbalance between classes, wrong item descriptions failed tries of copying items of Pride,130 people the 70 of them AFKing in giran,aden. By the way I heard you failed on selling your server for 1.000/2.000$, nice try bro, next time I hope you'll succeed.


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