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Everything posted by sweetx

  1. (PVP Server) omg i played yestrday and logged today and there was a wipe......today logged 4 people online faking good job admin..fail server. But the admin's r helpful.. apart from that waste of time.
  2. its a pvp server who will faking donate? Nice server.
  3. Is server gonna open today? at what time? So is it interlude or c5? When will be able to download the patch?
  4. Haha what is this? Look at the thread im i the only one flamming? and i get the blame? Other ppl flame too in other threads. And I only one get the blame? gf how fair is this rly.
  5. I guess you ran out of words..stupid kid :P Can't face the truth. Just like to Q.Q that's all stop being self centered.
  6. Your such a retard Briga. If you can't farm again and waste 1 hour then this tells soo much about you really. U start soo many times on other servers and why u guys cant do it again 1 HOUR FARM omg. "server wiped, lets find another one" ain't it the same thing really? no matter where u turn u start all over again.. BTW LETS SWAP SHOES OK? U START 0 AND ILL HAVE UR GEAR? u won't be on the same level as me and it won't be fair..so why u AGAINST a wipe? EXPLAIN WITH A GOOD REASON.
  7. Thank you..even more clearly explained... BrigaDier only 1 hour farm so wtf are u scared if the server will wipe. Ok don't join go find a server and what start all over again like u would here if server wipe? Pathetic...get a brain.
  8. As you cannot see my point of view or either answer my question... Because i don't like to start on servers that already been running for one month or more...i like to start on the same level as everybody else and it will be unfair for new starters..do you get it now? But i say it again we been playing soo many servers and starting all over soo many times so why everyone cant do it again? Maybe cos all old people are self centered ?
  9. We all started all over again soo many times so why can't everyone do it again? Please have a valid answer.
  10. many people don't like to join old severs like myself something fresh.
  11. made my day...go oout instead clubbin etc rather spend on l2 u FREAK Server close maximum 2 months depends on how good the server rly is if its shit then 1 week np. just lololololololol
  12. Hi, I'm searching for a low rate server between 10x - 40x. It must be ONLY freya. Should open soon or recently opened. Should have buffer and mp pots. Thanks.
  13. cmon no stuckable augs soo unbalanced....:/
  14. Omg you failed one time why would u not fail the second time?? pff stupid server opened one day then it closed now he re-open facking fail...
  15. Hahaha....dude @real go play real l2 :) and is not all to do with gear i agree but the server is way too easy.....and ppl can easily can get gear in 5 mins max..and what then? just pvp and pvp? and if ur alone..do you have any chance? as this server everyone is partying up.....bishops easily with + gear..are easy to kill? or difficult? Tell me...1 vs 9999999999....boring server...nothing to do....
  16. l2 got too boring......what else you expect a server to have? anyways this servers seems really boring..everyone with same gear....where is the fun? boring
  17. -[bykaz]- u know what? It's a free world...people can do whatever they want...u have decided to advertise ur server here so accept the positive and negative feedback...as everyone can share their opinions here..AND stop using the same old comebacks...your english kinda sucky..i kinda wonder now who wrote the server features..did you pay them for cyber sex? :O
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