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About cociorvan

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    Water Closet

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. ~10 online and is laggy like HELL Already DDoS?
  2. This is not surprising....95% of the servers FAIL at the grand opening I was expected to this answear :)
  3. [RO]: Da ai dreptate...as vrea un Hellbound-Gracia final sau chiar un freya bunicel ..mai populat...nu cu ~100 online Iar cand colo aici ~70% dau numai de interlude si aproape restu high five...iar daca stai sa verifici toate serverele de aici de IL au aproape acelasi "feature" . :( sad
  4. If you fuking reopened why you dont WIPE it omfg.. ~1 week ago i thought was a new server and i enter the server and guess what...i had a account wit ha caracter(scared a little :) ) and 1st i walk to oly statue and i saw a fu.cking caracter with 15 heroes WTF...and then i remember i played here long time ago..this is fuking bullsh1t Next time when you reopen a server wipe it !!!!!!
  5. FAILED? waste of work in this post with colored words :)
  6. As title say LF FREYA pvp server with over 200-300 ppl or more :) ONLY FREYA
  7. i am blind too
  8. :)) no need
  9. no tnx man
  10. +25? Star wars
  11. indeed dude
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