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About Versusa®

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  1. To fix pou postare ine diko m apla apo alo forum to opoio to ixa kanei hide 1500 POSTS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=210118.0 deite to teleuteo post kanteton ban POSTAREI TO SHARE M APO ALO FORUM TO OPOIO FIX INE SE LIGOUS SERVERS GAMW TIN POUTANA MOUUUUUUU :@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ BAN , DEKARMA DEN KSERW ELEOS GAMW ELEOS!THA PESOUN PANAGIES....
  3. afou exeis vrei to command, mporeis na pareis tis methods kai na tis epeksergasteis gia na tis efarmoseis se npc. Kaneis new instance kai meta sinexizeis...
  4. If i understood well what you want, you have to create a new itemhandler, then register ofcourse. For random you have to use the Rnd class and then continue, its simple i think, if you do it one time then you can do it again :D, thats learning
  5. adding a patch manually makes you read this patch. Reading makes you learning, learning makes you to start code, starting coding day to day goes you to advance coding, its annoying?:D
  6. Say2.java: if (_type == ALL) { if (activeChar.getLevel() <= 20 ){ activeChar.sendMessage("You cannot speak at all chat if you are not 20 level"); return; } }
  7. are u idiot? Dimis can code everything , he does not need your advice idiot.
  8. Maybe iti is good code, but stealing other's work sucks realy vampire, you should know it. But ok,there is not any law to ban stealing coders :/
  9. One question[no reason], you have coded in Hi5 or freya l2j? Because i see the com.l2jserver
  10. yes, for events its the best one :) simple and perfect , GJ Ven
  11. klefti me ebgalan edw re ti ginete? o ksa mou dipla ine omg
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