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About sakuya32

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  1. Wow guys, awesome info you gave me there... thank you very much. This is exactly what I needed. You guys set me up to move to the right path. :) Again thank you.
  2. I am not talking about server stress or whatever. I was just curious if it was possible to add Custom Music to the game (whether was server side or not) different from the current ones in the music folder. Also I do not mean just simply copying over the same files that already exist...only a noob does that. I want to use a whole new file for a specific Zone so it doesn't share like more than one music files with other zones. A good example of this is the game Ragnarok Online... each zone has its own music. But L2 uses a shared music file which means the same tune gets recycled on multiple zones. That's why I asked, if it was possible to make a script that would bypass the original music file for a zone and what file in the core should I take a look to change that ?
  3. Ok, so whatever flag that tells "Play this music at this spot" is on the client? Boo that sucks. I was curious since I was tinkering around with some Java AI files and I found the "PlaySound" command that lets me play whatever OGG file I add to the Music folder. I thought that applied to the zones and that the server had a flag that would send the packet of what music to be played. But yes, what you said has some sense to it. I'm also guessing there is no way to work around it, like making a script that will force to play a music file once you enter an area, right?
  4. I'm trying to add my own custom music to the game and I'm kinda confused. I know you can go to your Client and change music files manually, but the game just uses chunks of different music files to make a single track. (For Example in Cruma Tower it uses 3 files to create the background music, so If I alter one not only won't it sound right.... but it will be also used on another area that calls for the same file, and I don't want that.) I'm trying to find within the Core SVN's file where can I edit which files does each zone uses to play its Music. Is this possible or is it hardcoded on the client itself?? PS: I'm sorry I forgot to add what version on the Server Files I'm using. I am running High Five Rev. 5034
  5. Well I added this mod to my compiled Hi5 server and it's working perfectly. The only problem I am having is, where do I add that "Game Over" sound that I added on the java files? The link for the sound file is broken so I have no clue where to add it or what format must it be (either WAV or inside a UAX). I know I can make one from scratch but I have no idea where it goes. [EDIT] Ok got it working. Silly me I just had to add it as a music (ogg) and not as a UAX file. I got confused there since the actual Java thing said "play sound" and that threw me off.
  6. Yup it was the NPCAIDATA. I just added Custom_NPCAIDATA table and set my server to use custom tables and it works now. Guards will run to kill player or target and then run back to it's set location. Thanks for the help guys, really appreciated. ;)
  7. I just wanted to add other guards besides the regular "bow" guards everyone has on their servers. Also I intend to put these on Towns where range with a bow is not really needed.
  8. Hi everyone. I made a custom Guard NPC and added all the correct values to my DB. I set the type as L2Guard and even added stats, walkspeed and runspeed to 160. I even added aggro range to 1000 and a weapon (im using a sword btw). My NPC detects a Chaotic Player (red name) but it does not run after it, only when you get close enough to it it will attack you. Do I need to add anything else to make it run after players or did I missed something? Help would be appreciated. Edit: Sorry forgot to mention, Im using latest Freya L2j.
  9. You just need to forward ports 2106,7777 and 80 using the protocols TCP and UDP. If you can't forward port 80 that means that the router may already have it forward by default somewhere. Most routers forward port 80 by default under the name "HTTP" or "Internet". Remember to add the correct IP address to these ports so your actual server IP has those ports forwarded. Here is an example of my configuration on my Linksys router. Once you have that done, all you have to do is go to Google and type My IP Address and click on any site that shows you your ISP's IP Address. Copy that address and open up IPConfig.xml and paste it on you external IP. Now patch the L2 system folder with that same IP, and people from the outside should be able to connect to your server. Hope this helps ;)
  10. Baium is set as a GrandBoss, so you actually have to go into the Grandboss_data table and look for ID 29020. You can change the coords in there and everytime Baium dies the table will take your custom coords and spawn Baium where you want.
  11. Hi guys. I am trying to add a "Kill" command to a NPC and I have no Idea how to add it. I want to make a button on the NPC that when you press it it has like a 25% chance of killing you, kinda like a chance game. I made a simple script to make it into like a quest, but I don't know what command or line to use so the button kills you when you talk to the NPC and press it. If anyone has any ideas it would be very helpful. Thnx in advance.
  12. If your client is compatible with your server (meaning they are the same version/expansion), all you have to do is open up the L2.ini with L2 Edit or L2ini editor and look for this line... ServerAddr= In that line add your server's IP address and it should connect to it. Again that is assuming your client is the same version as your server.
  13. Cool I was able to make it work. I just did a simple script that on event OnFirstTalk the NPC opens up its HTML like normal but it I added the voice via the st.playSound("Voice.hello") line.
  14. Hi eveyone. I'm trying to make a custom NPC with a voice sound just like the ones in Freya expansion. I have successfully made a UAX file with the sound files for my custom NPC, but I can't find how to link that file to my NPC. Right now what I did was take a current talking NPC and added the custom voice to it. The problem with this is that everytime I change that NPC's template the voice disappears. Does anyone knows how can I make my custom UAX file to work with a Custom NPC? (BTW I already have both the voice files and the NPC made, I just can't seem to link or tell the game to use that voice sound.) Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. [Edit] Sorry not to mention I'm using Freya client with a L2j Server version 4626.
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