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Posts posted by Darule

  1. I've done this in the past, remember always when you create a bot you must make it to look natural so you can deceive the toplist/sites unless they dont ban/remove your site if you do 1mil votes per day. If you want your business to go on make your bot to look natural. Also if you post some screenshots of your services it will help your reputation because right now you have only 6 posts, good luck!

  2. Hi there everyone im 28 years old and im from Greece


    Im having some spare time and im offering my services as a Developer.


    Mostly im looking to create cool html/php scripts for your site for stats and other things.


    My skills are


    Html5-CSS3 Php-MySql

    I also know java and c# just in case.


    Contact me here with PM or a post and we can talk via skype too.

  3. A bit late reply but here it is anyway.


    You need to buy 2 things:

    1)The domain

    2)The web-host


    For the domain its kinda simple proccess you just find the name you want and if it is available you buy it.

    For the host look for a web host with cPanel, in most cases you can install a blog through the cPanel for free like wordpress that my suggestion.

    So buy the domain, buy the host, then link the domain to your host, then find through the cpanel how to install wordpress and you are ready to go.

  4. Hello everyone.


    Its been sometime now since i created a tool for youtube its about the comments and it has many functions, you can check it out on my blog



    Currently the program its free and i want to sell it to someone that is intrested, you can check it on the site and see how it works its pretty easy.

    The free version that its online right now can be locked at any time from me if anyone wants to buy it.


    I didnt have time to advertise it or spead it around so i want to sell it.


    Pm me for more.

  5. I dont wanna spam, but dude come on 550 euros ? for that? he can buy the pack from l2-scripts, the only time consuming thing that he said was this


    Working tauti skills, items and mobs stats (within reason - nobody is expecting for everything to work).

    The rest require minimum work and still if we say you need a full day to them its still too much, at least for maxcheaters standards i dont know if you are old or new here but prices above 3 digits are non-existent here so act accordingly or else dont have too much expectations. ~thats my humble opinion though it doesnt mean im right.

  6. i get this error in eclipse :

        [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.

        [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.


    and in game i get first page html but when i click any thing it says Comunity Board: unknown Board: _bbstop any help is rly appreciated thnx


    What pack do you use?

    Maybe you didnt imported correct, try again and check for errors b4 compiling they show up in eclipse.

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