~EXP: x3000 (Starting Level 80 - Custom Starting Area)
~SP: x3000 (Autolearn Skills)
~Adena: x3000
~Safe Enchant: 3
~Max Enchant: 15
~Enchant Rate: 75%
~Blessed Enchant Rate: 100%
~Auto-Pick Up
~No Grade Penalty
~No Weight Penalty
~No Delevel
~No Main Class/Subclass Quest
~No Crafting
~No Clan Penalties
~Global GateKeeper
~Custom GmShop
~Custom Shop
~Custom Buffer
PvP Colour System
Your nickname will get coloured with different colours once you get 50/200/500/1000/2000 pvps
Custom Farm Zones
1) Coin of Luck
When a GM or a Castle Lord enters the game, you will be informed by an announcement message
/unstuck command teleports you only in giran, 20 seconds.
Nobless Item:
First you will have to farm for it, then just double click it and you will become a noble.
Full geodata and pathnode are working 100%
Clan Repupation Item: 5000
when you double click this item and you are a clan leader you will automatically earn 5k clan reputation points.
Every 2 weeks New Heroes
Unique Voiced Commands:
Currently only TvT is automated and working in our server, if we will have many players (~100) we will add more event such as ctf, dm etc.
Server Opened Today!