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About achilless

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  1. we work )))
  2. :happyforever: :dat: :okey: :rage: :poker face: :you serious?: :alone: :forever alone like a boss: hahahaha
  3. ALL WORK O0 Geodata helios Skill helios Bot Protect big update not l2j !!!
  4. - bug reports monitors and critical fix - Now developed instances - today / tomorrow big update fix if not responsible , it does not mean that nothing is being done summer, many people are on vacation , so many mistakes , and Russian translation was , and patches that are not allowed, gaming moments with skill , and days after an update has not worked teleport , all fixed , online is not great, there are jumps after advertising and loss after bugs , working on a project , staem recognizable , so that in September, waiting for a large increase in available online HELIOS also initiated development (Launch plans for autumn)
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/203342-l2j-l2infinitywar/ L2infinityWAR.com
  6. в августе, может раньше.
  7. - russian language removed - also many of game fixes - slowly growing position in the lineage tops - More and more online - there are delays in the payment systems, will soon add Paypal The question is where to place the server - America or Europe
  8. We have just opened , and we want to prove itself Online No - because people do not know about us PvP 1200 mechanic is quite different, and different from the x25 preparing for the opening of an additional 1 server - x50 (July) Yes , our Serer different from playertheia play-lineage lineage2media
  9. L2infinityWAR.com HELIOS x1200 ! patch now available ! Full HELIOS Server, is the ONLY Private Server with real GOD Game Mechanics and off-like formulas, wich was made during 5 years of hard works and countless tests, our team of developers built our own, one of a kind, server wich is entirely made by us, beeing developed by our team of developers entirely. The server rates are uniquely designed to fit a high end PVP orientated server, to make players enjoy EVERY aspect of the game, pvp , pve , mass pvp, clan wars for various rewards, pvp for raids and much more, high end game content for instances, mobs designed to fit end game environment and more. The Experience rate is carefully tune for high end game play for our own game environment, just as are the Enchant and compound rates. This is the only Server with OFF LIKE GOD Infinite Odyssey Underground features and all game mechanics. - Mesmerizing System - Ability System and Hidden Skills activated by them, added - Physical and Magical accuracy / evasion relation formulas working off like GOD mechanics - All Skills working and updated to GOD Infinite Odyssey Underground - Debuff land rate dependency on wit, according to GOD mechanics Server: x1200 Version: HELIOS Rates (XP/SP): x1200\1200 Auto Learn Skills: Yes Auto Loot drop Yes (.cfg) Safe Enchant: 3\4 Max. Enchant: 20 Scroll Chance: 80% Buff Limit default 24+12 Buffs: Alt+B (2 hours) Class Master(1,2,3,4): Yes (adena) Sub-Class: Free without Quest Noblesse: Raids Respawn: default Anti-Bot System - Blocked L2Net, L2Tower, L2Walker, CP Reload, etc... - Game clients quantity-control launched from the same hardware. - An ability to ban the hardware. L2infinityWAR.com L2infinityWAR.com
  10. new Armorgrp.dat http://rghost.ru/43387182
  11. not save Armorgrp.dat ((((
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