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About OceanDeep

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Hello, I am experienced and passionate LoL player with 700+ ranked games in this season alone. However, I am currently in a need of money, hence I am starting to sell Cheap but Fast and reliable boosting up to Platinum for now. Knowing that there are already so many great boosters I have set my prices as low as possible to give it a shot and maybe gather some money. Divisions: EUW and EUNE Prices: BRONZE: V - IV 5€ IV - III 5€ III - II 5€ II - I 5€ I - V 7€ SILVER: V - IV 8€ IV - III 9€ III - II 9€ II - I 9€ I - V 12€ GOLD: V - IV 13€ IV - III 13€ III - II 14€ II - I 18€ I - V 20€ Skype contacts: nubiik (I appear to be invisible but I am online most of the time). Important information! - If you have very low MMR and receive very low LP per win the prices are higher. - As new booster I am starting with vouches from fellow forum users. Feel free to contact me for free win to build up my reputation. - Note that my services are fully anonymous and I do not use Chat in game whatsoever, nor do I spend your IP or RP. - Payment via Paypal or WU.
  2. Will the ping be lower or?.. i tried many proxies all had at least 500 ms
  3. Never played on old Gang server, but heard it was pretty nice. Gonna try it out
  4. Yes, I have pressed Enter by mistake while just starting with my Post, sorry.
  5. ** UPDATED ** Hello, I am selling LoL EUNE Platinum III (34 LP) account. (S3 Golden rims). Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/UWgQZ ; ( Updated ELO screenshot http://imgur.com/JEUZLZt ). RP / IP: 39 / 2928. Rune Pages owned: 5. (A lot of runes for any combination / champion / lane). Champions owned: 94. Champions and skins list (skins in GREEN are rare / limited / legacy or legendary): Aatrox; Ahri; Akali (Crimson Akali); Alistar (Unchained Alistar); Amumu; Anivia; Annie; Ashe; Blitzcrank (Definitely not Blitzcrank); Brand (Zombie Brand); Caitlyn; Cassiopeia; Cho'Gath; Corki; Dr. Mundo; Draven; Elise (Victorious Elise); Evelynn; Fiddlesticks (Pumpkinhead Fiddlesticks); Fiora (Headmistress Fiora); Fizz (Fisherman Fizz); Gangplank (Spooky Gangplank); Garen; Gragags; Hecarim (Headless Hecarim); Heimerdinger; Irelia (Nightblade Irelia); Janna; Jarvan IV; Jax (Angler Jax); Karma; Karthus (Phantom Karthus); Kassadin; Katarina (Kitty Cat Katarina); Kayle; Kennen; Kog'Maw; Le Blanc; Lee Sin; Leona; Lissandra; Lux; Malphite; Malzahar; Maokai; Master Yi; Miss Fortune; Mordekaiser; Morgana; Nasus; Nidalee (Bewitching Nidalee); Nocturne; Nunu; Olaf (Brolaf); Pantheon; Poppy (Noxus Poppy); Rammus; Rengar; Riven; Rumble (Rumble in the Jungle); Ryze (Zombie Ryze); Sejuani; Shaco (Workshop SHaco); Shen; Shyvana; Singed; Sion; Sivir; Skarner; Sona (Muse Sona); Soraka; Swain; Syndra; Talon; Taric (Armor of the Fifth Age Taric); Teemo; Tristana (Riot Girl Tristana); Tryndamere; Twisted Fate; Twitch; Udyr; Urgot; Varus; Vayne; Veigar; Vi; Vladimir (Nosferatu Vladimir); Warwick; Xin Zhao; Yoric; Zac; Zed; Ziggs; Zilean (Groovy Zilean); I am accepting payment through PayPal or WU. Waiting for offers in PM. Can be traded via trusted MM.
  6. Hello, Any help/fix for that With statement error?
  7. Price and info updated.
  8. Hello, Selling LoL Europe West account. Details: Level: 30 ELO: 1050 Rune pages: 4 Runes: AD; AP; Tank; Support Champions owned: 60 Champions list: Ahri; Akali; Alistar; Amumu; Anivia; Annie; Ashe; Blitzcrank; Brand; Cho'Gath; Corki; Dr. Mundo; Evelynn; Fiddlesticks; Fiora; Fizz; Gangplank; Garen; Heimerdinger; Irelia; Janna; Jax; Karthus; Kassadin; Katarina; Kayle; Kennen; Lee Sin; Leona; Malphite; Maokai; Master Yi; Morgana; Nasus; Nidalee; Nocturne; Nunu; Olaf; Pantheon; Poppy; Rumble; Ryze; Shaco; Shyvana; Singed; Sion; Sivir; Skarner; Sona; Soraka; Taric; Teemo; Tristana; Tryndamere; Twisted Fate; Twitch; Veigar; Warwick; Ziggs; Zilean. Skins owned: 13 Skins list: Crimson Akali; Unchained Alistar; Fisherman Fizz; Spooky Gangplank; Nightblade Irelia; Angler Jax; Phantom Karthus; Brolaf; Rumble in the Jungle; Workshop Shaco; Muse Sona; Armor of the Fifth Age Taric; Riot Girl Tristana. Price: 30 euros via PayPal.
  9. Will not make the price lower since I paid 60 euros for it, sorry
  10. Price changed - 30 euros.
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