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Everything posted by berni

  1. server is under ddos attacks...join later..server has unique donation list ;D
  2. http://support.interlude.pro/index.php?mod=invite&i=12
  3. http://support.interlude.pro/index.php?mod=invite&i=12
  4. http://support.interlude.pro/index.php?mod=invite&i=12
  5. http://support.interlude.pro/index.php?mod=invite&i=12
  6. http://support.interlude.pro/index.php?mod=invite&i=12
  7. website is down and im boring to see the spam in the other twelve pages..can someone tell me when is the grand opening??
  8. agree very good server but admin didnt do good promotion and server is unkown
  9. very good server but low community ( 40 ppl on) join all this server deserve it..
  10. and?? server lost many ppl with this action..u will see max 40 ppl on that day (12h april)
  11. Open the server :D
  12. like i said server closed..
  13. its a good server but noobs gms and kingofchaos u cant save the situation with all that sh1t u did last week..its time to stop looking this topic and see ur server..cause in the end u will play alone..
  14. its a good server i like it..with more ppl will be great :D koita3te ton k eseis oi ellines mono kati ispanous vlepw mesa :P
  15. ppl leaving 110 is online now and just 2 in farm/pvp zones like i said cause saturday gm help his friends to be heroes(i never have seen more feed in my life)..i used to like this server and thats why i post still now..give the server to a good admin/gm and it will rise again
  16. like old sandora :-\ full of bugs gms on but afk ( dont answer petitions) and domi is overpowered..its too hard to find good server in these days ...and ofc dont donate when they make much money from donates they will close the server like before
  17. kingofchaos all said that server fail now it has online 150ppl max and all like always AFK..ppl are leaving this nab server.. and u with other gms can do anything for that..if u banned the feeders ppl propably stay..but u are morons
  18. hello..im looking for a new inrerlude high rate pvp server with friendly gms who cared about the server and they are all time in making events and respond to the players questions or suggestions..ofc i want server with balanced classes if its possible in an interlude server..not custom weapons and not enchant more +18.. moreover i m looking for server that farm makes good players not items for votes like old interlude servers..and server want to have full protection of bugs/ddos etc..AND I WANT GMS WATCH OLY AND BAN THE BUGGERS/FEEDERS
  19. join and see server usually has 200 ppl online but the 50 are in all ppl are afk or they are gms bots..anyway its a same i use to like this server..if gm do something to correct the situation this server will be one of the best interlude servers( but he dont want to punish his feeders friends)
  20. lol server is a big fail..it has good community but the most noobies gms i ever seen..he close observe mode in oly to help his friends to feed..first time i saw that :D
  21. Server fail..actually GMs fail...they are 2 hours a day online(max) they are invisible and they go for walks ( like all kids gms) they dont care about server..They have big problem in oly..All players feed and gm do nothing about it..The heroes of weak class l( fortune seeker,maestro,bladedancer etc) have 30 pts at least and admin dont ban them..In otherside he close observe mode to help them feed harder :SS ..Server FAIL..dont join its a waste of time with these gms
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