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Everything posted by Saeros

  1. example ?
  2. example ?
  3. example ?
  4. Hello everyone, I want introduce You a PvP Server called L2Midnight. L2Midnight Server Status : Live at 13 May (Friday) Server Info : Chronicle: Interlude More details at Forum Board Rates Experience: 70x Adena: x200 Party Exp Level Gap (20 levels) - Disabled Enchanting chance: Magic Weapon Enchant Rate: 50% Fighter Weapon Enchant Rate: 60% Armor Enchant Rate: 60% Safe Enchant: +3 Max Armor Enchant: +10 Max Weapon Enchant: +16 GM Shops Shop up to A Grade Equipment Interlude Weapons All needed Misc Zones Farm Zone: Varka, Imperial Tomb Boosted Zone: DVC Exp boosted x2 ( Totaly x140 ) Farm System S grades optainable from our craft system (recipe60%, parts, craft book, crystals S, gemstones) coins of idol (item required to buy s grade armor recipes/parts and some Misc items) fragment of idol coin (item required to buy s grade armor parts) Note: You can exchange fragments to coins ( 3:1 ) Broken Relic Parts (for weapons recipes & parts require Quest for Broken Relic Parts (NPC located in Giran)) Ancient Adena ( require for unseal S grades armor ) Varka Drop (less chance for drop) coins of idol, fragment of idol coin, Sealed s grade sets with small chance Spoil (more chance for drop) coins of idol fragment of idol coin ews eas Imperial Tomb Drop Broken Relic Parts Ancient Adena Buffs NPC Buffers with all normal buffs to 74LVL Duration of all buffs: 2 Hours Cat/Unicorn buff is retail like All buffs are Party buffs. Global GK The global GK will teleport to: all towns, leveling zones and custom area locations. Quests Class changes - free of charge at NPC (1nd /2nd / 3rd - cost 10kk ) Sub Quest Items in NPC. Nobless Quest Items in NPC. ( Barakiel level: 80 ) Clan Level Items in NPC More info @ our sites Our WebSite : www.l2midnight.com Our Forum : http://forum.l2midnight.com/
  5. Raid Boss Drops / Spawn Times ; Varka: Three regular rb's with retail stat's 1. 2. 3. For those three drops are the same: Sealed Imperial Crusader set items Sealed Leather Draconic set items Sealed Major Arcana set items All s grade weapons adena Top/High lifestones Bews/Beas Crystals for SA Fragment Coin of idol Coin of idol One with enchanted stats (need atleast 9 peoples to kill it) 1. Unsealed Imperial Crusader set items Unsealed Leather Draconic set items Unsealed Major Arcana set items All s grade weapons + SA adena Top/High lifestones Bews/Beas Crystals for SA Fragment Coin of idol Coin of idol More drop chance for this one (doubled) To kill this one you need varka lvl 1 and Simple quest : Magical power of water part 1 Magical power of water quest guide After it you take Magical power of water part 2 from asefa and you can slay the rb ! (just find it and click on the statue to make him appear) (after that you have to repeat the part 1 quest to summon it again, only one person from party needs quest)
  6. Craft Guide ; 1.First you need to find a person who will craft for you a weapon/armor (or make an crafter) 2. As you see you lack with few items, shafts, craft book, recipe, crystals and gamestones. You have to start imperial tomb quest (just click on quest) where you have to farm broken relic parts for recipes and shafts (one s grade weapon recipe = 100 of them and one shaft = 2 of them) 3. When you collect enough relics it's time to buy recipe: 4. And enough craft books(crystals and gamestones are available at misc shop) : 5. After that you make it. It's only 60% chance but with a bit of luck i made it: 6. Time to put SA, This is expensive way ( won't remove enchant), crystals are obtainable from epic and regular rb's Cheap way cost 50 coins and remove enchant from weapon, you can use it by weapon shop option.
  7. how is it works?
  8. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=128.0 will open soon
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