Some information about the server
Chronicle: Interlude (Others may call T0 or C6)
Registration: auto
Class Changer
PK/PVP Top 100 NPC
Enchant Skill All in One NPC
And others!
Rates x5000
Balanced classes
20sec teleport protection
Only 1 box allowed from 1 IP Address
Anti heavy protection
Offline shop system (just put your sell shop and exit the game)
Wedding system
Giran castle siege every Sunday 18:00 GMT+2
Retail olympiad (teleports out of olympiad immediately after the fight)
Dualbox in Olympiad protection
Protection from exiting olympiad fights (immediately takes points from the leaver)
Nick, title coloring from pvp/pk system
Clan add rep item (from 5 clan level, adds 1000 rep points to a clan)
Account protection system(Shows last ip which was using your account)
Stackable enchant scrools (Enchant scrolls take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles)
TVT Event everyday
DeathMatch Event everyday
GM Events
Safe: +3
Max: +16
Max from vote/donate: +20
Simple Scroll: 80% (Max +16)
Blessed Scroll: 100% (Max +16)
Crystal Scroll: 100% (Max +20)
You can enchant Hero Weapons
Main town Giran
Adena 1,2,3
Raid boss zone
Other information:
Server is offline for maintenance mode every Saturday 10:00-12:00 GMT+2
Max subclass:5
Max members in clan 30, max clans in ally 2
No S grade penalty
No weight penalty
Auto pick up
Olympiad everyday 18.00 - 24:00 GMT+2
Olympiad change every Saturday 15:00 GMT+2
Oly validation period 24 hours
Buffs 9 hours, max buffs 48 (+4 slots for debuffs)
Fully working geodata
Fully working augmentation system
Augment skill chance 20%
Max 1 passive and 1 active augment at a time
You get Noblesse Coin after you log in
Easy Farm so every new player have chance,PvP 24h, 300ppl ++