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About BoyZ

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  1. Some information about the server Chronicle: Interlude (Others may call T0 or C6) Registration: auto NPCS: GMSHOP Buffer Class Changer PK/PVP Top 100 NPC Enchant Skill All in One NPC And others! Features: Rates x5000 Balanced classes 20sec teleport protection Only 1 box allowed from 1 IP Address Anti heavy protection Offline shop system (just put your sell shop and exit the game) Wedding system Giran castle siege every Sunday 18:00 GMT+2 Retail olympiad (teleports out of olympiad immediately after the fight) Dualbox in Olympiad protection Protection from exiting olympiad fights (immediately takes points from the leaver) Nick, title coloring from pvp/pk system Clan add rep item (from 5 clan level, adds 1000 rep points to a clan) Account protection system(Shows last ip which was using your account) Stackable enchant scrools (Enchant scrolls take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles) TVT Event everyday DeathMatch Event everyday GM Events Enchant: Safe: +3 Max: +16 Max from vote/donate: +20 Simple Scroll: 80% (Max +16) Blessed Scroll: 100% (Max +16) Crystal Scroll: 100% (Max +20) You can enchant Hero Weapons Zones: Main town Giran Adena 1,2,3 Lifestone Gbook Raid boss zone Other information: Server is offline for maintenance mode every Saturday 10:00-12:00 GMT+2 Max subclass:5 Max members in clan 30, max clans in ally 2 No S grade penalty No weight penalty Auto pick up Olympiad everyday 18.00 - 24:00 GMT+2 Olympiad change every Saturday 15:00 GMT+2 Oly validation period 24 hours Buffs 9 hours, max buffs 48 (+4 slots for debuffs) Fully working geodata Fully working augmentation system Augment skill chance 20% Max 1 passive and 1 active augment at a time You get Noblesse Coin after you log in Easy Farm so every new player have chance,PvP 24h, 300ppl ++ www.interlude.pro
  2. join us...come con people..server rocks
  3. server features looks great..if server will be balance and there will not be star war donation,i think this server will be great,good luck with your project and w8 to grand openning :)
  4. server features looks great..if server will be balance and there will not be star war donation,i think this server will be great,good luck with your project and w8 to grand openning :)
  5. www.l2energy.info
  6. www.l2energy.info good server max enchant +10..no donate with 150ppl
  7. join to server people.server rock.no corruption.nice pvp.custom rb and more..join join join ;D
  8. join people..really nice server :) :)
  9. try this http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=206717.0
  10. nice features..i will join ;)
  11. when do u think server will open? in 1 month or more?
  12. need more information and open the forum :)
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