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About UhriG

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Working on infinite? anyways gonna test it
  2. Rlly usefull, alrdy polaying on infinite but im testing other servers, so yeah, very helpfull. thx for share
  3. You have abyss gate in heiron, verteron and eltnen.
  4. Woow thx man, that tesla crafting looks rlly nice, nice share.
  5. For what server, version, etc...? WTB some extra info...
  6. thx for share, trying out
  7. UhriG

    [Exploit] PvP

    Lol, welcome to the internet.
  8. lets see if it works on infinite
  9. Hi, welcome and hf!
  10. Hi, welcome and hf!
  11. Nice share, gonna need that map, thx.
  12. nice share! Rlly helpfull for new players
  13. I always start with templar, to farm, get gear etc... then I move to gladiator or ranger for pvp.
  14. W8ing for tera private server, and btw, I prefer my elyos with clothe, even more sexy than that.
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