Ladies and Gentlemen!
L2Union Team invites everyone to be part of this new server, launched on 02/04/2010 with the following settings:
Version: Gracia Epilogue
XP: 250x
SP: 250x
Adena: 600x
Party 2x
Master Class - All Cities
NpcBuffer 3hs - All Cities
NpcShop - All Cities
Custom Tattoos and Cloak
Custom Drops
Misc Shop
PvP Armor and Weapons Trader
Argument NPC and NPC Attribute
Geodata (No Bug)
Spoil Zone
XP Zone
Ancient Adena Zone
Hero 2 Weeks
Safe Enchant +5 (Normal Enchant 70%)
Max Enchant +25 (Blessed Enchant 80%)
Olly every 15 days
Dedicated Server USA
24 / 7 Uptime
Join Now