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Everything posted by HybridL2

  1. PLayers are the one who play there, not me so players should always be able to offer suggestions.
  2. There is a poll about this so feel free to voice your opinion.
  3. Goes up and down depending on the time of day, can be between 50 and 120 players.
  4. What you think is something I really do not concern myself with since the only things you seem to say are negative. If you do not like what is posted here then find another thread to troll in.
  5. Give our new server a try, only been online for little more than 1 week; High Five, 10x rates with no cutoms.. Web: www.hybridl2.com MxC: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=212039.0
  6. Give our new server a try, only been online for little more than 1 week; High Five, 10x rates with no cutoms.. Web: www.hybridl2.com MxC: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=212039.0
  7. We have not been open long, averages around 100 players at peak times but population is growing slowly. Update: New website is online but we are still missing a nice header title for it if anybody is interested is doing one. :) Join us!
  8. They did not have one for C++ so I used the closet things to it. L2OFF is C+ anyway so technically they are the same. :) It's fixed. Typo. Fixed.
  9. Sorry, our decision on our dual boxing policy will not change. Players who like to play alone will have to play alone or find other players/clan to join.
  10. Since we have not been open long we only have about 100 players at peak times. The development team is very active and the server is updated at least once a week. There is no private server in existence that has all skills working but we do have a large amount of Freya/High Five features and skills working that most servers still missing; our core is probably 4 months ahead of everybody else. Our team is using the leaked retail Freya scripts to add and correct things that have been missing or bugged in others cores for a long time. Plus my entire team plays on the retail servers so we are able to check things. The anti dual boxing system means you are only able to log one account per PC with two PC's maximum; two clients maximum. If you try to log in more than one client on your computer it will kick the first client out. This protection is coded into the server so there is no way for players to alter their clients to bypass it.
  11. Welcome to a brand new way to develop a Lineage II Emulation server! First, a little about our system: Unlike most emulation systems we wrote the main core in C++, although we are not the first to do something like this we have taken it a few steps further. First is that since Java based cores are easy to use and manager we took those elements and coded them into our system. Things such as the Admin Panel and all the normal Java features/commands are in our C++ core. The second thing that is different is that our C++ core uses Java script injection; this means the quests, multisells, skills and 90% of the system scripts are written in Java script and called by the main core. Coding the system in C++ give this core the stability to handle up to 6000 players, a feature that Java based cores lack. We also use MSSQL to handle our database as it more efficient and stable when handling large databases, MySQL was not powerful enough for us, plus our software is true 64bit Technology and only runs on a Windows 64bit Platform (we do not support Linux). Register and log into the server to help us make Hybrid L2 one of the best Linage II Emulation cores around. Website: http://www.hybridl2.com Chronical: High Five - Part 5 Rates: XP/SP: 10x Party XP/SP: 1.3x Drop/Spoil: 10x Adena: 10x Seal Stones: 2x Quest Drop: 5x (Not all quests are effected yet) Manor: 1x Pet XP: 2x Raid Boss: 1x Raid Boss Jewelry: 1x Fishing: 2x Quest Reward Rates: Repeatable Quests: 3x Adena / 2x Items / 2x XP / 2x SP One Time Quests: 4x Adena / 2x Items / 5x XP / 5x SP MAIN FEATURES: Safe Enchant: Weapons, Jewelry & Armor +3 / One Piece Armor +4 (Same as retail; 66%) Max Enchant: +16 No Donations (Might open Donations eventually but for Hair Accessories/non Game altering items Only) Shout Channel is Global All Class Quests Must be Completed (Necessary for testing reasons) Vitality Retail Buff Times No GM Shop No NPC Buffer Gear from “S” Grade up must be crafted; "A" Grade can be bought in Giran Luxury Shop (Hi5) Auto Item Decay (10 minutes) No auto pickup No auto learn skills No MP Pots FEATURES: Lineage II: High Five - Part 5 Full Anti-Bot Protection (Custom developed for our Hybrid system) Anti-DDOS Protection (Cisco Router w/ Hardware Firewall) Limited Dual Boxing (Anti Dual-Boxing System / 1 IP per WAN and 1 IP per PC, max 2: cannot be the same) Weekly Restarts (Every Saturday Morning) Full Geodata & Dynamic Pathfinding (Completely recoded / We have an actual Geodata Developer on our team) Olympiad Anti-Feed System (Clan and Alliance members cannot fight against each other) All chats, items, quests, drops, enchants and GM functions are logged Grand Olympiad System - New system only available in High Five Augmentation Seven Signs All Seven Signs Epic Quests working Castle Sieges Fortress Sieges Master Craft All Kamalokas All Pailakas Territory Wars Rim Pailakas (Fortress/Castle Instances) Several Level 80+ Zones (Mirthril Mines, Giants Cave, Field of Whispers, Sel Muham, etc) 80% Working Hellbound Gracia Area with many working quests and Raid Bosses Many High Five quests have been added Many Level 81+ Skills working with retail formulas All mobs have working retail drop lists (Including Raid Bosses) Pet Evolve System Enhanced Baby Pets w/working Buffs Offline Shop/Craft Offline Shop/Craft Restoration System Working Community Board System SPECIAL FEATURES: Hellbound points: x2 Seeds only needs 4 players to enter SERVER HARDWARE: Server hosting in Paris, France at OVH Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quadcore (2 CPU's - 8 Total) 3.2 GHz incl. Hyper-Threading Technology RAM: 12 GB DDR3 RAM Hard discs: 2 x 1500 GB SATA-II HDD 12k RPM (Software-RAID 1) NIC: 1 GBit OnBoard connected at 100 MBit Unlimited Traffic 100 MBit Bandwidth Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition (64bit)
  12. Only in part since we do not use L2OFF leaked files, Extender files such a dVamp or any existing L2j pack. We deigned this system from the ground up almost five years ago and have been slowly building it with each new Chronicle.
  13. My team has decided to make some changes, please check the forums for information. www.hybridl2.com
  14. Not really, not with the 10x rates.. Besides, from player feedback my team decided not to go through with an alpha and beta phase. It would be unfair to our existing players of we were to wipe, and also to new players if we do not wipe and removed those features.
  15. Mistyped the website address.. First post fixed.
  16. Welcome to a brand new way to develop a Lineage II Emulation server! First, a little about our system: Unlike most emulation systems we wrote the main core in C++, although we are not the first to do something like this we have taken it a few steps further. First is that since Java based cores are easy to use and manager we took those elements and coded them into our system. Things such as the Admin Panel and all the normal Java features/commands are in our C++ core. The second thing that is different is that our C++ core uses Java script injection; this means the quests, multisells, skills and 90% of the system scripts are written in Java script and called by the main core. Coding the system in C++ give this core the stability to handle up to 6000 players, a feature that Java based cores lack. We also use MSSQL to handle our database as it more efficient and stable when handling large databases, MySQL was not powerful enough for us, plus our software is true 64bit Technology and only runs on a Windows 64bit Platform (we do not support Linux). Register and log into the server to help us make Hybrid L2 one of the best Linage II Emulation cores around. Website: http://www.hybridl2.com - Register and help the Hybrid Development! Chronical: High Five - Part 5 Rates: XP/SP: 10x Party XP/SP: 1.3x Drop/Spoil: 10x Adena: 10x Quest Drop: 5x (Not all quests are effected yet) Manor: 1x Pet XP: 2x Raid Boss: 1x Raid Boss Jewelry: 1x Fishing: 2x Quest Reward Rates: Repeatable Quests: 2x Adena / 1x Items / 2x XP / 2x SP One Time Quests: 2x Adena / 1x Items / 5x XP / 5x SP MAIN FEATURES: Safe Enchant: Weapons, Jewelry & Armor +4 / One Piece Armor +5 Max Enchant: +16 No Donations (Might open Donations eventually but for Hair Accessories/non Game altering items Only) Shout Channel is Global All Class Quests Must be Completed (Necessary for testing reasons) Vitality Retail Buff Times No GM Shop No NPC Buffer Gear from “S” Grade up must be crafted; "A" Grade can be bought in Giran Luxury Shop (Hi5) Auto Item Decay (10 minutes) Skills are auto learned Items are NOT auto pickup SPECIAL FEATURES: Hellbound points: x2 Seed of Destruction/Infinity only needs 4 players to enter Weekly Olympiad Period Grand Wedding System! FEATURES: Lineage II: High Five - Part 5 Full Anti-Bot Protection (Not yet Installed as we are having a custom one developed) Anti-DDOS Protection (Cisco Router w/ Hardware Firewall) Limited Dual Boxing (Anti Dual-Boxing System / 1 IP per WAN and 1 IP per PC, max 2) Weekly Restarts (Every Saturday Morning) Full Geodata & Dynamic Pathfinding (Completely recoded / We have an actual Geodata Developer on our team) Olympiad Anti-Feed System (Clan and Alliance members cannot fight against each other) All chats, items, enchants and GM functions are logged Augmentation Seven Signs Seven Signs Epic Quests Castle Sieges Fortress Sieges Master Craft All Kamalokas All Pailakas Territory Wars Rim Pailakas (Fortress/Castle Instances) Several Level 80+ Zones (Mirthril Mines, Giants Cave, Field of Whispers, Sel Muham, etc) Many Level 81+ Skills working with retail formulas All mobs have working retail drop lists (Including Raid Bosses) Pet Evolve System Enhanced Baby Pets w/working Buffs Offline Shop/Craft Offline Shop/Craft Restoration System SERVER HARDWARE: Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quadcore 3.2 GHz incl. Hyper-Threading Technology RAM: 12 GB DDR3 RAM Hard discs: 2 x 1500 GB SATA-II HDD 12k RPM (Software-RAID 1) NIC: 1 GBit OnBoard connected at 100 MBit Unlimited Traffic 100 MBit Bandwidth Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition (64bit) We have no interest in flames or negative feedback, we are looking for good and professional players to help expand our new system to make it as close to a retail experience a possible. Our system is not 100% and we expect there to be bugs and missing features but with help from active players we will keep improving the system.
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