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Everything posted by t0xic543
otan allazw weapon vgenei apo ta buffs
exw l2j frozen pack kai otan vazw active weapon agument buff otan vgazw to weapon vgenei to skill ,ta configs m omws einai swsta ti arage fteei? ta configs m: # Augments Active and Passive skills delete on change weapon DeleteAgmentPassiveEffectOnChangeWep=false DeleteAgmentActiveEffectOnChangeWep=false
Rates: » Xp 5000x. » Sp 5000x. » Aden 5000x. » Drop 5000x. » PartyXp 2x. » PartySp 2x. » Starting character level -78. Enchant rates: » Safe enchant +4. » Simple enchant scrolls chance - 75%. » Crystal enchant scrolls chance - 85%. Unique features: » Main town - Rune Harbor » Adena castle sieges. » Unique aden system. » Wedding system. » Unique farming zones. » Npc skill enchanter. » A grade items for free. » Unique tattoo. » Full npc buffer. » Max count of buffs - 24+6. » Max subclasses - 3. » Free and no quest class change. » Free and no quest sub class. » Free nobless status. » No weight limit. » No grade limit. » Quake pvp system. » Pvp/pk show on title. » Online password change. » Top 20 pvp/pk npc in game. » Augmentation system (preconfigured). » Server information npc. » Unique monsters. » Offline trade system. » Interlude retail skills. » Perfect class balance. » Server up-time [24/7] [99]%.] Join US!!! Website : http://l2europe.eu/
Hello everyone, my name is George and i am from Greece, i am 23 years old and i working in one server pack for mid about 3 years...i know javascript and good development...i am searching 3 ppls knowing l2 develop....must have free time to CREATE BEST GREEK MID SERVER. thnx leave me infos... Ta atoma afta na exune ore3i gia dhmiourgia kai eleuthero xrono euxaristw...
dite afto o bnb 3ana anoigei loooooooooooooooooooooooooool http://lineage2bnb.freeforums.org/index.php
Server Rates * Experience: x5000 * Spexperience: x5000 * Party Experience: x5000 * Party Spexperience: x5000 * Adena: x5000 Enchant Rates * Safe : 4 * Max For Weapon : 35 * Max For Armor : 35 * Max For Jewels : 35 * Normal Scroll Enchant Rate: 75% * Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 85% * Crystal Scroll Enchant Rate: 100% Custom NPC * Global Gatekeeper * Raid Boss Gatekeeper * Siege Register * GM Shop * Custom Gm Shop * Buffer * Skill Enchanter * Augmenter * Wedding Manager * Server Info * Donation Manager * Siege informer * Clan Hall Manager * Clan Manager * Olympiad Manager * Class Manager * Vote Reward NPC * Top Stats Manager * TvT Manager * CTF Manager * SubClass Manager * Nobless Manager * PassChanger * Symbol Manager Olympiad System * Retail Like * Olympiad Cycle = 1 Weeks Custom Armor k Tattoo Aguments 3+1 Features * C4/C5/Interlude features/skills working 98% (The other 2% we will fix it with your support ig) * Fishing * Seven Signs * Castle Sieges Clan Hall Sieges * Noblesses & Heroes System * Max Level 80 * All Quests * Clan Wars * C5/Interlude Clan System * Weapon Augmentations * All C4/C5/Interlude Skills * Special Raid Bosses * Olympiad 100% Retail like * DualBox allowed * Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes * Active and experienced development/GM team! * Not used accounts will be deleted after 2 months * NO LAG!!! * 100% Uptime * International community * New character start with 700kk adena * Max Subclasses = 3 * All active/passive augments are fully working! * Custom Start up zone Vote Reward System (Unique) * Vote reward system (Every 3 votes in Hopzone or Topzone, all online players receive an amount of Vote Box and have chance to get 3,5,8 vote scrolls used to buy items ingame. Teleport Protection * Flagged players can't teleport, creating more pvp action. Announcements * Castle Lord Annoucement * Heros Annoucement Olympiad Informations : Interlude JAVA Olympiad system The olympiad period is 2 weeks Olympiad is from 20:00 to 00:00 GMT+1 everyday You need 9 match and 1 wins to be eligible to hero The reuse of the skill is reseted after each olympiad match so you are abble to sign in again instantly and not wait for 1 hours for the skill reuse like on the others server You can check the hero and olympiad period Here Buffs Informations : Buffs in party only to avoid grief buffing 3 hours normal buff 3 hours dances and song ( siren effect decreased ) 3 hours prophecies , 20 mins COV Farming Informations : Custom farming system Custom ecomic system http://l2master.zzl.org
L2J Renewal Opens 500 ppl Online 2012 Full PvP Intelude..
t0xic543 replied to t0xic543's topic in Private Servers
fixed -
L2J Renewal Opens 500 ppl Online 2012 Full PvP Intelude..
t0xic543 posted a topic in Private Servers
Infos Server Rates * Experience: x5000 * Spexperience: x5000 * Party Experience: x5000 * Party Spexperience: x5000 * Adena: x5000 Enchant Rates * Safe : 4 * Max For Weapon : 35 * Max For Armor : 35 * Max For Jewels : 35 * Normal Scroll Enchant Rate: 75% * Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 85% * Crystal Scroll Enchant Rate: 95% Custom NPC * Global Gatekeeper * Raid Boss Gatekeeper * Siege Register * GM Shop * Custom Gm Shop * Buffer * Skill Enchanter * Augmenter * Wedding Manager * Server Info * Donation Manager * Siege informer * Clan Hall Manager * Clan Manager * Olympiad Manager * Class Manager * Vote Reward NPC * Top Stats Manager * TvT Manager * CTF Manager * SubClass Manager * Nobless Manager * PassChanger * Symbol Manager Olympiad System * Retail Like * Olympiad Cycle = 1 Weeks Features * C4/C5/Interlude features/skills working 98% (The other 2% we will fix it with your support ig) * Fishing * Seven Signs * Castle Sieges Clan Hall Sieges * Noblesses & Heroes System * Max Level 80 * All Quests * Clan Wars * C5/Interlude Clan System * Weapon Augmentations * All C4/C5/Interlude Skills * Special Raid Bosses * Olympiad 100% Retail like * DualBox allowed * Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes * Active and experienced development/GM team! * Not used accounts will be deleted after 2 months * NO LAG!!! * 100% Uptime * International community * New character start with 700kk adena * Max Subclasses = 3 * All active/passive augments are fully working! * Custom Start up zone Vote Reward System (Unique) * Vote reward system (Every 3 votes in Hopzone or Topzone, all online players receive an a-beep-t of Vote Box and have chance to get 3,5,8 vote scrolls used to buy items ingame. Teleport Protection * Flagged players can't teleport, creating more pvp action. Announcements * Castle Lord Annoucement * Heros Annoucement Olympiad Informations : Interlude JAVA Olympiad system The olympiad period is 2 weeks Olympiad is from 20:00 to 00:00 GMT+1 everyday You need 9 match and 1 wins to be eligible to hero The reuse of the skill is reseted after each olympiad match so you are abble to sign in again instantly and not wait for 1 hours for the skill reuse like on the others server You can check the hero and olympiad period Here Buffs Informations : Buffs in party only to avoid grief buffing 3 hours normal buff 3 hours dances and song ( siren effect decreased ) 3 hours prophecies , 20 mins COV Farming Informations : Custom farming system Custom ecomic system http://l2-renewal.zzl.org -
Infos Server Rates * Experience: x5000 * Spexperience: x5000 * Party Experience: x5000 * Party Spexperience: x5000 * Adena: x5000 Enchant Rates * Safe : 4 * Max For Weapon : 35 * Max For Armor : 35 * Max For Jewels : 35 * Normal Scroll Enchant Rate: 75% * Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 85% * Crystal Scroll Enchant Rate: 95% Custom NPC * Global Gatekeeper * Raid Boss Gatekeeper * Siege Register * GM Shop * Custom Gm Shop * Buffer * Skill Enchanter * Augmenter * Wedding Manager * Server Info * Donation Manager * Siege informer * Clan Hall Manager * Clan Manager * Olympiad Manager * Class Manager * Vote Reward NPC * Top Stats Manager * TvT Manager * CTF Manager * SubClass Manager * Nobless Manager * PassChanger * Symbol Manager Olympiad System * Retail Like * Olympiad Cycle = 1 Weeks Features * C4/C5/Interlude features/skills working 98% (The other 2% we will fix it with your support ig) * Fishing * Seven Signs * Castle Sieges Clan Hall Sieges * Noblesses & Heroes System * Max Level 80 * All Quests * Clan Wars * C5/Interlude Clan System * Weapon Augmentations * All C4/C5/Interlude Skills * Special Raid Bosses * Olympiad 100% Retail like * DualBox allowed * Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes * Active and experienced development/GM team! * Not used accounts will be deleted after 2 months * NO LAG!!! * 100% Uptime * International community * New character start with 700kk adena * Max Subclasses = 3 * All active/passive augments are fully working! * Custom Start up zone Vote Reward System (Unique) * Vote reward system (Every 3 votes in Hopzone or Topzone, all online players receive an a-beep-t of Vote Box and have chance to get 3,5,8 vote scrolls used to buy items ingame. Teleport Protection * Flagged players can't teleport, creating more pvp action. Announcements * Castle Lord Annoucement * Heros Annoucement Olympiad Informations : Interlude JAVA Olympiad system The olympiad period is 2 weeks Olympiad is from 20:00 to 00:00 GMT+1 everyday You need 9 match and 1 wins to be eligible to hero The reuse of the skill is reseted after each olympiad match so you are abble to sign in again instantly and not wait for 1 hours for the skill reuse like on the others server You can check the hero and olympiad period Here Buffs Informations : Buffs in party only to avoid grief buffing 3 hours normal buff 3 hours dances and song ( siren effect decreased ) 3 hours prophecies , 20 mins COV Farming Informations : Custom farming system Custom ecomic system http://l2-renewal.tk/
L2-BadTrip is a Lineage II server free of charge and full of fun. We have a friendly and dedicated staff to help you in anything you would like to know. Currently L2-BadTrip runs the most updated and complete Interlude (L2J) Server 70x rated , No BOTS, No EXPLOITS. Everything works and you may not compare us with others, there is no other complete server like us. Server Info. INFORMATION Server Rates XP: x70 SP: x70 Party XP and SP: x1.50 Adena Drop rate: x90 Drop Items rate: x20 Drop SealStones rate: x1.5 Spoil rate: x20 Drop Manor rate: x1 Drop Quest rate: x10 Quests Reward rate: x10(not for all) DropRaidBoss: x10. Enchant Rates Enchant Max: +25 Enchant Safe: +4 Simple Enchant Rates: 65% Bessed Enchant Rates: 68% Basic things Full working skill and quests, on the global balance. Working Fortress, Clan Hall and Castle siege Full fixed all Raid / Grand Boss (Zaken, Frintezza, Sepulchers, etc.). Working cursed weapons system. Class Auto at (20,40,76 LvL table). Augmentation full working. Subclass without quest. Auto Learn Skills till 80LvL. Full Working Wedings. Commercial Geodata, fully working. Champion system. Additional Npc buffer (2h buff time) 32+6 Buff slot. Scheme buffer. 7Signs teleporter + Primeval Island. GM-shop till weapon B grade/ armor B grade and jewel B grade. Noblesse with Caradine letter lvl 65 in GM Shop. Offline shop work with SELL , PRIVATE CREATION , PACKAGE SALE ! Grand Olympiad Olympiad system Every 1 Weeks (Full Working), Retail Olympiad. Olympiad start 18:00 and end 24:00 Heroes Change Every Month Validation period 12h http://l2badtrip.tk/
Exp: 3000x Adena:3000x Safe/max :4/25 (30 with donate) Enchant Rates: 75% Gold Bars for Tattos and Nobless Special RB with Special Drops 3 Farm Zones Dedicated 24 slots for Buff Skills - Dedicated 12 slots for Dance/Song Skills - Dedicated 12 slots for Debuff Skills - Combo buffs with retail time - Rebirth system - Olimpiad up to C6 - Weapon augmentation - New clan system - Death penalty - Custom items by Farm - 80 level for players - Hero skills - Skills up to C6l - Custom title colours by PvP - Self-cleaning drops after certain time! Custom Weapon & Armors And many, many more! http://l2badtrip.tk/
Exp: 5000x Adena:200x Safe/max :4/25 (30 with donate) Enchant Rates: 75% Custom Items & Farm Zones Elven Ruins ( GB Farm Zone) Elven Fortress (Party Farm GB & LS) DVC (GB Safe Zone) Rebirth Manager Max: 3 rebirth (costs 10k GB each)take passive skil Special RB in Farm Zone drops (rb jelwes & GB & crystall scrolls) Dedicated 24 slots for Buff Skills - Dedicated 12 slots for Dance/Song Skills - Dedicated 12 slots for Debuff Skills - Combo buffs with retail time - Olimpiad up to - Weapon augmentation - New clan system - 80 level for players - Hero skills - Skills up to C6 http://lineage2dead-silence.webs.com/
Server is opening : 10/08/2012 18:00 Athens Time. We are glad to present you our server, much more active and improved than ever! We are currently working too hard to make server balanced and enjoyable! Our staff will never ask for your account password,if you are asked by someone saying they are with our staff it is probably a scam,so don't give your account information to anyone! You should also register in our forum so you will be able to be aware of any updates or announcements about the server! Lineage 2 AntiFa Team welcomes you to our new website and forum! Respect Server Rules! Server Infos Rate Xp = 45X Rate Sp =45X Rate Party Xp = 45X Rate Party Sp = 45X Adena = 45X Max/Safe = 4/25 [30 with donation] Enchant Rates = 60% normal scrolls No lag No rolback Easy farm Maley auto and gm events Helpful Staff Maley unique custom features 99% of skills balanced 90% of classes balanced... (daily updates for perfect balance). Greek Community. No costum. http://l2-terra.tk/
paidia exw problima me buff plz help
t0xic543 posted a question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
paidia kanw download npc buffs .paw stin data/ktl bazw to SQL navicat...kanw restart tin kanw spawn kai den ginete spawn plz help :) -
psaxnoume 2 atoma gia gm team...
t0xic543 posted a question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
new server anoigei se 2 weeks apo twra...interlude x5000 pvp stilte mou plirofories gia to ti 3erete sto : psychedelia.its.my.life@hotmail.gr -
pou tha vrw to vote system pou dinei mono tou o server rewards se kapoia votes...
provlima me ta augument skills
t0xic543 posted a question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
dn m vgazei ta aguments skills sto skills twn cahr ti na kanw?? -
vazw kanonika tin buffer se sql kai t html ekei pou prepei tin kanw spawn vgenei koble alla meta... des fotos... thelw help epigontws: l2java interlude version 1550
dn borw na kanw clan ston server mou
t0xic543 posted a question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
exw fttia3ei enan server l2j interlude...kai otan pas na kaneis clan leeei : no task right now!!!! ti prepei na kanw??? kai otan kanei load to server.bat dn m kanei import ka9olou ta q... -
vazw npc stin database kai exw prob
t0xic543 replied to t0xic543's question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
thelw na valw enan buffer tha m peis pia arxeia kai pou akrivws? -
vazw npc stin database kai exw prob
t0xic543 posted a question in Request Server Development Help [Greek]
kanw kanonika to inmport bacth file...stin database mou kai m vgazei to parakatw error... [Err] 1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1 [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully ti na kanw???