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Everything posted by cavallier

  1. hix i can'i viewer. anyone re-share it pls
  2. nice share, thanks you
  3. ok thanks, i will test it
  4. Sry MOD, this is my picture Itemname-e 18005 Titan Fire Leather Armor a, -1 a,18005,18006,18007,18008,18009\0 a,CON-1, DEX+1, Accuracy +1.5, Evasion +1.5, Maximum HP +393 and Increased Dark Resistance.\0 a,10085\0 a,master resit.\0 0 0 6 a,When all set items are enchanted by 6 or higher, M. Def. and Evasion will increase.\0 armorgrp.dat 1 18005 0 3 4 4 0 ct1DropItems.drop_MFighter_m011_t92_u_m00 c6MFighter.MFighter_m201_t201_u c6icon.armor_t92_u_i00 4294967295 7620 46 1 0 10 1 Fighter.MFighter_m011_u 1 c6MFighter.MFighter_m011_t101_u 1 1 1 Fighter.FFighter_m011_u 1 c6FFighter.FFighter_m011_t101_u 1 1 1 DarkElf.MDarkElf_m003_u 1 c6MDarkElf.MDarkElf_m003_t101_u 1 1 1 DarkElf.FDarkElf_m003_u 1 c6FDarkElf.FDarkElf_m003_t101_u 1 1 1 Dwarf.MDwarf_m008_u 1 c6MDwarf.MDwarf_m201_t201_u 1 1 1 Dwarf.FDwarf_m008_u 1 c6FDwarf.FDwarf_m008_t201_u 1 1 1 Elf.MElf_m008_u 1 c6Melf.MElf_m008_t101_u 1 1 1 Elf.FElf_m008_u 1 c6Felf.FElf_m008_t101_u 1 1 1 Magic.MMagic_m011_u 1 c6MMagic.MMagic_m011_t301_u 1 1 1 Magic.FMagic_m013_u 1 c6FMagic.FMagic_m013_t301_u 1 1 1 Orc.MOrc_m003_u 1 c6Morc.MOrc_m003_t101_u 1 1 1 Orc.FOrc_m003_u 1 c6FORC.FOrc_m003_t101_u 1 1 1 Shaman.MShaman_m007_u 1 c6MShaman.MShaman_m007_t301_u 1 1 1 Shaman.FShaman_m007_u 1 c6FShaman.FShaman_m007_t301_u 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 4 MonSound.Hit_Normal_10 MonSound.Hit_Bone_4 MonSound.Hit_normal_12 MonSound.Hit_normal_3 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_cloth ItemSound.itemequip_armor_cloth 1 0 1 5 0 219 0 0 I added it to my SQL, I tried another ways but i can't fix it. Pls help me.
  5. itemname-e 9534 Desert Eagle Helmet a, -1 a, a, a, a, 0 0 0 a, armorgrp 1 9534 0 3 2 5 0 DropItems.drop_sack_m00 DropItemsTex.drop_sack_t00 IconsV4.armor_helmet_i00 4294967295 550 14 1 0 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 pls help me
  6. Very nice man thx for share
  7. thank you for your shard +1
  8. you only shared Heavy Set. hixhix pls can you share Light set and robe set ?
  9. Hi thanks Mr AVE. I only need Full Ice Weapon and Ice Armor ( Heavy, Light, Robe ). I very like it. The Glow weapon what you made very excelent. My Y!M police.l2ls@yahoo.com
  10. Mr AVE can u share me full Ice armor and weapon ? pls Y!M : police.l2ls@yahoo.com
  11. i cant download with 4share file. can u upload mediafile pls ?
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