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Posts posted by L2KingWorld

  1. kane akrivos etsi opos dixno ke pes mou an mpeni :)


    # Numbers of protocol revisions that server allows to connect.

    # Delimiter is ;

    # WARNING: <u><b><font color="red">Changing the protocol revision may result in incompatible communication and many errors in game!</font></b></u>

    # Default: 216

    AllowedProtocolRevisions = 216

  2. file vre to <Protocol> sta config

    # Minimum and maximum protocol revision that server allow to connect.

    # You must keep MinProtocolRevision <= MaxProtocolRevision.

    MinProtocolRevision = 765

    MaxProtocolRevision = 887


    ke kane to eksis

    MinProtocolRevision = 1

    MaxProtocolRevision = 999


    des etsi ke pes an einai afto... an oxi 8a se po alo ti na kaneis.



  3. helo erotisi gia Balance Classes




    # ------------------------------------------

    # L2J KingWorld Balance Classes Options

    # ------------------------------------------


    # ------------------------------------------

    # Balance Classes L2J KingWorld

    # ------------------------------------------

    # Attention! Users.

    # If uses values <= 0.9 Damage --".

    # If uses values => 1.1 Damage ++".


    # Ex: value = 0.5, -50 % of damage.

    # Ex: value = 1.0, damage normally.

    # Ex: value = 1.5, +50% of damage.


    # Enable Balance Classes?

    # Default = False

    EnableBalanceClasses = False


    # Damage Fights Initial

    PDamageFightInitial = 1.0

    MDamageFightInitial = 1.0


    # Damage Knight and Warrior

    PDamageKnight = 1.0

    MDamageKnight = 1.0


    # Damage Rogue, Scout, Assassin

    PDamageRogue = 1.0

    MDamageRogue = 1.0


    # Damage Mage Initial

    PDamageMageInitial = 1.0

    MDamageMageInitial = 1.0


    # Damage Wizard and Shaman

    PDamageWizard = 1.0

    MDamageWizard = 1.0


    # Damage Dagger

    PDamageDagger = 1.0

    MDamageDagger = 1.0


    # Damage Archer

    PDamageArcher = 1.0

    MDamageArcher = 1.0


    # Damage Tanker

    PDamageTanker = 1.0

    MDamageTanker = 1.0


    # Damage Gladiator and Blade Dancer

    PDamageDual = 1.0

    MDamageDual = 1.0


    # Damage Warlord

    PDamagePole = 1.0

    MDamagePole = 1.0


    # Damage Mages

    PDamageMage = 1.0

    MDamageMage = 1.0


    # Damage Orc Monk

    PDamageOrcMonk = 1.0

    MDamageOrcMonk = 1.0


    # Damage Orc Raider

    PDamageOrcRaider = 1.0

    MDamageOrcRaider = 1.0


    # Damage Dwarf

    PDamageDwarf = 1.0

    MDamageDwarf = 1.0


    # -----------------------------------------

    # Multiples Damages for Pets and Mobs

    # -----------------------------------------

    # Damage Multipliers for pets and summons.

    AltPDamagePets = 1.0

    AltMDamagePets = 1.0


    # Damage Multipliers for NPCs (mobs).

    AltPDamageNpc = 1.0

    AltMDamageNpc = 1.0


    # -----------------------------------

    # Characters Limits

    # -----------------------------------

    # Maximum character running speed.

    # Retail: 500

    MaxRunSpeed = 500


    # Maximum Evasion

    MaxEvasion = 200


    # Maximum character Magic Critical Rate. (10 = 1%)

    # Config more next to the Retail 'MaxMCritRate = 60'

    MaxMCritRate = 60


    # Modify the Maximum Critical Cap.

    # (Official Critical Cap is 500)

    # (Every 100 Critical = 10% Critical, so 500 Critical Cap = 50% Critical)

    MaxCritical = 500


    # By defining a value below other than zero (0)

    # you are putting a cap on the Maximum P.Attack Speed AND/OR M.Attack Speed.

    # (official = 1800 and 2500) Not Use (=0)

    MaxPAtkSpeed= 1800

    MaxMAtkSpeed= 2500


    # ------------------------------------

    # Dagger Skills Options

    # ------------------------------------

    # Alternative damage for dagger skills.

    # If uses values = 1.00, damage normally.

    # If uses values = 1.50, damage -50%.

    # If uses values = 2.00, damage -100%.

    DaggerReduceDmgVSRobe = 1.00

    DaggerRecudeDmgVSLight = 1.00

    DaggerRecuceDmgVSHeavy = 1.00


    # This gives the Administrator/Owner the option to modify the blow success in percent by a dagger.


    # Based on L2JKingWorld Blow Engine

    FrontBlow = 50

    BackBlow = 70

    SideBlow = 60


    # -----------------------------

    # Mage Options

    # -----------------------------

    #Retail for Crit. Magic Hits Damage * 4.0.

    MultipleMCrit = 4.0


    # -----------------------------

    #  Extra Options

    # -----------------------------

    #Increase or decrease running speed of characters.

    #10 adds 10 running speed, -10 removes 10.

    CustomRunSpeed = 0


    ti sto kalo prepi na kano edo ???

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